Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 7

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Daniel Geraghty, Cameron Byrd, Mike Montalbano, Chris Bourne, and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***

(Continuing) GRACIE’S POV
I turn on the TV and skim through channels when I hear the door creek open. I turn over to expect my mom walking in, but instead I got a huge surprise! I can tell Dan isn’t aware I'm awake so I act as if I am still sleeping. He walks over to my bed and sits beside me stroking my hair. My mom is still nowhere to be seen, at least what little bit I'm able to see without blowing my cover. He started humming a song but I wasn’t able to figure it out. A couple minutes later I hear my mom walk in. She steps up to my bed and laughs, my cover’s blown. I role over so they can’t see me smiling, but I break a smile before I can get the strength to.
“Oh I see how it is act as if you’re sleeping so you could spy on us, huh?!” Dan asks trying to keep a straight face.
I want to laugh more but all of a sudden the pain comes back and I'm unable to do anything but grab my stomach.
“Are you ok?” My mom asks seeing me grab my stomach.
“It’s just the pain coming back.” I say as if I'm supposed to be having this pain.
She walks out the room telling me she will be right back. I know she’s going to tell my nurse I'm awake, but I don’t want her to since Tiffany will give me medicine to ease the pain which in turn will make me sleepy again.
“Do you feel better?” Dan asks wrapping his arm around my shoulder trying not to get tangled in all the wires on me.
“A little better, but now that you’re here, a lot better.”
“I heard you’re in some pain.” Tiffany says walking into my room.
“Yeah but I'm ok now, it’s not very bad.” I say smiling at Dan, showing him I truly meant what I said.
“Ok but if you feel worse don’t worry about hitting the pager.” She says pointing to the medium size, red button with a picture of a nurse on it that’s placed on a remote beside the bed.
I shake my head in agreement and she leaves the room.
Dan spent the next two days at the hospital during the day with me, since he’s not considered family he wasn’t able to stay the night so my mom took to our house and I slept in the hospital alone. During the day when I napped Dan did also, He must have not slept well at night. My third day in the hospital he went home. He didn’t want to but my mom and I insisted on it. He seemed to be getting sleeper and sleeper as the hours went on.

*Day 6 in the hospital*

“Well I have good and bad news for you guys.” My doctor told my mom and me in the late afternoon. She was holding what seemed to look like a small packet of paper and a clipboard.
“The bad news first, please.” My mom replied waiting to hear the worse.
“Ok well Gracie will have to have surgery. It very minor I must say but it will still need recovery time.” My doctor said placing the packet and clipboard on the table over my bed.
“What’s the good news, then?” I asked wondering how something could be good after being told I had to have surgery.
“You get to leave today, we’re going to send you home with some pain meds to help and next week you will have surgery.”
I guess that is sort of good. I mean I haven’t slept in my own bed for a week. I don’t even remember what a quiet room and house sounds like. The hospital has had many people come in and out, machines go crazy with loud beeping noises that don’t let anyone sleep on this floor, and we can’t forget about the annoying blood pressure cup that was on my arm for the first four days checking my blood pressure every hour. So why wouldn’t I be happy to go home?
Returning home was one of the weirdest things I have experienced. The first night back I got little to no sleep, not hearing any noises kind of freaked me out. The next night I was told to take my pain medication which turned out to let me sleep the night through.
Turns out I had appendicitis, which explained the stomach pains. After having surgery I gained my strength back slowly, finally getting it all back a day before my seventh birthday
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sorry it took so long to update, I moved and had really weak internet for awhile..