Status: Being written

Count on You. Written by tae.

Chapter 8

***No copyright intended. Hollywood Ending is owned by Chris Bourne, Cameron Byrd, Daniel Geraghty and Tyler Wilson. All male characters are based off of these band members and do NOT reflect their personal thoughts, opinions or actions. All other characters in this story and their thoughts and actions are owned by the writer. Any resemblance to locations, personalities, names etc. is purely a coincidence***

The next time I went to the hospital wasn’t to visit someone but for myself! I was helping my mom move things around our living room when a large cabinet came crashing into me. I wasn’t hurt really bad just had a nice size knot on the back of my head and two stiches in my forehead. Other than that life has been treating Gracie and I pretty well. I obvisilly can’t go see her whenever I want but we see each other about every other weekend. I went to her party last weekend. It wasn’t a very big group of people but I think that’s how her and her mom wanted it. I brought Cameron and Tyler all also. She was surprised to see them but it made her smile. Next weekend is our one year anniversary crazy to think we’ve been together that long already! I decided to recreate my scavenger hunt just a little longer and funnier…for me anyways! ;)

“Wow it’s almost been a year!” Did I seriously just say Dan and I have been together for a year? Where has time gone?
“Are you sure?!” Lindsay asked making sure I was positive.
Things have calmed down a lot since my stay at the hospital. It’s just my mom and I again in the house. While one person left another came in, well feet came in anyways. He goes by the name Henry and is our new teacup yorkie puppy! He was my seventeenth birthday present along with his sister, who isn’t our yet, named Lily. She was the runt of the liter so they wanted to keep her a little longer to make sure she has no major medical problems come up. Well I guess I should get back to talking about Dan huh? I mean that’s what this story is about right? How we fell head over heels in a fairy tale sort of way. Well nothings perfect not even in paradise…