
Chapter 1

Its dark. Its cold. Can't scream. Can't... Move. What's happening? What happened? Can't remember...


Voices now. Its still dark. But warm now. And dry.

...Dry? When was I wet?

"Found her in the river. Her arms were bleedin', poor girl was in burns. She was screaming, she was. Poor thing... collapsed in my arms after we fished her out."

Fished me out? Burns? ...Blood? I try to move. Can't. Try to scream. Can't. I managed to make my eyes flutter but not enough to see.

When will it end? When will I wake up?


Bump bump bump. I feel my head hit something, I groan audibly this time.

"Did she just groan? Thought she was dead." It's a new voice. I try and open my eyes. I do.

I look around. A hospital ward? I sit up, my arms are numb. I look at them. Bandages?

"Look at that, little lassie woke up." I look at the man. He's grinning. I tilt my head to the side, and then....

I feel myself smile. I taste blood in my mouth. I hear myself giggle. The man isn't grinning anymore. He looks frightened. I raise a numb bandaged arm at him and start to feel fire in my chest. Flames burst forth from my hand and I hear a voice over the anguished cries of the man. I realize I'm producing the voice, yet it isn't my own. The voice screams:

"Burn you Bastard! Burn in the devilish skin you wear! Burn burn burn!! You'll not take another girl!"

And just like that, it stops. No flames. No man. Just ash. Black, disgusting ash.

A nurse burst in and looks at me. I look down.

"Don't wory honey, I won't hurt you..." he mumbles.

Clank. Crash. A needle enters my thigh. I don't wince. I just look up at him and nod as darkness over takes me.

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Chapter One. It takes place in Britain, all the speaking characters besides Ramona(The main character) are male.