
Chapter 4

“Elijah!” Samantha wailed, her hands caught up in the bedsheets. I liked it when she screamed my name like that. Good thing my apartment was completely soundproofed when I moved in.

Sweat stuck her hair to her forehead and made her skin glisten. The lights were all on, lighting up her body as if it were on display.

I held her hands above her head now, using just one hand. She squirmed under my gaze as I continued our love-making slowly. She liked it fast, not slow. She began to whine and thrust her hips into mine, to try and make me go faster. I gazed down at her and went as deeply into her as I could. Her eyes drifted closed and she bit her lip, to keep from moaning.

It was quiet in the room, until she started to moan again. We went at it for another hour or so, until I had exhausted her to the point that she couldn't even go home.

I stayed awake however, as she wrapped her arms around my torso to sleep.

I thought about Ramona. She was strange. She was beautiful. She was deadly.

Victor had picked her up for a reason, he had brought her to us because he wanted something from her.
She had no memory of murdering anyone, no idea what was inside her.

It was up to to unlock that part of her. I was going to put my life on the line to bring out her monster.


In the morning, Sam rushed home to change, and tell her husband she had fallen asleep at the office doing work.

I took my time. I showered, shaved, brushed my teeth, got dressed, and left for work, stopping for breakfast and a coffee on the way.

I walked into my office, set my coffee, breakfast and briefcase down. I changed into the nurse's garb I wore everyday for work, and went to check on Ramona.

The room I had put her in had a desk and chair, a bed, and a dresser filled with white hospital gowns. All the furniture in the room was white. Ramona's blonde hair was the only color in the room. Her skin tone matched the color of the walls.

She was asleep, with her back facing the wall. She didn't stir as I entered the room. I left as quietly as I had entered. I went to get her a hospital-issued breakfast, and returned to find her sitting up in bed. I set the tray on the desk and she cautiously walked over.

“I brought you from breakfast, I hope you're hungry,” I told her and she looked at everything on the tray. None of it looked appetizing to me, but she grabbed the muffin and began to nibble on the edges.

“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” She asked. I stared at her, and stuck my hands in my pockets.

“I did, very much so.”

She smiled and it made my skin crawl.
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:3 Finally got my chapter out. Sorry for the wait.