
Chapter 7

The sunlight hurt as we stepped out side. I clutched my muffin tightly.

"Ouch.." I put one hand over my eye. "Its so bright..." I stopped walking and felt him against my back. I blushed as he took my arm and led me out. The voice growled.

"Ramona, keep eating... We'll be at a safe place soon." He whispered to me softly. I shuddered and the voice laughed.

That's why we should have burned him. The voice giggled.

I sighed as we stopped on a hill, a little ways away from the asylum. We sat in the grass and I ate my muffin.

"Tell me Ramona, what did you do to me?" He asked looking at me purposefully. I glanced at him, than nibble more on my muffin.

"I fixed you... You were broken, and I fixed you, made you better..." He looked at me. "I didn't want to kill you, so I fixed you." I blushed a bit, the red draining as the voice grew very very angry.

You like him?! Let me out, I'll save you from this beast of a man... I felt myself grow hot.

"N-no.. I don't want t-to..." He looked at me as I dropped my muffin and grabbed my head. "No no no, no more killing, no more burning, no no no!!" I shouted and stood. The nurse followed me and held onto my arm. He cried out and let go.

Give up child. You cannot win against me. I screamed.

"No!!" I began to feel myself slipping away. I fought harder and latched on to my nurse. "D-don't let her get me...!!" I shouted. He stepped back from me. Everything was slipping now.

"Ramona, I can't... You must do it alone..." I realized right then that I wasn't in the real world, I was in hers, in my own head. My world didn't exist anymore.
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Sorry I took forever, I got caught up on life -.-"