Status: completed

Sweet Blasphemy

the confrontation

The next morning, Kelsey and MJ woke up to find themselves tucked into Kelsey's bed together. "I don't remember falling asleep here..." Kelsey said cautiously.
"I don't either." MJ agreed. "Oh my god, the boys must've done this before they left! Aw that's kinda sweet of them."
Kelsey thought over what had happened the night before. The last thing she remembered was laying her head down on Ashley's chest. "I'm really starting to like Ashley a lot." Kelsey said. "It's so weird though. I get the strange feeling that we've met before. I feel like I know him but I can't exactly remember from where."
"I dunno Kels." MJ said casually. "All I know is I gotta get home. I'll see you tonight, kay?"
"Ok, see ya!"


MJ was back at home finally. After she had showered, she put on some yoga pants and went outside to just sit and enjoy some alone time. One problem: She wasn't alone. Connie and her "possy" came walking by. MJ and Connie used to be friends but Connie was so mean to her that MJ decided to just end the friendship. "Oh look, it's MJ." Connie said. "Such a stupid name..." The "possy" laughed.
"Oh shut the fuck up Connie. Why are you such a bitch?" MJ defended herself.
"Me? A bitch? Well I'm not the one dating that gay douche from Black Veil fags." She and her friends cackled.
"I really can't believe you, Connie. Is your life that boring that you go around making fun of people to get a laugh? You're so pathetic. At least I'm not the one obsessed with Justin beaver-face Beiber. What are you, seven?"
"Oh shut up MJ. You're so lame. Why don't you just go listen to your stupid music and cut yourself like the little emo you are?"
"Ok, wait. There were so many things wrong with that sentence. First of all, I'm not lame. You are. Second of all, my music isn't stupid. You are. And third of all, emo? That's a bunch of bullshit. I'm not emo and I don't cut myself. Even if I did, that wouldn't classify me as emo. I don't believe in that at all. You're just a prissy little bitch with a trashy home who's life is so pathetic that you have to go around picking on people and calling them names to feel good about yourself. Get out of here. No one likes you."
"Ha. That's a lie. I have tons of friends."
"Oh? Ask them what they really think of you."
"We're friends, right girls?" Silence. Dead silence. "Right?!" Connie exclaimed.
"Well, Connie, to be honest, you are kind of a bitch." said one of them.
"Yeah. I can't deal with all the lies and rumors you start." said another.
"And all you want to do is start drama. I can't take it anymore. I have my own personal problems to deal with. I can't be taking your bullshit all the time. Also, I don't even like Justin Beiber. He sounds like a dying cat." another one added. They started walking away from her.
"Girls! Wait! Where are you going?!" Connie desperately begged.
"Away from you!" screamed one of them.
"Well," said Connie looking at MJ. "I hope you're happy. You proved your point. Thanks for ruining my life."
"I didn't ruin your life. I didn't tell you to be mean to people. Those were your actions. No one told you to do that. The only thing that I did was show them that what you were doing and how you decided to treat people was wrong. No one is responsible for your life but you. You can by all means go back to being a bully but I'm standing up for myself. I'm not going to let you or anyone else bring me down. I'm happy with my life. It's none of your business so why butt in? This is why people hate you so much, don't you see? If you would just cut the drama and bullying, people might start to actually like you."
"Whatever. I'm not gonna change because you told me. Like you said, I'm responsible for my life so let me live it the way I want."
"Fine. But if you ever decide to make fun of me or mess with me again just know I will stand up for myself."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Bye MJ."
MJ watched her walk away with her nose in the air, in that cocky fashion of hers. MJ was pretty content with her life at the moment. More content than she's been in a while. It was starting out to be a good day. Little did she know that things were about to take a turn for the worst.
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so i really like this chapter a lot. I hope everyone is enjoying it! sorry about chapters 8 and 9. they were kinda slow, i know. they were just kinda there to keep the story moving along. I'll have more up soon! (: