Status: completed

Sweet Blasphemy

the fight

There was a knock on the door. "Hey babe, what's up?" Andy said, opening the door. He saw MJ standing there and before she could say anything Andy said "Oh god. What's wrong?" He could read it on her face.
"I think we need to talk..." She told him about what she had found out about the other girl in LA. "I can't believe you!" she shouted. "How could you do this to me?! I loved you! I thought you loved me too! Why did you do this?! I- I can't even begin to tell you how mad and upset I am! I HATE YOU!"
"MJ stop this! I'm sorry! I didn't think-"
"You didn't think I would find out..."
"No that's not what I was going to say."
"Well, I'd love to hear what you were going to say. Go ahead. Explain yourself."
"I was just trying to fill the void of not having you with me or around anymore. I didn't know how else to deal with the pain."
"Bullshit. I felt the same pain you did everyday until you came back and not once did I ever go for anyone else because I believed you when you said we would be together again some day."
"And we are! Right now, right here!"
"No! I can't even stand to look at you after knowing what you did to me! I'm crushed! You can't just end things with me and then less than four hours be with another girl! Why did you even come back anyway?"
"Because I love you! Don't you see that?! I just want you to be mine forever!"
"Yeah, well i can't say the same right now...Just go, Andy. Go back to LA. I really just can't have you around anymore."
"But MJ please-"
"GO! Just get out! Now!" She turned running away and he watched her as she disappeared. The last thing he saw was her blonde hair swaying behind her and gleaming in the sun. She was gone-- forever. He stood frozen in place. He had just lost the girl of his dreams, his one true love, his Maryanna. He slowly walked back to the bus and up the stairs.
"Dude, what just happened out there? We heard shouting." CC said.
"I'd rather not talk about it, actually."
"Alright, dude. I understand."
"Let's just say we have to leave tomorrow. We're going back to LA."
"What?!" shouted Ashley. "What do you mean we're leaving?! We can't! I'm so close to getting her back!"
"I'm sorry Ash. I dunno. I'll go talk to Kelsey. She'll know how to deal with this."