Status: completed

Sweet Blasphemy

the flashback

"Hey there, I'm Andy." he said. "Nice to meet you."
"" she stuttered "I'm Maryanna but you can call me MJ" It was the first day of her freshman year of High school. Andy had just moved to Cape Cod and was now MJ's new next door neighbor. They stood awkwardly together waiting for the bus. "Wow he's really cute!" MJ thought to herself.
"Say something else stupid!" he thought to himself. "So you're really cute." Andy said giving her a half smile.
"Uh, oh, uh, um... wow thanks." MJ replied, blushing. The bus came and they got on. MJ sat three seats from the front and Andy went to the back. The day droned on until the very last class of the day, math class. MJ was the first one there. Kelsey was also in this class which made MJ feel a little better. The minute bell rang and Andy comes strolling in. "Oh my god, you are not serious!" MJ thought. She was really excited. He took the seat behind her. After 20 minutes, MJ looked down at her desk to see a note. It read:

MJ: I think you are really cute and super nice. I'd really like to get to know you. Maybe we can hang out this weekend? Text me: 555-0128
Andy ;)

It was as if all the breath had been sucked out of her. She nearly fainted, she was so excited. This was the first time any boy had shown any interest in her. MJ was a beautiful girl. She had been told her whole life by friends, family and even strangers how beautiful she was. She never believed them, ever. The bell rang and school was out. She couldn't wait to get home. The minute she got home she rushed to her room and called all her friends to tell them what happened that day with Andy. They were all excited for her. She texted Andy that night:

MJ: Hey Andy, it's MJ!
Andy: Oh hey there! What's up?
MJ: Well i was just wondering if you still would like to hang out this weekend?
Andy: Yeah of course I would! What would you want to do?

Hm. Well this was a dilemma. She had no idea what to say.

MJ: Um, lets just go to the mall I guess.
Andy: Ok if that's what you want to do then we'll do it (: pick you up at 5? Saturday?
MJ: Sounds perfect, cant wait!
Andy: cooool, laterrr

"AAAAHHHH!" she screamed. She couldn't believe it. Her first date! It was already Thursday so she called up her friends and they planned to have a sleepover on Friday night to prepare her. Saturday came in a flash. MJ was ready. At five o'clock sharp there was a knock on the front door. "MJ!" her mother called from the foot of the stairs. "Andy is here!" She ran down stairs to seem him standing there looking so amazing. "You ready?" he asked.
"Of course" she answered with a smile. They arrived at the mall and spent a good hour and a half there. Andy had found out that MJ had never had her first kiss yet.
"I want to take you somewhere" he said. They walked to main street and he brought her to the park there. They sat down on a bench together.
"The moon is really pretty tonight, isn't it?" she said.
"Almost as pretty as you." Andy smiled.
"He is so damn cute!" MJ thought to herself. Andy looked at her and said "Would you like your first kiss to be with me?" MJ nodded. Andy put his arm around her and she froze up. She didn't know what to do. Everything was happening so fast and it was suddenly becoming real. She had dreamed of this moment forever and now it was about to happen.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
MJ responded "Yeah, sorry. I'm just nervous I guess."
"Don't be, it'll be fine. I promise.
"O-ok "
Andy began to lean in and she did the same. Their lips met and she didn't know what to do then. He parted his lips and she did the same. He gently kissed her and the next thing she knew, it was over. Later that night, he walked her home. They stood on the door step together. "I had a great time tonight." said Andy.
"Yeah me too," MJ said. "Thanks for letting me borrow your jacket. Here..."
"No, keep it. I want you to have it."
"Aw thanks"
"Its getting kinda late. I better get home." He kissed her once more goodbye. Andy and MJ were together for a few weeks after that but then something horrible happened to MJ. Andy got a record deal and was moving to LA to start a band. That was the last time she saw him.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i think this chapter is a little bit better. There are a few chapters that I love and some i think are just completely horrible but I hope you guys are enjoying it!