Status: completed

Sweet Blasphemy

my best friend is gone

Kelsey woke up the next morning and had no clue where she was. She looked next to her and saw Jake was asleep. Everything started to come back to her now. "Aw, Jake looks so cute when he's sleeping." Kelsey mused. At that, Jake woke up and said "You're not too bad looking yourself." Kelsey turned bright red. Ashley had been watching the whole thing and was incredibly jealous. He had been in love with Kelsey since the moment they met. Kelsey put her hair up in a side ponytail which was her classic look. Anyone who knew Kelsey knew that she was known for her side ponytail. She stood there looking out the window. Ashley looked at her and memories began to flood his mind.


It was the summer before their freshman year. Kelsey was moving away in September and Ashley knew he had to talk to this girl before she moved. The two had been going to school together since kindergarten. Kelsey had never really noticed him before but he had liked her ever since the first grade and now she was moving. He had to at least get her number so they could stay in contact. He got more than her number, in fact, the two became best friends. They were practically inseparable all summer. They spent every waking moment together. The day had come that Ashley decided he was finally going to tell her how he really felt. He was on his way to Kelsey's house when he saw the moving truck drive by. He ran as fast as he could to Kelsey's house to see if she was still there. He got to the house to find it completely empty; not a car in sight. His best friend was gone. She never even told him she was leaving. "I never even got to say goodbye." Ashley said as a tear rolled down his cheek. Later that night, Ashley was sitting in his room thinking over everything that had gone on that day. He was so depressed that he didn't think he could go on without her or without saying goodbye. He made a makeshift noose and slid it around his neck but before he could take his life, the phone rang. It was Kelsey. "Don't do it!" Kelsey cried.
"What are you talking about?" Ashley asked, wondering how she knew.
"Don't kill yourself! I wouldn't be able to live myself without my best friend. Just because we're miles away doesn't mean we're not best friends and I still care about you!"
"Oh? Well you never told me you were leaving..."
"I didn't know I was leaving today! I woke up this morning and was going to call you to see if you wanted to hang out but my phone was gone and my parents said we were leaving."
"Oh." That's all he could say.
"I'm sorry!" Kelsey cried. "I promise we'll be together again one day. I know we will. I can't wait for that day to come."


Ashley snapped back into reality. He never found out how Kelsey had known to call him at that exact moment. Something was wrong with Kelsey now though. He couldn't exactly tell what it was but he knew something had happened; after all she didn't remember him. Ashley didn't know that Kelsey had been in a car accident on her way to Cape Cod where she moved. She didn't suffer much trauma but she had lost all her memories and didn't remember anything from her past. Ashley pulled Jake aside. "Dude, stop flirting with her."
"Why dude? It's not hurting anyone." Jake said.
"Yeah it is. Me. I'm in love with her and have been for a really long time."
Jake looked at him with a confused look on his face. "Uh, but we just met her like two days ago." Ashley then proceeded to tell him about their past and how they were best friends. The two guys looked over at the beautiful girl standing in their tour bus. CC had begun talking to her and they really seemed to be becoming good friends.
"We totally need to hang out with this chick more often guys." CC said. "She's the SHIT!!"
Kelsey burst out laughing.
"Hey!" she said. "That's what me and MJ say all the time! It's our thing! She was laughing so hard she could barely stand. She managed to pull out her phone and noticed it was already three in the afternoon. She had to go home and get ready for MJ to come over. "Aw shoot guys, I gotta get home."
"Aw why?" CC said.
"MJ and I are having a girls night tonight but don't worry, we'll hang out tomorrow ok? How about we all get together tomorrow and do something?"
"Sounds good to me," said Jake. "How about you Ashley?"
"Oh you are so dead when she's gone." Ashley whispered to Jake. Kelsey was looking at him with an expectant look.
"Yeah, uh, sounds good to me too."
"Ok! See you guys later. Text me CC!"
The last thing Ashley saw was her auburn hair all done up in that side ponytail; and then she was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i know that the story started off with MJ but i sorta threw in a side story with Kelsey so you'll read a little about her and then I'll get back to MJ in a few chapters so you'll just have to keep reading to find out what happens to the two of them