Status: Brand spanking new :D Tell me what you think by commenting and subscribing!

She's A Rebel

A Little Kush Goes A Long Way

I woke up and got a shock when I found myself entangled with Lance. Somehow in the night we had gotten completely tangled mess with his arm trapped under me and my legs tangled and hopelessly stuck between his. I sighed and wiggled around for a few moments trying to get free. Why did I even try? I was completely stuck and.. YES he rolled over and my legs became move-able again.

I hopped out of his bed and dug through the bags of clothes until I found the pants, midriff tee, and shoes I wanted. I snuck out of the room and headed towards what I hoped was the bathroom. I opened the door but instead of a toilet I was faced with the most amazing abs, v-lines, and just all over sexiness. Nikolai was in his boxers rummaging around for something to wear. I squeaked as he started to pull down his boxers and he turned around surprised.

“God damn it Devynn what the hell are you doing?” He yelled glaring at me.

“I uhm was looking for the kitchen! I mean bathroom!” I squeaked again closing the door and walking to the one across the hall. “Found it!” I yelled darting inside.

I had almost seen Nikolai naked. I’m glad I didn’t but at the same time I wish I had..

“Bad Devynn! Lance not Nikolai! Lance the sweet, amazing boy,” I thought out loud as I took off the skirt I was wearing and pulled on my new pants.

My outfit was classy yet still slightly Nikolai approvable. Super tight leopard print skinny’s, black midriff top, with a pair of simple white slip-on vans. I loved this ten times more then the barely skirt. I fixed my hair the way I was told and walked out to find Lance rubbing his sleepy eyes.

“OH hey babe,” He yawned pecking me on the cheek and walking into the bathroom I had just vacated.

I just smiled and walked into the kitchen to grab a hopefully non vegan snack. As I walked through the living room I caught Nikolai lighting up a bowl out of the corner of my eye. He just smiled his doped up smile and held up the bong signaling me to take it if I wanted it.

“What is that?” I asked sniffing the acrid air.

“Just some O.G Kush nothing to bad for your delicate self,” He smirked looking at my outfit.

“It smells weird.”

“Yet it tastes so good! Try a hit?” He asked getting up and grabbing me by the arm pretty much dragging me to the couch.

“I’ve never done drugs,” I said softly looking at the bong.

“There's a first time for everything,” He said simply handing it to me.

“I don’t even know how?” I asked praying that this excuse would get me out of it.

I’d never done drugs but this was just weird. I mean it seems fun but I just don’t know anything about it.

“Here you hold this end up to your mouth and breathe in when I lift the bowl,” He explained.

“Just this one hit and I’m done okay?”

“Sure babes just go for it.”

I help the end of the bong up to my mouth and waited for him to light.

“I’m not giving you a huge fucking hit cause it’s your first time,” He warned.

I nodded and waited as the lighter got nearer and nearer to the bowl. Before I knew it he was lifting the bowl and I was inhaling the acrid smoke. I started to breathe out but he stopped me.

“No Dev hold it in until you can’t any more,” He laughed at the confused look on my face.

I held the smoke in and exhaled when I felt like I was fixing to pass out. He smiled and started to take another hit when I felt the effects of the weed. My head felt like it was spinning and I relaxed back into the couch smiling like an idiot.

“Does Devy like the drugys?” Nikolai laughed after he exhaled his smoke.

“Devy defiantly likes the drugys now give me another hit,” I laughed as his eyes got wide.

“Damn girl. First time you’ve smoked and your begging. Good thing I like you or I’d make you pay,” He laughed as He handed me the bong.

I took another hit and passed it back and as time went by we loaded another bowl then another then another. I guess I liked this more then I though. The high felt amazing and Nikolai was right the weed tasted better then it smelled, but now that I’ve inhaled it even the stank smells like roses.

Nikolai got up and walked the bong, himself, and the amazing weed into his room. I sighed and laid down and closed my eyes enjoying this feeling of utter relaxation. I have never ever been this relaxed and I can honestly say it felt great. I heard some noises and sat up as Lance entered the room sniffing.

“Nikolai was smoking wasn’t he?” He asked with an angry look on his face.

“Yeah he was,” I mumbled rubbing my eyes.

“Are you high Devynn,” He asked glaring at Nikolai’s room.

“No Lance I’m not high. My allergies are acting up,” I laughed adding a sniff for effect.

“Good cause I don’t want you getting into that shit,” He smiled coming to sit next to me.

I smiled and pecked him on the cheek.

“I’ll be right back I uhm forgot to put deodorant on,” I said casually as I walked out of the room and into the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and sprayed my clothes down with perfume before I walked back out so Lance wouldn’t smell it at all. I had no idea if it stayed on my breath but I knew it was on my clothes. I smiled into the mirror and put on some mascara to make my eyes pop. As I was doing so I noticed my eyes were EXTREMELY red. I panicked and dug around in the bathroom searching for eye drops. I found some and easily dropped them in before walking out smiling like nothing had happened.

Nikolai was rummaging in the kitchen looking for food. I stared and wished I could to but I knew that would hint Lance that I had smoked. I just sat down beside him and held his hand acting like I wasn’t so blazed that I could see the dust motes dancing.

“Babe you hungry?” Lance eventually asked.

“Starving,” I smiled as he walked into the kitchen.

I had skipped school, kissed and extremely hot guy, lied to my mom, got hot clothes, piercings, and my hair dyed, got a boyfriend, slept in the same bed as a guy, got a boyfriend, and smoked weed. Things were going downhill fast, but I must say.. I quite enjoy it going like this..

I was rummaging through the fridge when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Hey come on in!" Nikolai yelled towards the door in between shoving cereal into his mouth.

"What's up?" I heard a familiar voice asked as a girl walked in the door.

Kassey was here!
♠ ♠ ♠
INSANE FOREVER: *dodges things thrown* I LOVE YOU D:

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This was a filler!

INSANE FOREVER: More of your character in next chapter(:
