Status: One Shot SongFic

Is This the Place We Used to Love?

Oh Simple Thing Where Have You Gone?

I walked across an empty land
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand
I felt the earth beneath my feet
Sat by the river and it made me complete

I walked to the familiar path to Brian and I’s spot in Central Park. It was always are spot. I first met Brian at the spot. I was seven and I ran and hid in a secluded area behind some bushes to cry. I was crying because some other kids where making fun of me because of how I talked. My family and I moved from Scotland to Huntington Beach a few months ago, and because of my accent kids made fun of me. I was crying and I heard the bushes rustling. Looking up I saw a boy with dark brown eyes and black hair. He looked to be around my age. I froze did another kid find me to make fun of me? The boy spoke and asked me if I was alright. With that simple question a friendship started. I told Brian about the kids making fun of me and he told me that he liked my accent, it sounded cool. That was ten years ago , both Brian and I were eighteen . I finally made it to the spot, Brian wasn’t here yet but he would be soon. I was in love with Brian and we had been going out for the past year. I couldn’t believe that I was with Brian. He asked me to meet him here after I got off of work. I didn’t know why he wanted to meet me here but it must be important, for him to want to tell me here instead of at home or on the phone. After five minutes of waiting Brian arrived. Smiling I greeted him with a small kiss. Brian smiled and said, “Babe I have some great news!.” Hearing how excited he sounded and seeing that big smile made me smile. Smiling I asked,” What is it Brian?” He hugged me and told me the most bittersweet news, he said,” Abby, Avenged Sevenfold’s going on tour!” I smiled and hiding some of my sadness in my voice I said, “That’s great Brian! You and the guys deserve this!” They did and I was glad Brian was going to have be living his dream, but I was sad that he would be away from me for awhile. Plus I was worried too, what if he met someone better on tour? We spent the rest of our time at the spot smiling and talking about how great tour would be.

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

Brian left for tour a week ago and I miss him every day. I’m glad he calls every night after the shows. It just sucks that I can’t call him because he calls from a payphone. I love hearing about all the fun and excitement he’s having, I’m happy to hear he’s finally living his dream. Brian deserves to live his dream. Brian was an amazing person and he deserved to have his dreams come true, no matter what they were.

I came across a fallen tree
I felt the branches of it looking at me
Is this the place we used to love?
Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin

Brian’s been on tour for three months now and he barely calls. I’m lucky to hear from him once a week. It’s starting to worry me. What if he did find someone better on tour? What if he realized I wasn’t good enough for him? What if he doesn’t care about me anymore? I mean I know touring must be busy but couldn’t he at least try to call maybe twice a week? Maybe I’m being paranoid. Maybe I’m just letting my fears get to me. Maybe that’s all it is. Brian loves me, he’s told me countless of times.

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
Talk about it somewhere only we know?
This could be the end of everything
So why don't we go somewhere only we know?
Somewhere only we know

Brian’s home from tour and he asked me to meet him at our spot. I’m a little worried because he didn’t sound like himself on the phone. Finally I reach the spot and I see Brian there leaning against the tree smoking a Marlboro cigarette. I smile and go up to him and try to kiss him, he turns his head so I only kiss his cheek. My smile falters because he never does this. Quietly I ask,” Brian what’s the matter?” He sighs and says, “I don’t think we should be together anymore Abby.” Shocked I choke out a question, “Why?”. He sighed and said, “ I realized on tour that I’m young and I don’t need to be tied down and you don’t need to waste your time waiting on me.” Trying not to cry I say,” Brian waiting for you to come home while you live your dream is never a waste of my time! I love you!” He shakes his head and says,” It’s not going to work out Abby. It’s over.” I stay in my place and my tears slowly come down my face as Brian walks away. So here I was crying in the same spot where I met the boy that stopped my crying years ago. I’m alone in our spot, crying in the place where everything began and where everything ended.
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I want to give a Thank You to all who have read this story. Also I appreciate criticism, if you think something was good, bad, awful, or great I want to know. If you have any sugggestions to help improve my writing style I would be glad to hear them. Thank You.