

If you looked at my birth certificate you’d see that my given name is Rachelle Delaney Devereux. I was born October thirty-first I’ve heard it all before black cats, witches, and spooky things. I’ve had the same best friend literally since birth Alexandria Rousseau we’re both seniors this year at Mystic Falls High School. Our town is small, everyone here knows everyone and it’s exactly like out of a storybook. The founding families, some of them are still around well their ancestors are. There has always been something weird about Mystic Falls, but when you’ve lived here long enough you start to ignore it. It wasn’t until the first day of school that I called Alexandria panicking about what to wear.

“Lexi I don’t know what to wear! I bought those black skinny jeans on sale at the mall last week, but they don’t look right with the shirt I want to wear,” I complained into my cell phone’s receiver.

“Rachelle calm down it’s just school with everyone we’ve known since kindergarten it’s not like there will be anyone new this year.”

Lexi was the calmer of us two and it surprised me when I chose black skinny jeans, and a blue butterfly top and just brushed my hair skipping the make up and then headed out to my 2004 Volkswagon Beetle to head to the prison that I called school. I would meet the others in the courtyard outside the cafeteria.

Once I pulled up next to Elena Gilbert in the parking lot I stepped out of the car excited to see her. She waved and I saw Alex pull in too, and decided to wait for her to come up to walk to our first class which we already knew we had together homeroom also with Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood, Caroline Forbes, Elena, and Bonnie Bennett. Pretty much our group of friends since birth. Matt had a sister named Vicky, but she passed away earlier in the year. That’s when the town thought some creepy serial killer was on the loose or so we’ve been told. Everything is hush hush with the founding families in Mystic Falls. Sherriff Forbes keeps everything in line.

Mr. Lockwood was the mayor until he too perished early last year. Once Lexi came up to the sidewalk I also saw Jeremy Gilbert walk towards the back of the school where the stoners hang.

“He’s cute…” I murmured to Lexi.

“Who?” she asked looking around, Jeremy had already turned the corner.

“Jeremy Gilbert that’s who,” I smiled at the thought of his dark eyes, and soft looking hair.

“Rachelle Devereux he’s younger than us!”

I laughed and shrugged it off as we got closer to where the group was standing. If Elena heard my talking about her brother she’d probably kill me. He dated Bonnie, and some weird chick last year who was really pale. I never caught her name Hannah, Anna, Banana?

Matt yelled, “Alex, Rachelle!”

I smiled I liked Matt he was like the big brother I never had. I didn’t mean to say that out of bad taste for Vicky, but it was true. He looked out for and protected all of us he dated Elena until last summer that is and she broke up with him obviously breaking his heart. He had always been much closer to Alex than I, but I still loved him all the same. I reached out to give him a hug and then to give Tyler a hug. Over the course of a year Tyler’s eyes had changed there was something going on within him I could feel that much.

The bell rang and I started to walk towards the doors Jeremy walked past me and suddenly stopped and turned around. I stared a confused look on my face.

“Want to skip class with me?” he blurted out.

I bit my lip and looked back at the others still standing in the courtyard discussing something so intently. I nodded and replied, “Why not?”

We walked towards the path in the back of our school knowing well which way to go. I followed him wondering why I was doing this, I was not the type of girl to skip school. We ran through the woods already knowing where to go since this was our old exploring grounds. Jeremy ran out of site, knowing where he was going I ran after him at a jogging pace and soon ran into something hard and solid.

A man, a blonde man not much older than me. He had piercing blue eyes cold blue eyes. He smiled a menacing grin and in a voice littered with an accent asked, “Shouldn’t you be in school darling?”

I stood there quiet, not wanting to answer the question I went to run away and he blocked me off. “Ah ah ah, answer the question.” something in his eyes compelled me to do so.

“Yes, but I don’t want to be there.” I mumbled lost in a daze of blue sky.

“And why not?”

“So much grief, too much loss.” I shook myself out of it once he stopped looking at me.

“Well then dear, you’ve not seen me here. Be on your way,” he smirked before running off into the woods.

I stood there stupidly for a moment long before Jeremy had come over and tugged on my shoulder. I looked at him and smiled, “I don’t feel so great.”

“Do you want to go back?” he asked.

“Nah I think I want to go home and lay down.” I knew my parents would both be at work and just something didn’t feel right. I knew something was coming, something big. I couldn’t put my finger on it though.
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Hope you guys like =)