

You’d think that living in a small town in Virginia would tend to kill it’s teenagers with boredom, but not here in Mystic falls. No, here there is something much more sinister lurking in the shadows than just your average low life. Too many people have died, too many people have disappeared. I can feel something dark stirring in the back of my mind. Something is coming, and not everyone is going to make it out alive.

My eyes flew open as I sat up and gasped for air; my dark hair slick with sweat. I blinked a few times looking at the clock on my nightstand. The bright red glare stated that it was four in the morning. I sighed and turned off my alarm two hours early.

I slowly walked into the bathroom and slipped off my clothes. Goosebumps scattered across my pale skin as I turned on the bath, I slumped down into the water letting it heat my cold skin and ease my ragged breathing.

Who would of thought that I, Alex Rousseau could be awoken from a dead sleep and gasping for breath from a feeling. I shook my head and stood from the cooling water and turned on the shower to quickly wash my hair.

Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped a dark blue fluffy towel around my body and headed back into my room just as my cellphone blared “Oops, I did it again” by Britney Spears.

I quickly crawled over my bed and grabbed my phone off of the nightstand, “Hello?” I said into the receiver.

“Lexi I don’t know what to wear! I bought those black skinny jeans on sale at the mall last week, but they don’t look right with the shirt I want to wear,” I rolled my eyes as I listened to my best friend since birth whine.

“Rachelle calm down it’s just school with everyone we’ve known since kindergarten; it’s not like there will be anyone new this year,” I stated calmly.

Rachelle had always been the more neurotic one out of us both and knowing her since birth I know her like the back of my hand. She had always seemed to get her panties in a bunch over the littlest thing but, she was like the sister I never had and the best friend I could always count on. I smiled as I said goodbye and started getting ready for school.

By the time I arrived at school it was fifteen minutes til the first bell rang signaling the students to head to home room. I saw Rachelle locking her car door and waiting for me on the sidewalk as I pulled into the Mystic Falls High school.

I smiled as I joined her on the sidewalk and we began walking towards our group of friends that we had known since kindergarden.

“He’s cute…” I heard Lexi murmur to me.

“Who?” I asked looking around.

“Jeremy Gilbert that’s who,” she smiled as a dreamy stare graced her face.

“Rachelle Devereux he’s younger than us!” I laughed loudly as we finally reached our friends. She shrugged and gave a small laugh as our friend Matt called out to her.

Matt was blonde and blue eyed. He was just as beautiful as he was kind. His sister Vicky had recently died earlier in the year and I was worried about him. I could see him every now and again sneak a peek at my other best friend Elena Gilbert.

Elegant and small, Elena was everything you’d figure a popular girl would and wouldn’t be. Elena was dark haired and had dark sun kissed skin. Matt and her had dated until last summer when her parents died tragically in a car accident. Elena was in the car with them as well but, she had some how miraculously survived. But that wasn’t the only heartache she would face, earlier this year her aunt Jenna had even died from some freak accident.

I smiled sadly at her as she talked with Bonnie, another good friend of mine. Bonnie was short with dark skin and dark hair. She was graceful and light on her toes. She always seemed to have an air of mystery and magic surrounding her.

Looking out the corner of my eye I saw Rachelle give Tyler Lockwood a hug as she spoke to him and Matt. Tyler’s father had been mayor of Mystic Falls before he was killed in a fire not too long ago. It seemed like everyone was dying these days. Tyler had been threw a lot this past year and it showed through in his eyes. I didn’t know the whole story, but I could see that something was going on somewhere deep inside him.

A flash of blonde hair danced across my field of vision and there was Caroline Forbes with a devilish smile placed across her face.

“Caroline,” I said in greeting as I nodded my head lightly. She smiled back and said hello as she gave me a quick hug and dashed over towards Tyler, giving him a peck on his cheek. Caroline’s mom was the town’s sheriff and always seemed to be in the middle of something. Usually Caroline was full of herself and was quit a pain, but recently she been more mellow. She seemed more graceful and exotic.

As the bell rang for homeroom I walked along with Elena and Bonnie towards our first class. I could see Rachelle from the corner of my eye darting off into the woods near the high school with Jeremy Gilbert, Elena’s younger brother. I shook my head and smiled as I lost sight of her threw the trees.

“So where’s Stefan these days Elena?” I asked as I sat down beside her.

“Not.. sure,” she replied. I could see a slight flinch flash across her face.

“Right here Lex,” I gasped as I looked up and saw Stefan sit in front of Matt. He looked different. His eyes were darker, his skin more pale. I could see Elena become uncomfortable and slouch down into her seat as Alaric Saltzman our schools history teacher walked through the door.

I wondered what was going on. I could see the way that Elena, Bonnie, Caroline, and even Alaric eyed Stefan. I felt left out on some secret that only they knew and had yet to tell everyone else. A loud bang erupted as the classroom’s door busted open and a girl around my age strut in.

She was gorgeous in a dangerous, feline kind of way. The way she owned the atmosphere clearly stated that she knew how to get her way. Alaric choked on a sip of water as his eyes landed on the girl. Elena and Bonnie were clearly surprised that this girl was even here and the eerie smile on Stefan’s face had me thinking that this stranger was somehow in on their secret.

She gracefully walked across the room and sat next to Stefan.

“Rebecca,” he stated with a flirtacious grin. whaaa-haaa-hat? Now, seriously what is going on? Why aren’t Elena and Stefan talking? And why is he flirting with her.

Class seemed to slowly tick by; my eyes barely staying open.

A man, a blonde man not much older than me. He had piercing blue eyes cold blue eyes. He smiled a menacing grin and in a voice littered with an accent asked, “Shouldn’t you be in school darling?”

I stood there quiet, not wanting to answer the question I went to run away and he blocked me off. “Ah ah ah, answer the question.” something in his eyes compelled me to do so.

“Yes, but I don’t want to be there.” I mumbled lost in a daze of blue sky.

“And why not?”

“So much grief, too much loss.” I shook myself out of it once he stopped looking at me.

“Well then dear, you’ve not seen me here. Be on your way,” he smirked before running off into the woods.

Jolting upright with a scream lodged deep in my throat. I glanced around to see curious and worried eyes staring back at me. With my heart beating hard in my chest, I grabbed my bag from the floor and raced out the door.

Worried cries and someone yelling out my name vanished as I thought about one thing and one thing only. I could feel it in my bones, Rachelle was in trouble and she needed me. I had to find her and somewhere in my gut knew to try her at home.

I’m coming Rach. Hold on.
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