

I stormed off into the direction of my room trying to come together with the thought that I was a witch. Bonnie had told us that we were witches. I didn’t understand, no one in my family were magical. Not my mother, not my sister, and it sure as hell wasn’t my father. None of it made any sense. I shut my eyes and felt a scream build up in my stomach and I let it out, the glass in my window pane exploded and hit the floor. My bedroom door burst open and there stood Alex a shocked looked on her face.

“Rachelle are you okay?”

My eyes met hers and I shook my head no. I wanted to start crying, but something inside me shut off I sat on my bed and wrung my hands together. “Alex this doesn’t make sense our parents.. they aren’t magical I mean think about it we grew up in a completely boring environment where we weren’t even fucking aware that vampires, werewolves and witches existed. Our best friends didn’t have magical powers!”

“Rachelle just calm down it’s not that big of a deal the place we live in is called Mystic Falls and we always did have a problem with the founding families sneaking around. Daddy was on the phone with Mayor Lockwood a couple months ago about a council. There has to be something more about our town that we have no idea about. We need answers and we will get them. You need to stay calm though.” She wrapped her hands around my shoulders and pulled me closer.

“Is she alright?” Jeremy asked from the doorway.

Alex lifted her head and she glanced at me as if to make sure I was okay and I just shrugged. I wasn’t sure how to react; I didn’t know how to feel. She said, “I’m going to just finish up with the others.”

Jeremy sat on the bed next to me the feeling in my stomach burned with rage and lust something I’d never felt before. Either he was angry or I was; I wasn’t sure what was going on at the moment.

“You know Bonnie can help you right? You’re not alone people are all around you. See this ring, if I wear it and get seriously injured or killed it will bring me back to life. It only works on humans though.” He said as he held out his hand where a silver ring set with a pitch black stone sat with a silver print of some type of crest stamped in the middle. “You’re not the only one who feels like a freak around here Rach,”

I couldn’t really think of anything to say and I choked back a sob. I knew he’d been through so much with his and Elena’s parents dying, their Aunt Jenna and now this. I just wanted for my friends to feel normal again; I wanted there to be a way that we could all go back to the beginning before all this crap started.

I heard the door slam and Elena say, “What do you want Stefan?!”

Her normally calm demeanor transformed into anger and it was noticeable in her tone. Jeremy stood up and I followed him into the front room. I had given Stefan an invitation to enter my house earlier that summer, my skin crawled knowing that Klaus had turned him against us and knowing he had access to the house. I gave him a dubious look I stared down the group of friends I had, had since grade school. We were all in danger why, why did this Klaus person want anything to do with me.

I looked behind Stefan outside the doorway and Damon hissed, “What is she doing here I thought she would be out sucking the blood out of some poor miscreant stupid enough to trust her?”

“She came along to observe,” Stefan laughed his tone cold and bitter.

Electricity rippled through me and I looked at Alex something was not right about the blonde standing outside. Damon threw a glare in her direction and Alex put on a face I knew that normally would mean that she was upset, but I could feel the anger rippling through her. I blinked and asked, “Who are you?”

“Rebecca may I come in?” her British accent was polished and I could see that there was something menacing behind her crystal blue eyes. Her hair hung down her back a straight sheath of blonde, a black headband settling atop her head holding back her unruly bangs.

I said, Wh-.”

“No!” Elena cut me off with a shout. Jeremy’s arms wrapped protectively around my shoulders and Stefan glared at Elena.

“You cannot stop Klaus he will have what he wants, why he wants them I will never know.” He sneered in Alex and I’s direction.

Everyone gasped in shock as their eyes quickly landed on Alex and I. Rebecca had a sinister smile on her face as she silently whispered oopsies in mock innocence. Tears flowed from Alex as she learned that she too was now in more danger than she had been a moment before. Damon hissed as he walked up behind her and tugged on her shirt to get her to leave the room. I watched as they left and turned back towards Stefan and Rebecca.

I just wanted the day to be over; the whirlwind of activity had me at a loss. I glanced at the clock on the wall closest to me and realized that my parents would be home shortly. My bones ached for some reason that I could not identify and my blood boiled with familiarity. My temples throbbed and I closed my eyes for a second as pictures flashed before me.

An old farmhouse probably from the Viking era stood before me as I saw two boys standing around. “Henrik look at their bodies!” a teenager with blonde hair whispered.

“Niklaus be silent,” the boy harshly whispered. He was younger than the other boy with him.

There was an eerie howl and a form jumped out of nowhere landing on the boy tearing his chest apart, Niklaus kept quiet for fear of being found until the form left the younger boy. He lifted the smaller man and carried him a few 100 yards into a village.

“Help me father!” Niklaus shouted.

A man and woman came running out of a medium sized hut followed by a teenage girl. Tears fell and mixed with blood, as the woman cradled the young boy to her chest.

“This is all your fault Niklaus!” he screamed, “If it wasn’t for you Henrik would still be alive”.
The man turned to the teenage girl, “Help your mother inside Rebecca…”

I inhaled a deep breath as I came out of the trance. I opened my eyes and a scream ripped from deep within me as I fell backwards trying to get away from the doorway. I felt strong arms come around me protecting my small frame from crashing to the ground. My eyes locked onto the blonde, the same blonde from my vision. I could feel it deep within my soul, this girl wasn’t human. She was vampire. I pointed accusingly at her as I shouted, “Get out! Get out! You blood sucking vampire!”

She laughed as if I had just guessed who she was, and Stefan said, “Good guess Rachelle I must applaud you.”

He rolled his eyes and began clapping as he shifted slowly out of the hallway and onto the porch joining the blonde as she waved back dangerously and then like a flash of lightning we were left alone.

Walking away from the wall, Alaric strode over to me addressing everyone as if he was a drill sergeant, “Caroline, Elena come with me we’re going to do some more research. Bonnie, Jeremy can you stay with Alex and Rachelle- help them understand?”

I shook my head, “I just want to lay down and rest. I don’t want to understand. All I want is to see my parents and live a normal life. Take it back, take it all back.”

Alex walked back into the room with Damon at her side and said, “I need to get home and talk to my parents I want to know what’s going on.”

Bonnie looked at me and me and smiled gently, “Call me if you need me I’ll be at the grill.”

I smiled at her gratefully almost weakly Jeremy grabbed my hand and led me towards Alex. I gave her a hug and said, “Call me after you talk to them?

She gave a small smile and a wave and walked toward the front door Damon following her close behind. Jeremy gave no indication that he was going to leave and I sighed letting him follow me to my room once more. I knew that my parents would be home, but I just didn’t care anymore. I knew that Alex must have felt the same alone, lost, confused. I just wanted answers and I didn’t know where to find them, I sat on my bed and looked out at the window; dusk had just begun approaching the evening sky. I turned everything off not letting my emotions get to me as I laid my head against Jeremy’s shoulder.

“What is this all about?” I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and slowly stroked my palm and I listened to his heartbeat this was weird I hadn’t felt this with anyone. I hadn’t felt anything for the entire day an entire buzz slipped up from my toes and into my chest. I looked him in the eyes realizing we were all a little frightened, and overwhelmed. There were no answers or any reasons for anything that we’d all been through.

This battle, this curse whatever it was started before any of us were born a vampire hybrid had taken Jenna’s life, he had turned Tyler someone I had known since I was little. Caroline had been turned, Bonnie was a witch and Elena was a doppleganger I knew one thing I wanted to run. I knew Destiny must have something more planned for me.

“Can we just leave and never come back?” I asked no one in particular.

“We have to be strong Rachelle we can’t let him know that we’re scared. He feeds on it no matter how far we run Klaus and his henchmen whatever they are called will find us. There is no end until we find out why this is all happening.”

I nodded coming back to reality I heard the creak of car breaks I knew that my mother was home and I had so much to speak to her about. I was starving, and I just wanted to know what was going on.

“You should go out the window my mom his home,” I looked up toward Jeremy.

“One thing Rachelle.”

He reached down for my chin and pulled me closer to him, his lips touching mine gently. I kissed back feeling an electrical surge going through my entire body. He pulled back and headed towards the window he lifted one leg outside and said, “Call me later?”

I smiled and said,” Alright I’ll let you know what happens.”

As he climbed out the window I headed for the staircase and down into the kitchen where I knew my mother would be waiting for me she probably brought food home with her. I walked in to grab a bottle of water sat on the counter and she looked at me, “ Hi darling how was your day at school?”

“Am I witch?” I asked my voice flat.

“What? What are you talking about?” she asked dropping the bag she was holding on the counter.

“Am I a witch mom?! There has been some creepy things going on around Alex and I. AM I A WITCH?”

“Honey… that’s absurd… your father…..”

I flung my hand into the hair and the bagels flew out of the packet and onto the floor.

“AM. I. A . WITCH. MOM?” my voice rose with each word.

“Honey you were adopted you and Alex both our families were on a list to adopt and we found you when you were three weeks old and the Rousseau’s adopted Alex. Baby the adoption agency told us your father and I that your parents abandoned you not long after your birth. We have no idea who your birth parents are and we felt it wasn’t something that we should tell you because their was no hope in finding them . Sweetheart I never meant for this to happen. I never meant for you to find out this way.”

I stood there in shock, “Was there at least a name?”

“No Rachelle they didn’t even give you a name we picked your name Rachelle for your grandmother, Delaney for your great grandmother. We don’t know anything the doctor’s don’t either, an envelope came for you years after your birth. You were about five years old, it was signed Alicia. That’s all I know sweetie.”

“Where is it?” I demanded wanting to see what had once been mine but then changed.

She walked to her bedroom and I followed and she pulled out the drawer beneath her jewelry box. She held a note in her hand when she resumed from it. I opened it and glanced at the loopy handwriting taking it in.

My darling daughter,

I am sorry for not being in your life you’re much safer where you are now with your own. Your parents Mr. and Mrs. Devereux I were told are taking good care of you. There is something I must give you my daughter. Enclosed in this letter is a necklace please place this around your neck when the time is right you will know when you need it. Please forgive me I love you.


I asked, “Where’s the necklace mom?”

She handed me a silver chain with a delicate, milky white stone enclosed with diamonds. I clasped the chain behind my neck and I felt a surge of energy go through me. Once the necklace rested on my chest my thoughts aligned. The voices spoke and I understood.

Stop him. Stop him now they whispered.

Something bigger was coming, I knew it we all knew it. I grabbed my leather jacket and headed down the stairs.

Alex I’m coming we’re going to figure this out together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you Destiny and Holly for the comments we love you <3