

I sat there watching the life I had once had a few minutes ago, fly right out the door. Tears silently fell from my eyes as I realized that nothing was ever going to be the same. I was a witch and there was no way of going back from that.

A door slamming somewhere in the house pulled me out of my daze. I looked around and saw that Rach was no longer sitting next to me. Elena had slight tears in her eyes as well as she felt the pain Rachelle and I now endured. Bonnie and Caroline stood off to the side watching my every move as I slowly breathed in and out. Alaric and Jeremy stood silently. Damon was leaning against the far wall with his arms tightly crossed against his chest. His eyes were dark with anger and worry as he watched me from the corner of his eyes.

“I’m going to go and check on her,” I said as I stood from my seat and wiped the tears on my face.

Damon stood up straight unlocking his arms and was about to say something when a large crash reverberated around the house. I gasped in shock as I ran head on to Rachelle’s room and yanked the door open.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

Her eyes fell on me and she shook her head no. I sighed and walked towards her, now was the time for me to be strong. Rachelle needed me, I was her best friend and she counted on me to make things better. Or at least as best I could.

"Rachelle just calm down,” I said. “It's not that big of a deal… We do live in Mystic Falls and have always had a problem with some of the founding families sneaking around.”

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and pulled her close to me as I continued, “Daddy was on the phone with Mayor Lockwood a couple months ago about a council. There has to be something more about our town that we have no idea about. We need answers and we will get them. You need to stay calm though."

She nodded slightly as we sat down on her bed and looked at the floor.

“Is she alright?”

We looked up at the door and saw Jeremy standing there awkwardly. I looked over at Rach to see if she wanted to be alone with Jer, she shrugged nonchalantly. I smiled at her weakly and stood up, “I’m just going to finish up with the others”.

I patted her lightly on the back and started out of the room. I smiled slightly at Jeremy as I passed him on the way out.

I walked silently down the hall and back out towards the living room when a knock on the door made me jump. I laughed to myself as I walked over and opened the door; standing there was Stefan and the girl from earlier at school.

“I- what are you doing here?” I said accusingly.

He flashed me a wicked grin as we walked gracefully over the threshold and into Rachelle’s house. Uh oh, I forgot he had been invited in a couple months back. So much has changed since then; I’m amazed I remember anything now.

Elena walked into the hallway and stopped dead in her tracks. A strong breeze tore through the house and slammed the door so hard that it bounced right back open. How… strange.

“What do you want Stefan?” Elena said annoyed. She crossed her arms against her chest tightly as she watched him like a hawk.

Stefan eyed Elena up and down with a weird glint in his eye as he opened his mouth to speak.

"What is she doing here?” Damon hissed as he walked up behind me. “I thought she would be out sucking the blood out of some poor miscreant stupid enough to trust her?"

"She came along to observe," Stefan laughed his tone cold and bitter.

Just then Rach and Jeremy walked in and stood next to me behind Damon.

My blood boiled as I glared at Stefan. What a freaking dick. I could feel electricity lightly caress my skin as I looked over at Rachelle. Her eyes were black with rage as she looked at Stefan and the unknown girl.

The girl moved around Stefan and spoke to Rachelle, “I’m Rebecca,” she smiled pleasantly; almost too pleasantly, “May I come in?”

“Wha-,” Rachelle began.

"No!" Elena said cutting her off with a shout. Jeremy's arms wrapped protectively around Rachelle’s shoulders and Stefan glared menacingly back at Elena.

"You cannot stop Klaus, he will have what he wants, and why he wants them I will never know." He sneered in the direction of Rachelle and I.

Everyone gasped in shock as their eyes quickly landed on Rachelle and I. Rebecca smiled viciously and whispered oops. Damon tugged on my shirt and pulled me out of the room as tears began to fall from my eyes. What the hell? Klaus wants me too…

Just then a faraway look flashed across Rachelle’s face as her legs buckled beneath her. Jeremy quickly wrapped his arms around her waist before she cracked her head against the hardwood floor.

“What the hell?” I said angrily as I pulled out of Damon’s grasp and bent down towards Rachelle, “What’d you do to her?”

Rebecca looked offended as I swiped Rach’s bangs out of the way of her face. I could see that her eyes were closed softly; as if she were asleep. Behind her closed eyes I could see fast fluttery movements as if she was in a nightmare and couldn’t escape it.

I lightly patted her on the cheek, “Rach, hellooo Rachelle!”

“What’s wrong with her?” I heard Caroline say quietly from somewhere in the room.

Just then Rachelle’s eyes flashed open and landed on Rebecca. A sharp high pitch scream raced out of her lungs as she flung herself backwards into Jeremy.

"Get out! Get out! You blood sucking vampire!" she screamed as she pointed accusingly at Rebecca.

I covered my ears as Rachelle screamed. The sound raced through my body as if I was being burned alive; I needed to get out of here. I backed up quickly and turned away and walked into the kitchen.

I could hear Rebecca’s high pitched laugh from the hallway and shivered. The girl seriously gave me the creeps.

A hand softly touched the back of my arm as Stefan sneered at Rachelle, "Good guess Rachelle I must applaud you."

I jumped around and saw Damon standing there with a glass of water in his hand; offering it to me. I didn’t hear him come in… or get the glass of water. I guess that’s how it is when you’re a vampire.

“Thanks,” I said softly as I accepted the glasses and took a deep sip.

I could hear clapping in the other room and a door slam as Alaric began to speak, "Caroline, Elena come with me we're going to do some more research. Bonnie, Jeremy can you stay with Alex and Rachelle- help them understand?"

I heard Rachelle reply, "I just want to lay down and rest. I don't want to understand. All I want is to see my parents and live a normal life. Take it back, take it all back."

I sat the glass down on the counter and walked back into the room with Damon following and said, "I need to get home and talk to my parents I want to know what's going on."

Bonnie looked at over at Rachelle and I and smiled gently, "Call me if you need me I'll be at the grill."

I watched Rachelle smile at her gratefully as Jeremy grabbed her hand and pulled her over to me. She gave me a hug and said, "Call me after you talk to them?

I smiled back at her and nodded my head as I headed towards the door. I waved a small goodbye as Damon followed me out onto the porch.

“I’ll come with you,” he said as he lightly brushed a strand of hair out of my face. A shock of electricity shot through my body from the tips of my fingers to my toes as I looked up at him, my eyes wide.

A weird expression flashed across his face as he stood there looking at me.

“Alright,” I said finally after a moment of silence.

He followed me over to my car and waited for me to unlock the doors. I opened my car door and silently sat down in the driver’s seat. Once Damon was seated; I started the engine and pulled away from the curb starting down the street towards my house.

The whole way to my house neither Damon nor I said a word; a comfortable silence had settled between us as I finally pulled up to my driveway. My mother’s car was already parked when I pulled up next to it. I could see lights on inside as the sky began to darken.

I turned off the car and pulled the keys out of the ignition and clasped my hands around them in my lap. I sat there for a minute trying to think of what to say when suddenly Damon was hovering above me; his lips slightly parted.

“I-,” his lips cut me off with a soft kiss.

My eyes widened and then slowly closed as I fell into his embrace as I begin to kiss him back. By the time his lips left mine I was gasping for air and shaking from the powerful feeling of safety that radiated off his body.

He smiled softly at me as he pecked my lips once again. The despair and black anger that I had felt when I met him earlier that day had vanished. It was like he was a completely different person and then like that he was gone and I was left alone sitting in my car.

I crawled out of the car and locked the doors as I walked slowly up the walk way to my house. I touched my lips lightly as I opened the front door and walked inside; setting my keys on the entry table that stood near the door.

I called for my mother as I hung up my jacket in the hallway closet. I could hear her in the kitchen as I wandered farther into the house.

I dragged my feet as I walked farther and farther down the hall and turned the corner to see my mother standing over the oven cooking dinner. Tears fell from my eyes as I watched her stir whatever was in the pot; she hummed a lullaby she used to sing me when I was a baby when she finally turned and saw me standing there.

She gasped in surprise, dropping the wooden spoon she had in her hand on the ground.

“Alex,” she said. “I didn’t hear you come in, what’s wrong baby?” she asked as she walked over to me.

I sobbed as I flung myself into my mother’s arms. I needed her more than anything now and I couldn’t tell her all that was happening. But I did know one thing, I needed some answers and I know that she could answer at least some of them.

I stood back from her as I hiccupped, “Mom…” I said. “Am… Am I adopted?”

She flinched slightly as she wiped her hands on her apron and turned back to the stove.

“Mom?” I repeated.

“Who told you?” she asked softly. I dropped to my knees and sobbed.

“Oh honey…” she said sadly as she walked towards me and sat down beside me and pulled me into a comforting hug. “I was meaning to tell you but it never seemed like the right time”.

I cried more and more. The tears stained my shirt and my mother’s pretty powder blue dress.

I listened to my mother as she explained my adoption. My birth mother and father had been a young couple and had barely been married two years when they died in a fatal car accident. My mom continued explaining that my birth mother had died on route to the hospital while she was eight months pregnant with me. She said that the hospital had to do an emergency c section and that although I had been through a major traumatic event while still inside the womb I was completely normal and healthy.

She said I stayed at the hospital for a couple months before daddy and she finally brought me home. She said that she had loved me since she first saw me a week after I was born.

When I asked why no one from my birth parents families tried to get me she explained that my parents didn’t have any close relatives that were around or that were willing to take me in.

By the time she was finished explaining the food she was cooking was burnt to a crisp.

“I guess we’re having pizza for dinner,” she smiled slightly.

I laughed a bit and stood from the ground dusting off my pant legs. I sat down at the counter and watched as my mom grabbed the phone off the wall and dialed for a pizza.

When she was finished she walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later with a small black box within her hands. She sat it gently down in front of me.

“It was your mother’s,” she said as she lightly kissed me on my forehead.

I watched as she started to clean up our ruined dinner and looked back down at the little box before me. My hands shook as I lightly grasped the box within my fingers and gently opened it.

I gasped as I looked inside to see a beautiful necklace sitting within the velvet lined interior. A smooth milky white colored stone sat center with half dozen or so small sized clear cut diamonds around it. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry I had ever seen.

My fingertips brushed against the stone and half a dozen flashes danced across my vision. Bright lights. Blood. Broken glass. Klaus.

I gasped as the necklace fell to the ground. My mother turned around and looked at me a worried expression lined her face.

“Are you alright?” she asked.

I nodded my head numbly as I quickly grabbed the necklace off the ground and walked out of the kitchen. I raced down the hall and up the stairs to my room where I grabbed out my cellphone and dialed Rachelle’s phone number.

I paced back and forth while I waited for her to answer and when she finally did I said, “We need to talk, I’m coming over now”.

I hung up before she could reply; I knew she wouldn’t question me. She’d be home waiting for me to arrive. I looked down at the necklace that dangled from my hand; Klaus was the one. He killed my parents and he almost killed me. What was his plan? Why did he kill my parents and almost me? And why did he want me now?

I shook my head and placed the necklace around my neck, I had a feeling that it would keep me safe. That my birth mother would be watching over me if I kept it close.

I ran back down the stairs and out the door calling out to my mother as I did so. I jumped into my car and raced down the dark street back towards Rachelle’s.
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