

Alex had called me and I went to wait out on the stoop for her arrival. I wonder why my birth mother had bothered to write me a note, but not give me a name. Why hadn’t she given me a name? Not that I wasn’t grateful when my parents had taken me in however it confused me to no end why she hadn’t left me any information.

I felt tears slide down my face the cool air hitting my cheeks freezing the small ball. I gasped and reached up brushing my fingers against it. What had gotten me into this predicament? What had gotten my friends into this? I didn’t know how to answer that question I hoped Alex had some theories.

The wind continued to blow and I saw Alex’s car come around the corner. You know that moment when you feel like your souls are in line with one another? I felt that as soon as Alex pulled into the driveway. She parked and opened the door climbing out, with her purse on her shoulder. She looked up with a half smile on her face before walking up to sit next to me.

“If somebody told me a year ago I was adopted I’d have told the no way there is no way in hell. No way that I could come from anyone else other than my parents, but after this year I just don’t know anymore,” Alex reached over and we hugged each other.

“What did your mom tell you? Mine birth mom’s name is Alicia, but that’s all they know,” I replied pulling my necklace out of my shirt, “She left me this.”

Alex said, “My necklace looks exactly alike, I wonder why.”

“Are you hungry?” I asked standing up.

“Yeah why I didn’t get to eat dinner I rushed out. You want to go to the grill?” Alex asked standing up too.

I nodded and we walked to her car and got in we pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the local eatery where I am sure some of our friends would be waiting. The radio played softly in the background and I stared out of the window letting places I was familiar with passing me by. If only things and life were that simple, just passing by.

We parked and got out of the car our faces showing no emotion, my stomach growled. We opened the door and I followed behind her to a corner table where we sat down and waved over our regular waitress. She took our orders and I looked at Alex, “ What if this is all a dream and we’re just sleeping?”

Caroline and Matt were standing at the counter, Tyler in the corner talking to Bonnie, Elena sat near them picking at a basket of fries.

“We aren’t sleeping unfortunately we will find answers as soon as things calm down.”

I looked up to find Stefan standing beside our table, “Alex, Rachelle Klaus wants to stage a meeting.”

I felt anger surge through me, “If he wants to see us he can ask himself, now run along and play in traffic Stefan.”

“He will get what he wants,” Stefan spoke obviously irritated.

Alex said, “He doesn’t own us Stefan so back off.”

“You two are about as much a pain in my ass as he is.”

“Oh woe is me,” I remarked sarcastically.

“Cue the Hawthorne Heights ; So cut my wrists and black my eyes. Oh boo hoo Stefan you’re breaking my heart.” Alex waved him off.

He stormed off obviously irritated with our commentary it boggled my mind Stefan used to be nice, respectable and most of all protective to those close to him and Elena. How one person could all of a sudden turn against the people who loved him scared me.

“Alex maybe we should meet with Klaus and see what he wants with us? I am scared that something bigger might happen than just him wanting to meet us and scaring us out of our minds.” I clasped my hands together in the middle of the table awaiting my food.

The waitress dropped a basket of chili cheese fries in front of me and a chicken sandwich, Alex ordered a cheeseburger and fries with cheese. The two of us took a bite of our food and sat in silence. I thought about how things were when we were kids all the accidents that happened around the two of us and it began to make sense.

Once when we were both six I believe Alex and I had been having a tea party and one of us said something and the other got mad I cannot remember exactly what was said, but I do know it was bad. The tea cups cracked and I began to cry I went to find my mom and Alex sat there with her arms crossed. Our tea party had been ruined and for awhile I thought our friendship.

Elementary school ended, and no sooner middle school and we started high school. In a town like ours everyone knows each other people talk however stuff like that usually gets brushed under a rug. When Alex mentioned a council and I knew it just had something to do with the founding families.

I looked up at Alex who was looking in the other direction at Stefan and the blonde. Everything seemed to come full circle just then I knew what we had to do. I knew what I had to do I stood up and walked toward Stefan I saw the blonde smirk in my direction as if she knew what I was going to say.

“I want to meet with Klaus.” It was with those final words that I sealed my fate.
♠ ♠ ♠
I apologize for any errors that might be in this chapter, I went through it with a fine tooth comb.
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