

Driving to the grill after picking up Rachelle was uneventful; we barely talked as we silently walked towards the entrance.

Inside we could see Elena sitting in a corner by herself munching on some fries, near her was Tyler and Bonnie and over at the counter I saw Matt and Caroline. Rachelle and I sat down at our usual table and waited for a waitress to come and take our order.

It didn’t take long and our regular waitress headed our way and we listed off what we wanted to eat. After the waitress left; I could see from the corner of my eye Stefan walking over to us.

I sighed and by the time I turned to Rachelle he was already standing before us, “Alex, Rachelle Klaus wants to stage a meeting.”

“If he wants to see us he can ask himself, now run along and play in traffic Stefan,” Rachelle said back sarcastically.

“He will get what he wants,” Stefan spoke through gritted teeth.

I replied, “He doesn’t own us Stefan so back off.”

“You two are about as much a pain in my ass as he is.”

“Oh woe is me,” Rachelle barked back.

“Cue the Hawthorne Heights ; So cut my wrists and black my eyes. Oh boo hoo, Stefan you’re breaking my heart.” I waved him off laughing.

I watched Stefan storm off back to god knows where, when our food finally arrived.

The waitress dropped a basket of chili cheese fries in front of Rachelle and a chicken sandwich; I had ordered a cheeseburger with cheese and some fries. We sat in silence for a bit as we quietly ate our food. I sighed as I took a sip of my soda and looked over at my friends laughing; as if nothing was wrong and we all weren’t fighting for our lives. But I guess that’s how you need to be if you’re going to survive, you have to live to the fullest… even if you might die shorter than you expected.

“Alex maybe we should meet with Klaus and see what he wants with us? I am scared that something bigger might happen than just him wanting to meet us and scaring us out of our minds.” I looked up at Rachelle; my eyes wide with shock.

I looked away from her; angry. How could she even think that for a second? What the hell was wrong with her?

I saw Stefan and Rebecca standing over in a corner near the billiard tables talking quietly and my jaw clenched. From the corner of my eye I saw Rachelle stand up quickly and start heading over towards Stefan and Rebecca.

What. The. Fuck?

I grabbed a napkin and wiped my hands of grease quickly and then walked briskly over to where Rach had headed. When I finally reached them I had just caught on to the end of their conversation.

“I’m glad you changed your mind,” Rebecca said. “He will be most pleased”.

“Yeah, whatever,” Rachelle said waving her off.

I was filled with rage as I walked up behind Rachelle and grabbed her from the back of her shirt.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I yelled at her.

She turned towards me and sighed, “It’s for the best”.

I shook my head and grabbed her around her wrist and pulled her towards the exit.

“No can do on the meeting Stef, no hard feelings eh?” I called over my shoulder.

I pulled Rachelle along behind me; passing Elena and the others along the way.

“Emergency Meeting,” I said. “Call everyone and let’s meet at Elena’s in ten”.

They all nodded and Rachelle just stood there a blank expression placed on her face giving away no indication on what she was thinking.

When we finally made it out to my car Rachelle finally opened her mouth, “Please Alex… let me do this”.

“No,” I said unlocking the car. “Get in,” I ordered.

She silently crawled into the front passenger seat and I followed suit; turning the key in the ignition as I buckled my seat belt.

I drove fast, really fast. I was so angry I couldn’t really think straight and by the time we reached Elena’s barely five minutes had passed since getting into it with Rachelle at the grill.

Everyone else had yet to show up when I turned off the car outside the house. We sat there in silence waiting for everyone else; not one word was spoken between us. This from two girls who had been best friends since birth; who haven’t gone a day without speaking to each other in practically 18 years.

When the others finally arrived eight minutes later Rachelle and I climbed out of my car and followed everyone else into Elena’s house.

Jeremy was sitting on the couch as we all walked in; the TV was on but no sound was coming from the speakers. Caroline and Bonnie went over and sat down on the other side of the couch and Damon like always stood against the farthest wall away from everyone. Matt wasn’t there.

Alaric came down the stairs just as Elena closed the door behind her. Rachelle and I followed Elena and Alaric into the living room; taking a seat where ever there was room.

We sat quietly for a minute before I finally spoke, “Alright,” I said. “We’ve got to do something. Blockhead here,” I said nodding towards Rachelle, “Almost ruined everything by making a meeting with Klaus”.

Everyone looked over at Rachelle as she crossed her arms across her chest, “It’s what I thought was best alright?” she said defensively.

“Best?!,” Jeremy shouted, “For who? You?”

“Calm down,” Alaric said as he laid his hand gently on Jeremy’s shoulder. “Yelling… isn’t going to solve anything”.

“He’s right though,” Damon interjected snidely. “Not only would she have put herself in danger but she would have put Alex’s life in danger as well”.

“I- what are you talking about?” Rachelle said.

Damon sighed and walked over and sat on the coffee table that sat in front of Rachelle and I, “We haven’t exactly told you guys everything…”

Damon then went on to explain that Stefan was actually working for us behind Klaus’s back even though he was compelled because he was sick and tired of being pushed around by Klaus.

Damon said that they had already had a plan set in motion before everyone had found out about Rachelle and I; he said that Klaus’s stepfather Michael could kill Klaus easily if he could get close to him.

Alaric then went on to explain that Klaus thinks that Michael is dead and what we’ve heard is that he plans on throwing a major party in celebration; so that was when we had planned to set the plan in motion.

“So, the plan is to lure Klaus out of Tyler’s place with Katherine pretending to be Elena, and then have Michael kill Klaus?” I said skeptically. “That’s it?”

“Yup,” replied Caroline.

I sat back and thought about their plan for a moment… this might actually work.

“One more thing…” Damon started, “I found out something about these two”. He nodded towards both Rachelle and I as he began to explain.

“A long time ago there was a prophecy… it stated that two girls born in the year of the Blind witch’s death was to bring the end of great darkness or to join it and let it flourish. It said one born by death and one by love; two to succeed, one to fail.”

Damon explained the reasons behind Rachelle’s adoption and my parent’s death and subsequent adoption by my parents. He explained that Rachelle’s mother knew about the prophecy and did everything her power to keep Rachelle from it; even if it meant giving her away to strangers and not even giving her a name. He went onto say that Rachelle’s biological parents died when Klaus tortured them into giving up her location but was unsuccessful since they had given her away to protect her. They didn’t even know her name…

For my parents on the other hand… Klaus had found them easily the night I was born. He thought that with one of us dead that the prophecy would read true in his favor. But by the grace of god I was saved and had been living right under his nose while he searched for Rachelle.

“I’m sorry Alex!” Rachelle cried as she wrapped me in a tight hug.

I hugged her back as hard as I could as I cried into her shoulder. We were two pieces of a whole; two girls whose futures were set in stone hundreds of years before we were ever born.

“It’s okay guys the plan will go on as planned and everything will be over,” Elena said as she tried to comfort us.

“You’re right,” I said as I sat up and wiped my tears. “Let’s do this”.

Everyone smiled and looked at each other happily. We were actually going to kill Klaus and we all would finally be able to live normal lives… at least as normal as you can get when you’re a witch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments are always welcomed and appreciated and don't worry this story is long from over!
Till next time :D