Status: Active. Comments are welcome :)

Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again

And as We Ran From The Cops

Fanny's P.O.V

Frank pulled out of the kiss and looked towards us; he must have recognised Elena’s voice. Jamia on the other hand was completely oblivious and tried to pull him into the kiss again, so forcefully in fact that she fell off the car.
We all started laughing at her, and Mikey yelled out “Frank, you’re doll fell over!” we carried on laughing. Frank turned to help her up, her face was red with embarrassment and her hair was messed up.
She smoothed her hair down and stomped over to us, Frank following behind her nervously. Elena got up too and walked over to Jamia looking completely fearless.
Gerard and Mikey followed behind her, so I cautiously trailed behind Gerard, looking down at my chucks. Frank ruffled the back of his hair with his hand, and stood beside Jamia with his jaw tensed. His lips were flushed pink from kissing and his eyes were bright and cautious. The butterflies attacked my stomach, how does he do this to me?
Then I remembered the kiss and I had a sudden urge to smack him in the face, but instead I forced myself to look away from him and concentrate on the matter at hand.
Elena was about to kick Jamia’s ass, I smiled happily.

“Is there a problem here?” asked Elena innocently putting her hands on her hips. Jamia shot her a glare.
“Yeah actually there is bitch, are you tryna make moves on my boyfriend?” she replied, Franks eyes shot up at the mention of his name; he looked as confused as the rest of us. Elena laughed, a high cruel laugh, I almost didn’t even recognise it as hers.

“Yeah as if, been there done that, Franks a fucking prick you can keep him”, she replied cooly, looking directly at Frank, he shrunk a little when she said that.
Wait a sec- been there done that, what the fuck was that supposed to mean. Is there anybody in Jersey who Frank hasn’t been with?

“Maybe, we should just go Jamia...” said Frank trailing off and turning to leave, this time Jamia laughed.

“Whatever you can go, I’m not leaving, this is my house remember”, said Jamia crossing her arms over her chest and looking Elena up and down. Frank stayed where he was and his eyes trailed over to me, I glared at him and he quickly looked away.

“Actually this is Fannys house too skank”, said Mikey looking at Jamia with such distaste that I thought I had imagined it. Mikey was always the funny guy, I had never seen him angry before. Jamia was good at bringing out peoples bad sides. Okay scrap that- she was champion at it.

“Guys this is getting a bit heated, maybe you should leave, before it ruins everybody’s Friday night” said Frank politely.

“Too late for that, you already ruined my Friday night Frank”, I replied loudly. Wow- did I just say that? Frank looked guilty, but everybody else looked confused, they didn’t know about the kiss. Oh shit, just make something up! “... because just seeing your face, ruined my whole evening” I said quickly.
Gerard, Mikey and Elena laughed, and Jamia turned back to Elena -phew that was close.

“What is this, pick on Frank day or something?” said Frank with a smirk.

“No; it’s pick on the asshole day.” Said Gerard smoothly, it would have been funny but he said it with such anger and hatred that laughing seemed like the very last thing to do right now.

“Look whatever man, I’m not gonna fight you Gerard”, said Frank almost sadly, much to Jamia’s distaste.

“Yeah cause he’s scared he’ll hurt you too badly, and my Frankie’s a babe like that”, said Jami rubbing her hand on Franks arm affectionately, Mikey scoffed and Gerard came out of nowhere.
He ran forward and tackled Frank to the ground. Jamia turned to look at them, so Elena chose this moment to jump on Jamia’s back and smack her repeatedly in the head. I blinked, everything happened so fast, I had no idea what the fuck to do.
Mikey and I shared a knowing look, before he went over to Elena and tried to pull her off Jamia. So that leaves me with Gerard and Frank, fan-fucking-tastic. By now Frank was sitting on Gerard, holding his hands down as Gerard lashed out violently trying to get him off.

“Get off him!” I screamed, they ignored me and carried on as they were. As I watched them for a bit though, I realised it was mostly Gerard doing the fighting, Frank was only holding him down.
It was obvious who the most athletic one was here, but it was also obvious who the angriest one was too.

“Gerard please, calm down! Stop it!” I yelled, repeating myself over and over, but I couldn’t get their attention no matter how hard I tried.
The sound of sirens made Gerard stop, I looked behind me at the red and blue flashing lights that were coming down the road. Police. “Shit”, I heard Frank and Gerard say. They both scrambled to their feet and looked over at Jamia and Elena, they were both both still fighting, completely oblivious to the police sirens. Mikey had given up trying to pull them apart and was standing with a smoke in his hand.
“Mikey, police!” yelled out Gerard, Mikey turned and saw the lights, his face changed quickly to fear. He tried hopelessly to tell Jamia and Elena but it was obvious they didn’t care; he turned to face us again.

“You guys go; I’ll stay here with these guys! GO!” he yelled shooing us away with his hands. Gerard looked hesitant and stood watching his brother with fearful eyes.

“Come on Gerard, he’ll be fine, let’s go”, said Frank, they exchanged a quick look, then Gerard grabbed my hand and we ran down the road. I could hear the police siren stop outside Jamia’s house, and I crossed my fingers that Elena would be okay, she had done this for me after all.

“Where are we gonna go?” I asked after a while between heavy breathes, fuck me I was so unfit.

“We can go to my apartment, it’s a couple blocks down here.” Said Frank, the last thing i wanted to do was go to Franks house, and I was waiting for Gerard to tell him to go fuck himself, but he surprised me by saying “Yeah thanks man”. Frank smiled in return. I just shook my head at them, you would never have thought that they were trying to kill each other moments before.
That’s Boys for ya.
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Hope you like it :)
Title: MCR- Disenchanted