Sequel: The Apodictic Cure
Status: It has progress..(:

Inducing Illusions

They were two strangers walking on different sides of the road.
By some fated chance, they look up from the path of their own existence, and look across that road.
With this random moment of chance, an eternal friendship is born that surpasses lifetimes.
  1. x
  2. y
  3. p
  4. e
  5. t
  6. a
  7. r
  8. l
  9. o
  10. f
  11. z
  12. w
  13. s
  14. q
  15. b
  16. a
  17. u
  18. m
  19. c
  20. k
  21. q
  22. g
  23. i
  24. v
  25. n
  26. g
  27. e
  28. h
  29. x
  30. z