Status: Completed :)

Family Values

Chapter Nineteen

February 25th, 2012
The Lucic household, Middleton, MA
6:43 P.M.

The team sat around the dining room table eating. Raina had set out several plates with different food. Greg remembered the team party where he had first met Donna. She had been so shy and scared. Now she was happy and confident.

Dinner ended and one by one families left. Donna and Greg decided to stick around and help Raina and Milan clean up. Surprisingly, so did Jordan Caron. Donna watched as he flirted with her sister. Felicia giggled at anything he said smiling up at him.

“Come help me get them to bed,” said Raina, holding both sleeping twins. Donna took Luca and the two girls went upstairs. They went into the room Raina had set up for both of the twins to sleep in. “Your sister and Jordan can’t keep away from each other.” said Raina. “They’ve been together all night long.”

“Ya,” said Donna “Maybe she’ll stay stuck on him.”

“What do you mean?” asked Raina.

“Nothing,” said Donna “I just mean maybe they’ll stay together.” They tucked the babies in and went back downstairs. They found Felicia alone in the kitchen.

“So how’d you like the party?” asked Raina.

“It was so fun, thanks so much for having me,” said Felicia.

“You’re welcome, any time,” said Raina. “Where are the boys?”

“On the back porch,” said Felicia. The three hung around cleaning dishes from dinner. For the first time in years Donna felt at peace with her sister. For once they both didn’t want the same thing. Felicia could go after Jordan all she wanted and Donna didn’t care. The boys came back in a little while later.

“Time to go,” said Greg yawning. “I’m exhausted.” They said goodbye to Raina and Milan. Donna was about to follow Greg out the door when she turned back and said

“Coming Felicia?”

“Ya in a minute,” Donna could see she wanted to say goodbye to Jordan so she left and went out the car to wait for her. When Felicia got in the car five minutes later she had a big smile on her face.

“What is it?” asked Donna.

“Jordan wants to go out on a double date with me and you two next week after you guys return from your away games.” Donna smiled and said

“We’d be happy to go.” The ride home was spent listening to Felicia go on about Jordan. Donna kept a small smile on her face the whole time.

Later that night Greg and Donna lat in bed talking about the day like they usually did.

“Maybe she’ll really like Jordan, he’s a nice guy.” She could feel Greg’s skepticism without even seeing his face in the dark. “You don’t think so?” asked Donna surprised.

“He’s really young for her; I don’t think she realizes it yet.” Donna rolled her eyes.

“Every time a new guy takes her interest you think that they’re not right for her,” she said.

“No!” said Greg defensively. “I just think that Tyler and Jordan are too young and immature for her to be with.”

“Ok well what would you think if she was with….” Donna tried to think of a player who was best suited for Felicia. “How about Patrice?”

“No,” said Greg right away.

“See!” said Donna accusingly.

“Patrice is…” Greg didn’t have a specific reason as to why Felicia would not be a good match for Patrice he just didn’t have a good feeling about the two being together. “He’s just not right for her, trust me I can tell.”

“Trust me I’ve known my sister all my life and I can tell you that she’d go great with almost any guy on your team.”

“Well she sure didn’t like Tyler,” said Greg.

“Well then who do you think she’d go good with? If not Jordan or Patrice who?” asked Donna. Greg lost all of his confidence as he realized he didn’t have an answer. Half the team was married or in a relationship so that eliminated most of his choices. Donna watched him with a smile and she said “Go on.” He didn’t want to prove her right. The seconds went by as went through all of his teammates in his head.

“You don’t have anyone,” said Donna smiling. “You don’t think anyone’s right for her.”

“That’s not true!” said Greg as Donna rolled over away from him with a victorious look on her face. “I just can’t think of anyone right now that’s not already in a relationship or too young.”

“Right,” said Donna.

“It’s the truth!” said Greg.

“Ok calm down I believe you,” said Donna laughing. Greg felt unsatisfied knowing that she still thought differently. She rolled over and kissed him. He felt himself relax as she put her arms around him. “I believe you,” she said softly “Now go to bed you have to leave tomorrow.” He kissed her again and then said goodnight. She took her usual spot in bed, facing and curled up against him.
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