Status: Completed :)

Family Values

Chapter Twenty-One

February 29th, 2012
Greg and Donna’s House, Boston, MA
8:50 P.M.

Greg drove home after dropping off Donna feeling angry. Their relationship was falling apart right before his eyes. She had work, he had hockey even though he couldn’t skate, and her sister was clearly putting a wedge between them. He tried not to be angry with her, knowing it was not her fault that she had to go into work. He got home and sat down on the couch. It would be another miserable night alone.

Donna walked into work to find the ER busy. Greg had barely said goodbye to her when she left the car. She could tell that he had been upset about her leaving but there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn’t loose her job.

Greg took a pack of beer out of the fridge and sat back down on the couch. He put on a movie and opened his first can.

An hour later he was on his fifth can and heavily intoxicated when Felicia came home. He looked at her with a drunken gaze and said in a slurred voice

“So how was it?”

“It went well,” she said “I like Jordan but there’s a problem.” He looked at her expectantly and she said “He’s really young, he’s 19.” Greg laughed. He was unsure if not she had discovered he was drunk yet.

“He’s a nice kid but I want someone older and more mature,” said Felicia. “Where’s Donna?” Greg felt deeply annoyed again.

“Work,” he said, taking another swig of beer. “She got called in.” She came and sat down with him and said

“Are you drunk because you miss her?” Her question surprised him and he said

“There’s not time for each other anymore, she works and I go to hockey all day long.” Felicia looked sympathetic. He felt her put her hand on his leg.

“Well I’m here for you.” He turned to her and smiled.

“Thanks Felicia,” Before he knew what he was doing her lips were on his. He wasn’t thinking straight at she leaned him back onto the couch, straddling him. He heard her say

“You’re older and mature.” He thought about Donna leaving him to go into work and how he had been so mad and felt so rejected. But then he thought of her running around the hospital all night, working her ass off to make some of her own money instead of living off of him. It was then that it hit him about how much respect she had for him. She didn’t have to work. She could live solely off the millions he had in the bank and not work another day in her life. She could have demanded that they live in a more upscale part of Boston and spend more on a penthouse then a little condo in a crowded city neighborhood. She could have everything; designer clothes, expensive cars, an easier life, but she didn’t want all of that because of her deep respect for him.

He pushed Felicia off of him and stood up. She still sat on the couch confused.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“To bed, to wait for Donna,” he said.

“Wait, come back,” she said. He didn’t answer her. He walked into his room and shut the door, leaving her stunned still on the couch.
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