

Three long weeks.

Yup, the only people i spoke to those long long weeks were Pat, Garrett, Josh, Nick and Jess. No Stephen.

But they were coming back today so that was good.. Right?

Stefanie jumped everytime her phone beeped which was cute yet annoying because it beeped every minute. Grace was the same but since she knew about the disappearance of Stephen Gomez she turned it on silent and tried to be subtle about it, i appreciated that. Trixie was stubborn so she didn't answer any of Johns' calls or messages and only answered Halvo by message since John called Trixie with Erics' phone and she made me answer it.

"Does my hair look nice, no it doesn't i have to wash it again and i probably smell i haven't had a shower in 5 minutes the gERMS ARE GETTING ME I SMELL RIANNON I SMELL WHERE IS MY FOOD" Stefanie ran around the room throwing things everywhere and then ran back to the shower

"Psht she knows Garrett's whipped over her i don't understand" said Trixie sitting next to me shaking her head.

"Psht you know John's whipped over you yet-"

"LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU IS THAT JOSH HUTCHERSON CALLING HOLD ON BYE RIANNON" She put her fingers in her ears and ran out the room.

"RIANNON HAVE YOU SEEN MY PHONE" said Stefanie sticking her head out the bathroom door.
"GARRETT SAID HE'D TEXT ME WHEN HE'S 45.9 MINUTES AWAY OH MY GOD wait i left it in the shower"

"I'm sorry" said Grace taking a seat next to me

"Eh even Brian Dales texted me" i sighed leaning on her.

"Did you ask your uncle for half the day off?"

"Yeah you guys get the day, while i have pool bar duty"


"HEY GUYS GARRETT IS CURRENTLY 37.2 MINUTES AWAY" screamed Stefanie from the shower. I gave Grace a small smile before going and getting ready for work

"Say hi to the guys for me.... and Jess"


It was slow today, which was worse i needed to keep my mind off things and my phone vibrated in my pocket every few minutes but i didn't look at it i just sat there. It got annoying after the first hour so i pulled it out and saw i had 32 messages and 51 missed calls. I scrolled through the messages some were from Grace Jess and Trixie but the majority were from Stephen.

Wow now he wants to talk??

My phone buzzed again and i looked at the message i just got from Grace

i think he went back to the hotEL i hit call

"What?" i whispered harshly into the phone

"He said he needed to pee about 10 minutes ago so John checked and he wasn't there and omg John said-"

"Did you tell him where i'm working??"

" Pat asked where you were and Stefanie said it but i don't think she realised he wasn't suppos-" i dropped my phone as the site of the one and only Stephen Gomez walked into the pool bar, i froze for a minute then ducked behind the counter.



"Riannon?" i looked up and saw Stephen looking over the counter down at me. I hung up my phone and stood up.

"Hi how can i help you" i mumbled not looking directly into his eyes but at the hamsa necklace we once spoke about.

"Can we talk or."

"Wait now you want to talk? Go away i have work"


"But Riannon i'm in love with you, you're so perfect and beautiful and your sly digs at Brian Dales it's made me love you and i got scared because i couldn't tell you over text or call that i was in love with you quick i have the get away limo waiting outside it's taking us to vegas for our wedding i even made fall out boy come of hiatus and play at the reception and i made All time low delete dirty work from existence even Blink 182 are playing, but none of that matters because i love you"


"I was uh.. Busy" he said looking down

"How come John wasn't busy? Or Jess or Jobe even Brian texted me"

"I know bu-"

"Even John Oh tried calling Trixie like 800 times a day and she didn't even pick up!"

"I'm really sorry okay i didn't mean to hurt you, honestly i didn't speak to anyone those three weeks i didn't answer any calls or messages i didn't even talk to Justin Godsey and we're inseparable"

"You didn't even speak to Godsey?" i asked trying not to smile

"No and he's been messaging me on facebook and calling Brian and everything" he grabbed my hand and used his right hand to lift my chin up to meet his eyes

"I'm really sorry i was out of it for those three weeks but i want to do this i like you, alot" he smiled a little and kissed my cheek. "So come on let's go watch John try to bowl"

"But i'm working" i sighed

"Riannon i'll cover for you okay" said Brent from behind me serving someone.

"Thankyou i owe you okay" i said and jumped over the counter, Stephen and i pretty much ran all the way to the bowling alley holding hands.

"RIANNON" screamed Pat he ran towards Stephen and i and he grabbed me in a massive hug, he was strong for such a tiny person.

"PAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i screamed into his shoulder.

After i said hello to everyone i sat next to Stephen and watched the others play their last game, we were talking about tour and about those long three weeks, with him never letting go of my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
so i'm starting a petition to kidnap aj and also raise 10 million dollars to make a time machine.