Wiccan Wonders

Semper Mia (Mine Forever)

What my dearest Isabelle doesn't quite know:

One: I'm already looking at on-line colleges that are ONLY for Wicca. I am going to get to my third degree, and possibly become a HP

HP: High Priestess. I have been wiccan since I was a child, basically. Though, I want to be a HP for a different reason. I want to be able to teach the craft to anyone willing to learn. Tarot card lessons, spell writing, ect.

Two: I'm experiencing deja vu from what she is describing to you. Also, how did she know it was a right into my driveway...? Soul bonding is unusual, isn't it?

Three: I am selling everything that means little to nothing to me, in order to get some money saved up.

Four: I am coming out as a GAY WICCAN at a very strict Christian school.

Five: I am going to start standing up to myself, because my dearest love gives me the courage that nothing else could ever give me.

Six: Did I mention that I am selling some of my favorite possessions as well? {My Porcelain Dolls, about 100 or so books, possibly my camcorder that I don't use, my blue coach purse that I never carry {I'm actually into more homemade style bags} try to publish my books {not easy mind you} some expensive jewelry I do not wear, some movies, and other items that I can live without.

Seven: I will face any criticism, cruel remarks, and dirty looks, especially from my parents {who already know I am moving to Salem, but not the entire reason} and to any preacher who objects to my life choices.

I love you, Isabelle. Semper Mia<3