The Story of Us

Forbidden Feelings

“You make me feel out of my element, like I’m walking on broken glass, like my world is spinning in slow motion and you’re moving too fast.”

I leaned down and rested my head on my arms that were folded across the lunch table I was sitting at with Nick and Gene. I looked up and caught sight of the new kid, Bryce at the next table over. I only remembered his name because my friend of two year, who moved to New York less than a year ago, had the same name with the only difference being that there was a slight variation in the spelling.

Anyways, I couldn’t help but notice him. He’d been here before. I’d seen him at the International dinner and some other school events, that I knew for sure, but he’d looked too old to be in high school. I’d thought maybe he was in college. I was surprised to see him in my high school, but pleased none the less. Suddenly the lunch bell rang and I gathered up my bags and walked into my next class, math.

I walked in and sat at the second table. Our teacher Mr. Carter went around and passed out math books. Mr. Carter turned around and looked for a victim.

“Bryce, read the first problem aloud,” he said. I didn’t turn around to look at Bryce like the other student did when a teacher called on someone. I could hear Bryce sigh before he began to speak. As soon as he was done, I couldn’t help but smile.

He had a very eloquent and sophisticated way of speaking. His voice was clear and flowed like honey. He spoke like he grew up in a long ago time, maybe even another century. It reminded me of what Bella had said about Edward’s voice in the book New Moon: “I could never quite mimic the flow of his perfect, formal articulation. It was something that could only be picked up in an earlier century.” Bryce was like the human form of Edward. Suddenly I shook my head.

Wait, what was I thinking? I had a boyfriend, I shouldn’t be thinking about another boy like this!

Get a grip, Marlene, you barely know this boy. He’s no better than any of the other people here; he just was a very nice voice.

I wanted to smack myself because of how attracted to him I was. It wasn’t only looks, but he was nice too. Last week I had been sitting in front of him in bible class. I’d been arguing with Nick about his bible.

“Nick, just let me see your bible for a second, I only need it for one of the questions!” I complained, but Nick just shook his head in response.

“No, I’m using it.”

“Nick, I need to use a bible, and I didn’t bring mine today!” I growled at him. I heard someone behind me sigh and suddenly a bible was dropped on my desk. I looked behind me and saw Bryce sitting there.

“You can use mine,” he said.

“Thanks,” I mumbled in embarrassment, but I couldn’t help the smile that came across my face.

He was always so nice to everyone, no matter what, and that was something I always admired in people. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t help but feel something for him. It didn’t change a thing though. I would never leave Nick for him or anything, but I still felt guilty because of my feelings. It would be best if I just stayed away from him, that way it would be easier for me to get rid of my feelings.

The next day came and I was sitting at one of the tables in the cafeteria working on my virtual class. Well, I was supposed to be working on my class, but the course I’d requested in Journalism hadn’t found me a ‘virtual classroom’ yet, so there was really nothing for me to do but go online and entertain myself. I looked up and saw a little kid run up to Brandon while he was talking to Aileen.

“Hey, I heard you had a girlfriend!” the little boy said. Bryce nodded.

“Yeah, I do,” he said. “Her birthday was last month.” I felt a pang of disappointment at that, and I knew I shouldn’t have. It was good that he had a girlfriend, and it was time I remembered that I had a boyfriend! Within a few minutes I brushed it off. I was already over it. I think it was more of the forbidden fruit feelings that had me attracted to Bryce than anything else. Once I knew he was taken the feelings went away. I sighed in relief. I could finally get some relief knowing I was over it.


The feelings went away for about a week, but they returned, and that was something I never understood, except for maybe later. I had to eat the poisoned apple before I learned my lesson. I always had to learn the hard way. Always.
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