The Unwanted Sacrifice

Alternative Ending

I could feel the darkness overtaking me, vision started to fade. Blood started to ooze its way out of my mouth and onto the floor. My life flashed before my eyes. The sad faces of my family and friends, calling out my name, my favorite memories, my birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, then his face popped up, and I was filled with the desire to live, a last minute will to survive this. The door opened and I held out a hand to the figure standing there, croaking out a final “Help Me” before falling to the floor and closing my eyes for good…
I could still hear; voices I’ve never heard before saying “We found her”. Who? Who did they find? Was it me, did they finally find me? After all of this time, they finally found me, but it seemed like it was too late. After hours of never ending darkness, the feeling of being alone, I woke up, attached to beeping machines, tubes running through my body in every possible place. My mom was next to me, crying. I was surrounded by flowers, teddy bears and balloons with homemade cards everywhere.
“Mom?” I said looking at her, attempting to sit up, only to have my mom push me back down with a barrage of hugs and kisses.
“My baby, I thought you were a goner! I was so worried. I’m glad you’re OK.” She was crying. It seemed like it had been the end for me, but I had survived. I started to cry and hugged my mom back. The wound in my stomach still hurt, but I didn’t care. I was alive.
I stayed in the hospital for two months, people coming in and out to visit me, news reporters and police officers asking me questions about what happened, it was exhausting.
“Hey, where is he?” I asked one of my friends one day.
“Last time I heard, he was on his way, but I don’t know where he is.” She said flipping the channels on the T.V. I saw a face looking at me through the window, a dark shadow lurking around the corner. He entered the room, just as perfect as I remembered him; tall, dark hair, blue eyes, pale skin, eyeliner, tattoos and lip piercings. My friend left the room to give us some privacy.
We both watched her leave the room, and when she was finally gone, he looked at me, tears running down his eyes. Slowly he walked over to me, sat at my bedside and laid his head on my leg.
“I’m so sorry.” He said. “It was my fault, I didn’t mean for this to happen. Please forgive me.” He said facing me.
“I would never blame you for anything like that. You weren’t at fault with this.” I said softly while slowly stroking his hair. It was just as soft under my fingertips as I remembered it. “I missed you.”
“Not as much as I missed you. I couldn’t sleep or eat or do anything at all when you went missing. I lost my mind. I really did miss you.” He sat up and pulled on the sleeve of his sweater, revealing several red slash marks that ran down the length of his forearm. My eyes started to water at the sight of it.
“Why did you do this?” I asked him. He took his thumb and wiped the tears away from my eyes; his fingers as cold as ice. Almost as if he was dead.
“I missed you so much. My heart shattered in to a million different pieces and I couldn’t cope with the loneliness and sorrow anymore. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there to protect you. I’m so sorry.” This time his eyes stared to water and his voice trembled and cracked. He sniffed a few times and looked up at me; his red eyes the only thing of color in his pale face.
I smiled at him and he smiled at me. We both laughed for a while and then just looked at each other.
“It’s gonna be alright. I’m gonna be fine. We are gonna be fine.” I hugged him and that was the end of the emotional part of our get together.
“Hey, can I see your scar?” he asked me.
“Why? It’s nasty looking.” I whined.
“I showed you my scars now show me yours.”
“Ugh, fine.” I groaned lifting my pajama top to show my scar to him.
“That’s nasty. Why did you show me that?” I put my shirt back down to cover it.
“You asked me to!” I threw a pillow at him.
That was about it. Our relationship was like that. We joked about everything and had fun together. I was just glad that that terrible nightmare was over. A few hours later, when it was getting late, he and my friend had to leave so I could sleep.
“We’ll see you later, OK?” he said on his way out.
“OK.” He put his hand over the light switch and I started to panic. “Wait! Please. Don’t turn off the lights.” I yelled when they started to flicker.
“Oh, OK.” He put his hand down and waved and smiled at me as he left. When they were both gone I turned on the TV on the wall and tried to go to sleep.

The Dark Will Never Consume Me Again.