Taken Away


The church was filled with sorrow, and other mixed emotions. My grandfather has just passed. All the patrons filed into the small hall.

"We are gathered here today to witness and remember James Wilmer Edis." The man said into the speaker. He called the first speaker, my mother, to come and speak. Before she could even make a sound, my iPhone went off.

"Get outside the church right now. If you are not out within two minutes, we will storm the church by force." The message read. I looked as if I just died. I looked at the door and bit my lip. Decision time, risk your life, or everyone's life. I looked back at the wooden casket. My grandfather's face as pale as a ghost. A tear rolled down my check, redder than a ripe apple. My body lifted itself up and I strode toward the door, a portal into the chilling, winter, snowy weather of Flint. I opened the door and the crisp air immersed me into a cold bath. Ahead of me in the rotunda area of the parking lot was a Black SUV, with tinted windows. I walked toward it, the snow under me crunching. I was almost to the large vehicle and the passenger window rolled down. Inside, there was a big man, with a suit and sunglasses.

"Are you Jake?" He asked with no intent of carrying on a lousy conversation.

"Yes, what is it to y-" I questioned only to get interupted.

"Get in the van." I peered inside the van, to see the driver with a Glock in a holster. I unquestionabbly got inside. The van was totally into the new age of technology. The next thing I knew, we were pulling out and away from the church.

"Wait, what are you do-" I said only to get interupted again.

"Before your Grandfather passed, he was on a mission. We are the CIA. We need him to carry out his mission." He said pulling out a mannila folder, printed on it, in red was CLASSIFIED.I pulled out the files inside.

"This is Eli Duke. He was in jail frequently for the selling of drugs and weapons, illegally. He is a high-priority target."

"So, where do I go?" I said looking into the man, Johnson's eyes.

"This mission takes place in Paris. You will have a partner. Miranda. We have clothes for you, and right now, we're going to Detroit Metro. Your leaving on the double.

"This is benifical. On a mission that he did. I recalled the times on and off when he travelled to Europe, for who know's what." I said quietly to myself.

"So, is it a deal?" He said, reaching his hand out. I reached my own hand out and shook it proffesionally (like a boss).

"Deal." I said with a look on my face that I have when I get an idea that ends up getting me grounded.