Until I Met You

God Damn It!


I had been sat there about thirty minutes when I heard her window open. What the hell was she doing. My first was that she was so distraught she was going to kill herself. I told myself to not be stupid and thought about the fire escape I could see through my window. Damn girl was doing a runner. I ran down to my room and grabbed some sneakers then bolted to the lobby taking the stairs three at a time. I skidded through the door to find Matt sat in a chair I didn’t stop maybe I could get her before she vanished. But as I got through the door she was nowhere in sight and Bismarck was too big a city for me to run round hoping to find her. As I walked back in feeling a little defeated I walked straight into Matt.
“Raina what’s going on have you talked to her?” His eyes were so sad, I just had to hug him.
“No she wouldn’t let me in and now she’s run off. I don’t know where she might have gone.” I smiled sadly pulling back from him.
“What do you mean she ran off?” He asked in confusion.
“I mean she climbed down the fire escape and took off.” He almost looked as if he was about to cry.
“Who’s took off?” I turned round to see Phil his patented smile in place. I wondered briefly why I brushed him off and that maybe all this drama could have been avoided if I hadn’t. I stopped myself as thoughts like this would get me nowhere fast.
“Aubree she was really upset.” I explained briefly what had happened and the mention of Nick seemed to boil his blood. “And now she’s taken off. How are we supposed to find her in such a big city?” Phil contemplated it for a while frowning as I went a joined Matt. A smile appeared on Phil’s face as he took out his phone and walked away from us.
“She maybe at a cemetery.” He said with a grin as he walked back to us. Ok it made sense to me, she would feel closer to her mom if she went there. I walked over to the night porter and asked where the nearest cemetery was and five minutes later all three of us were stood watching as Aubree talked to her mom. She was even telling her mom she was worthless. I couldn’t take it so I spoke up.
“No. You’re not.”
“Mom?” I couldn’t help but smile at that.
“Not quite.” I smiled as she turned to face us.
“Guys?” Tears ran down her face as she ran to me flinging her arms around me. I hugged her back and she slowly pulled away blushing. “H-how much did you guys hear?”
“I heard something about a bunch of stuck up no good jocks.” Phil teased her.
“And brats.” I added as she blushed even more. She looked at Matt and he hugged her.
“I didn’t hear anything after that ‘the greatest, funniest guy I’ve ever met’ comment.” Matt said smiling as he held her close.
“How did you guys find me?” She asked looking astounded.
“Well, after I heard you jump out the window I ran back downstairs and told Matt. Phil was down in the lobby too and we told him what was going on.” I was relived now that I knew she was ok.
“None of us had any idea where you’d be until I suggested calling Susan.” Phil continued for me.
“She said sometimes you went to cemeteries to calm down and talk to your mom. So we looked up the closest one and here we are.” I finished smiling at her.
“B-but but…” She stuttered.
“But what?” Matt asked.
“Why?” How could she not see it I thought as I smiled at her.
“Because that’s what friends do, they look out for each other. Now listen to me, you are going to stop thinking that Eve is better than you, because she’s not and never will be.” I meant every word of it and I would back it up if I needed too.
“And I’m going to make sure that Nick backs the Hell off.” Matt growled.
“Can I help?” Phil asked eagerly. “I hate that guy.”
“Be my guest. I was thinking we could just maybe break his legs or something, what do you think?” Matt laughed.
“I’d go for his face first, that’s where all the money is.” I grinned gesturing to my face. She giggled and I wasn’t sure she believed us, but we did and we would prove it to her. I was walking a little ahead with Phil when we heard Matt whistle. He told us he would meet us back at the hotel. Phil smiled and turned to leave, but it was my turn to hug Aubree as I ran back to her and wrapped my arms around her.
“Don’t you ever scare me like that again.” I whispered before I jogged off to catch up with Phil.
We were quiet at first as we made our way back to the hotel. I knew for my part it was awkward. I felt bad for my behaviour the night before especially since we had told I had gone out with Mike tonight.
“So you and Miz huh?” He asked not looking at me. I glanced sideways at him and smiled to myself.
“Yeah kind of. I’m not with him, but I went out this afternoon with Mike and Kevin. Then Mike asked me to come out with him tonight. I kind of wish I hadn’t.” He smiled at me then as he looked over at me.
“Why? You realise he’s a complete ass?” Where did that come from? But I couldn’t help but smile as he was clearly jealous.
“Well no he’s been real sweet to me, but something was wrong. He was strange around Aubree and she was so, so nervous around him. Yet she told me he was a nice guy and that I should go for it.” He looked seriously put out by this, Aubree was his friend but she hadn’t really mentioned Phil to me. “Phil?” He broke away from his thoughts to look at me.
“About last night. I’m, I’m sorry for the way I acted around you. It was completely my fault and you did nothing wrong. Ok I’m glad I said it.” I smiled meekly at him.
“Well that’s good to know, but if I did nothing wrong why did you jump at the chance to go with Mike?” I sighed I didn’t want to get into it with him.
“Because I felt like an idiot after how I behaved. And when Mike asked me, I thought I’m not going to do it again. Get over yourself Raina and just go for it. Especially after Aubree said he was a nice guy.” I felt so stupid it was a ridiculous answer but it was the truth.
“Ok I guess you’ve not had the best of times with… relationships.” It was a statement not a question. I nodded my head and he smiled throwing his arm over my shoulders. “Well that’s ok, I understand and you know if you ever feel the need to talk about it my ears are yours.” He chuckled.
“Thanks Phil.” I didn’t move his arm until we got back to the hotel. Mike, Eve and Nick must have just got back. Mike turned and he was less than pleased with Phil’s arm around me. Eve turned and smiled at me. I saw red. I lurched forward aiming to rip her pretty little head off when Phil grabbed me.
“Easy Raina, don’t start anything. Just save it for the ring.” I stopped as he was right.
“Punk what do you think you are doing? Raina I thought you weren’t feeling well.” He was hurt and angry. I couldn’t blame him.
“Well if Eve hadn’t been… I had to go check on Aubree she wandered off alone. I’m sorry for ruining tonight.” I could hear Phil laughing and disguising it as a cough.
“Well what’s he doing with you?” He shot back. I did so not like his attitude right now.
“Phil was helping me look for her along with Matt.” Realising he was in the wrong he came and took my hand. Phil backed off from me clearly not happy.
“I’m sorry babe. I guess I’m a little insecure. I thought…” He looked like a little sad puppy.
“No I’m sorry. Look its late I think we all just need to get some sleep ok?” He smiled at me, leaned in and kissed my cheek. I blushed lightly and hoped Phil hadn’t seen. As I looked at Mike he quickly looked down and smiled at me. Had he just been rubbing it in Phil’s face? I turned to see Phil, but he was walking off to the lifts. God damn it! Now I had hurt him.

I woke up to someone bagging on the door. I did not appreciate this wake-up call what so ever, I trudged out of bed and flung the door open ready to tear whoever it was a new one.
“Raina!” Was all Matt said as he charged into my room. What the hell was he playing at. “You were right!” I was?
“What are you talking Matt. It’s too early for guessing games.” I snapped at him and instantly felt bad, but he didn’t seem to notice.
“About Mike. That son of a bitch threatened Aubree. Said that if she didn’t help him get you, that he’s going to hurt me to hurt her. And tell me that he had slept with her!” It took a second for this to sink in. How, why would he do it? It made no sense and it in complete contradiction to how he had been with me. But then I thought about it. The way Aubree was so intimidated by him. The dirty looks he threw at her that I thought I imagined. I was so stupid.
“He’s a dead man!” Matt clearly wasn’t expecting that response. But he didn’t get how I felt about Aubree she was like a sister I never had. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt her and get away with it. I grabbed some clothes and ran into the bathroom to change.
“Raina what are you going to do?” He asked almost cowering from me. As I stormed out of the bathroom.
“I haven’t decided… yet” I smirked and it promised Mike wouldn’t get off lightly. “Where’s Aubree?”
“She’s still asleep. Why?” I didn’t answer him as I headed out of my room. Mike was most likely having breakfast.
As I walked into the restaurant I saw Mike. He was sat with Kevin and Eve of all people. As I walked towards him he smiled. Kevin waved while Eve glared at me.
“Morning babe couldn’t resist seeing me huh?” He smiled and at any other time it may have made my knees weak, but not now not ever.
“Yeah I guess you could say that…Babe.” I cocked my head to one side and he looked at me confused, that is until I picked the jug of water up and dumped it over his head. “Consider this your one and only warning. You so much as look at Aubree the wrong way, touch Matt in anyway. And I’ll show you the real reason hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Sneaky little worm. You just jumped to the top of my shit list!” I sauntered away as Kevin tried not to laugh and met Matt at the entrance.
“Remind me never to piss you off.” He laughed. But as I walked away with Matt I couldn’t help, but think this was just the beginning of one hell of a shit storm.
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Ok wonder what's going to happen now?
It's all upto TMG as the next is from her.
You WWWYKI's going to be Awesome.
Raina's Outfit