Status: not active and won't be anymore

Will you remember me , cause I know I won't forget you

Oh why can't everyday just be normal..

I met the hazel eyes of the most wanted guy in school.. David Desrosiers. I was in a trance for a second; My knees became Jell-o. I snapped out of what i was dreaming.

'uhm uhh' I stuttered as I turned and fast-walked away.

'Danielle, what's wrong?" Pierre questioned, his face wore a quizzical in a awkward fashion.

'Look' i slightly yelled 'I should have never met you or him!' i pointed at David flailing my arms in anger. 'You are probably just here to humiliate me in front of all these people' i said fiercely.

I turned around feeling quite victorious, but then i remembered i'm an outcast and what i just did could potentially get me beaten to a pulp.

As I ran through the huge doors, I slammed into this buff-ish type guy.

'Hey loser, where do you think your going' he taunted.

I got up from the cold floor holding my thigh in slight pain.'Anywhere but here, get out of my way asshole'.

Good job Danielle, you made him angry.. stupidstupidstupid.

'Where's my science homework?' he questioned

I said nothing, I just stared as he saw my face go blank. I felt an immense sharp pain in my stomach repeatedly. He punched my face until i felt it went numb.

'I want this in to me by tomorrow' He chanted as he spat

As he left i clenched my stomach in horror and pain. I felt a salty liquid flush through my eyes. I crawled my way to the bathroom. I had no idea which one i was in, I just went. I threw myself towards the radiator trying to catch whatever breath i had left.

'Oh my fuck, what happened to you?' A girl with dark brown hair with a blue streak asked in shock.

All i heard was 'fuck', 'happened' and 'you' so i assumed she was asking what happened.

'nothing' I mumbled with whatever dignity i had left.

'Nothing my ass, you look like you just came out of a horror movie' She joked

I tried to give a small smile, that didn't work. My mouth felt bruised and hurt, i couldn't even feel it. I struggled to look at her to examine if i've seen her. My eyes were to swollen from crying. I yelped in pain because no words could come from my mouth.

'My god, here let me help you up' She asked sweetly

With all my might and her force i was up off the cold hard floors. She was asking me various questions about who did it or if i was still alright. She left me for a second to go get some tissue.

I heard the taps turn on and off from her fiddling with them. She wiped the remaining blood off my face and threw the wet tissue in the garbage.

'Well since you can finally speak, I'm Imogen Cohan and you are?'She asked melodic.

'I'm Danielle Leveque' I said to her quite faintly. I studied her face. She was quite pretty, She had dark brown chest length hair with a light blue streak and an eyebrow piercing. I heard many voices in the background, one quite loudly.

" Ew what is that normal girl doing with that gremlin" one chanted from across the hall.

"Don't listen to them, there all huge asswipes" She said bitterly

I could hear the malice in her voice. Could i actually be making a friend? No i couldn't i'm just not that typ of person to have friends.

'So, What classes do you have?" She nudged my side to hand me the tiny slip of paper i had in my hand. I let out a small yelp as she nudged my side.

"Oh shit!, sorry i forgot, that's where you got kicked" She apoligized

She kept apoligizing until i got to a bench in the hall to sit down.

"It's okay now, I'm not disabled" I said it quite harshly hoping she wasn't going to take it the wrong way.

'Fine jeez, I was just trying to be nice" She said irritated

'Sorry" I finally spoke. 'Well here's the slip to my classes' I said as i handed her the slip of paper.

She examined the piece of paper like it was a moldy sandwich.

'Well, clearly the idiots that made the classes didn't put it right' She sadly laughed 'We only have 4th and 7th period together' She pouted

'Well tha-" I was interuppeted by her screech of happiness.

"Oh yes! you have 3 periods with Pierre, Chuck and David!" She cheered "Oh sorry , I forgot to mention I'm dating Chuck, so I hang out with the band alot"

The band?

She got up and danced like a monkey on LSD. She ended up pulling me off the bench and trying to 'happy dance' with me i struggled away from her.

I looked at her until her smile faded. ' What's wrong?' She asked in sorrow

I said nothing to her. I just looked at her scarsily.

'Oh well anyways, You my friend have a class with the school hottie, David' She gestured in a sly fashion.

' I know' I sighed. She winked at me until i started laughing. I laughed at her attempt to wink.

'Well, anyways i'm dating Chuck, David's just a bonus for me' She winked again.

I still said nothing. I felt my face begin to go blank as i spaced out. What if this Imogen girl trys to hurt me because she's dating Chuck? and I have a class with him AND David..

Oh this is not going to go well. Maybe she's nice but these days, I can't trust anyone.

I was awaken from my daze by Imogen.

'DANIELLE!' She thundered, Flailing her hand in front of my face. It felt like her voice hissed in my ears.

'I'm awake!' I yelled back causing her to step back in fright.

'Jeez, you spaced out i was just trying to help..' She narrowed her eyes. I tried to apologize but she wouldn't let me.

'Well i'm going to science, see you in 4th.. Have fun with you know who' She winked making me laugh again

'Bye' i mumbled under my breath.

I walked into Chemistry 101 with one of my favorite teachers Mr Sylvestre.

As I walked in i saw the many plastic faces and three familiar ones. Pierre, Chuck and the dreaded Amanda.

Mr Sylvestre greeted me a sweet hello and a graceful wave. Amanda sat next to David, Obviously Amanda is the most wanted girl in school, As David. So no wonder they would be together.

But i wasn't sure this time.

I sat down on my seat to see Pierre waving at me and Amanda trying to kiss David. I got a chuckle out of David stuggling to get out of Amanda's arms.

By the time i noticed Pierre, He was flailing his arms like one of those inflaitable 'flailing arm tube men' I had at my fifth birthday.

"DANIELLE! DANI-" He was interuppted my Mr Sylvestre.

'Pierre! do you not have any manners?' He asked almost blowing my ear drum

He replyed by putting his head down and giving Mr Sylvestre his puppy dog eyes. I head the whole class go into hysterics at his attempt of doing the puppy dog eyes.

I looked over and his face was red like a tomato. I laughed a bit too,

"Hi Pierre" I said so only he could hear.

He didn't reply. He probably only wanted to do that so i could make the illusion i was talking to myself or something.

"Hi Danielle!" David muffled from across the classroom.

Amanda shot me a death glare, It was like glass slicing through my skin. I hate her.

I looked away as Amanda gave me that awful glare. I ended up looking down at the cover pages of my notebook.

It seemed as there were hearts made of pen scribbled all over the front pages. One looked like it had a name stitched in it. I tried to figure out what it said but water had washed the delicate ink away and left a blotchy blue mark.

I looked up to see Mr Sylvestre left the room to get some more copies for the project he was assigning. He wrote on the board in big yellow letters "JANISE IS IN CHARGE WHILE I'M GONE"

I was in disgust that Mr Sylvestre would put her in charge instead of a more responsible person. and one with real hair.

As he was gone, i started to drift off into a daze from the cool breeze coming through the window. Why can't life just be a dream. fake if ou were to say.

I was abruptly awaken by what seemed to be a paper ball and a ball-point pen to my head.

I turned to see none other. Janise. One of the whores in Amanda's 'posse'. I ignored it as usual and tried to drift off into my thoughts. But again, Another paperball.

I turned to Janice and narrowed my eyes. i took a turn for the worst.

'Janise, we all know you're fake and that is not your real hair" I yelled as i pointed to her hair.

'And the only reason you're popular is because you used Amanda to get near Pierre. We all know you're not 'popular if i may say but your vagina is." I yelled hearing many gasps.

Feeling victorious I sat down in my seat and looked at the door to see Mr Sylvestre shocked, in a daze.

"Now ms Leveque, that is no way to talk to a fellow pupil!" Mr Sylvestre said sternly completly butchering my last name.

"Sorry Mr Sylvestre" I apoligized.

Disdain. was written all over his face. "Oh drat! I have to go get a few more copies! BRB"

Some laughed at his attempt at 'internet lingo'.

'So you were saying.." Janise shot me a wicked smile when i turned around almost hitting her stomach with my head. I turned again to see the whole 'posse' surrounded me and an apoligetic look from Pierre.

Frightened as i was. all that came out of my mouth was "You dumb whores".

Stupid move Danielle stupid move once again. I said mentally hitting myself. But i wasn't far from getting physically hit.

"Oh shi-" I said. Then everything went black.


Black and as blind as a bat.

I hope you liked it ciao!
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this is one of my first fanfictions so please leave some feedback, thank you c: