Status: Completed. For now. :)

Some Secrets Are Meant To Be Told

Chapter Four

Will rode with me in the police caravan. He held my hand as the police asked me questions about roman and what he had done to me.
“Is there any possibility that you have been or are pregnant?” One of the women asked this. Will squeezed my hand. I whispered,
“Yes.” I felt his hand become colder in mine. He excused himself from the room.
“Ms. Johnson, did you want Mr. Mestaz to do the things he did to you?” I looked up at her- her eyes were as cold as ice.
“Ma’am, if I had wanted him to do what he has been doing to me for three months, I would have said something by now; He threatened my family, my friends, and even my life. He has slapped me, punched me, kicked me, whipped me, and raped me. I was degraded to the lowest of low, and I only dealt with it because I felt that I had no other choice. My mother means everything to me, and her work means everything to her. When we moved here, she had left her old job, and she couldn’t find one until we came here. I did what I had to do in order to survive, and I did not enjoy it.” I was angry. Through the observation window, I could see will on his cell phone. The investigator nodded her head.
“Miss, I was not trying to offend you. It’s my job to ask these questions. In my personal opinion, though, you have a straight forward case. This guy is going to go to jail. You’re going to be safe now. Thank you for being brave and talking to us. We’ll call you if we need you. You can go now.” She smiled.
“Thank you, Officer.” I left, then. Will had just gotten off the phone. He smiled at me.
“You ready to go?” I asked.
“Yeah. But do you mind if we stop by the park first? I need to talk to you.” My heart dropped. Was he going to break up with me? I nodded. He reached for my hand, entwining our fingers. I looked at him with longing, sadness and faint hope. My heart felt like it was breaking already. We were only a minute or two away from the closest park, but since it was a school day, not, it was relatively empty. Will led me to an empty bench by the man-made pond.
“Liz…” I looked at him, fear filling my heart and eyes.
“What?” I whispered, letting pain drip from my tongue.
“Liz, yesterday was a mistake. And then today, with Roman taking you away, I felt like my heart was going to die if you weren’t okay. Lizzy, what I’m trying to say is…,” He got down on one knee, “I love you, and I know I always will. Yesterday was my mistake, because I should have asked you to marry me after you told me you loved me. Before we had sex. In these last twenty-four hours, my life has evolved into something amazing. Elizabeth Johnson, will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Oh my god. I was officially crying now, first out of fear that he was going to dump me, but now I was crying of happiness.
“Yes. A thousand time, yes.” I answered than sat on his knee and kissed him earnestly. He smiled- Hell, he looked as if he had won the lottery and just found out on Christmas day.
“I love you, Will.”
“I love you too. Now, I have two questions.”
“Go for it.”
“Could you get off my knee? The ground is cold.” I laughed at him and sat back down on the bench.
“My second question is this: Will you go to the beach with me? I’ve already called your mom (That’s why I left the room when we were at the police station.), and she’s fine with it, and Cassie is spending the weekend with her friends. It’ll just me you and me. What do you say?” I smiled.
“Of course I want to go! But, I don’t have any clothes or anything. And from what I’ve heard from you, we’ll be spending a lot of time in bed.” I winked at him then. He chuckled.
“I’m driving. And I have a key to your house.”
“You know, Will, if you were anyone else and said that, I would have called the police.” I teased him. I didn’t know he had a key to my house. He rolled his eyes at me and I poked him.
“Don’t be mean, Willy.” I stuck my tongue out at him. He rolled his eyes again.
“C’mon,” he said, “Let get you out of here.”
“Those are the best six words you could say to me.” I cupped his cheek with my hand for a second. His head turned then, and he kissed my palm. We stood up together, and immediately held our hands out to each other. When we touched, a shiver of pleasure rolled through me.
“So,” I started, “Where’s my ring?”
“I didn’t want to leave you at the police station. But it’s at my house. It was my mom’s, before she died.” My heart went out to him at that moment. I stopped, and he looked at me curiously. I let go of his hand, and held my arms to him. He walked right into my embrace, and I clung to him. We stood there for an immeasurable moment. I gave him one last squeeze, and let him go, and took hold of his hand again. We walked in silence to his house.
It was silent in his house, apart from our footsteps and breathing. I was surprised when he grabbed a duffel bag that was in the corner of his room- I hadn’t noticed it. His truck was parked in the back of the house. It was a 2009 Ford F-150. It was one of my favorite cars. He unlocked the car and threw his bag in the back seat. I walked around to the passenger seat, and found a small, blue velvet box on my seat. Will was already in the driver’s seat, grinning at me. I smiled at him, and grabbed the box before hopping into the truck. I gave the box to him.
“Open it for me?” I asked. He chuckled and opened the box slowly. I gasped- it was the exact kind of ring I wanted, but better. It was a woven, golden ring that had little diamonds embedded in it.
“Will, it’s beautiful.” I said, but he shook his head.
“Not as beautiful as you, Elizabeth.” He then proceeded to take the ring out of the box.
“Left hand, please.” He commanded in a whisper. I gave held my left hand out to him, my heart fluttering. He slipped the ring onto my ring finger. It fit perfectly.
“I love you.” He said, and leaned over to gently kiss me on the lips. I kissed him back, matching his softness, and pulled back. I buckled myself in.
“Let’s go.” He looked at me with both lust and love in his eyes. I quivered with delight. I slipped my left hand into his right after he had started the car. He let go of my hand for a second, and turned on the CD player. Punk Goes Acoustic started playing. I smirked at him and turned it up. He replaced his hand in mine. I lived in the outskirts of town- the country was always my family’s scene. I gave Will directions to my house, and he obediently obeyed. We were at my house in no time at all. He let out a low whistle as he saw my house- 4,800 square feet of family-built beauty.
“Do you want to come in?” I asked. He nodded. We got out of the car, and walked towards the entrance to the house. Will unlocked the door and opened it, but stopped me from walking in.
“I want to do this right.” He said simply as he easily picked me up, and walked through the entrance. I giggled and pretended to struggle.
“Where’s your room?” he asked.
“Upstairs, first door on your left.” But instead of letting me walk, he carried me to my room. My door was painted black, with a white tree. He smiled as he understood the Lord of the Rings reference. I pushed open the door. My room was a deep purple, with writing all over my walls. There was a poster of John Lennon hanging over my bed.
“Can I pack now?” I whined, and he unceremoniously dropped me on my bed.
“That was rude.” I stated, but Will was too busy reading my walls to hear me. Silently, I grabbed some shirts and jeans, then some shorts, and finally underwear, socks, and some lingerie and threw them into a duffel bag. I walked past Will and across the hall to my bathroom. I attained the essentials- shampoo, soap, body lotion, a toothbrush and toothpaste. Thinking quickly, I opened some cabinet doors and grabbed a box of condoms that my brother had given me for my eighteenth birthday. Smiling at the memory, I walked back to my room. Will was still immersed in reading. Dropping my prizes into my bag, I went to stand behind him. I enclosed his waist with my arms and pressed my cheek against his back. We swayed as he read. When he was done, he turned around and hugged me, kissing my forehead. Then he grabbed my bag, and we set off on our own adventure.
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