Sequel: Living Our Dreams



It's been two weeks since Tyler left. He called a few times and texted a bit to ask about Cody and just to say hi. It was kind of sweet but I didn't dulge into it. Cody hasn't talked to me much. He would when necessary. I stopped going to quite a few of his games and when he had to leave for a few days he just got a ride from Max to the airport, then text saying he arrived safely from one flight to another.

Eventually, things got boring and lonely.

I knocked lightly on the door of Cody's room.

"It's open." I heard him say.

I twisted the handle and opened it slowly, "Cody?"


"I'm sorry." I whispered. It was probably the twentieth time I had apologize, but he'd never say anything back.

He was sitting on his bed, laptop in front of him. He had just gotten home from practice and I from class. I thought I'd have another attempt at getting him to forgive me. It seemed like he never would've with the way he was responding.

I was about to close the door after a few moments of the familiar silence when he graced me with his voice, "What's going on between you two?" He whispered, just above hearing level.

"What're you talking about? He had nowhere to stay." I said, telling the same story I've always had. It was the truth.

"Why was he here in the first place? He doesn't need to be here. Did you tell him to come here?" He said, his voice raising.

"No! I have no idea what he was doing here! He just showed up at the gala, got angry at me and ran off. I felt bad so I went out to find him." I sighed.

"Come here." Cody said, patting the spot next to him.

I hesitated for a moment, then took my place beside him. He immediately wrapped his arm around me and leaned me onto his shoulder. I couldn't help but sob worse than I ever have, "I'm so sorry, Cody."

I don't even know what I'm sorry about.
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Guys. I think mibba's lying to me. I always get double the amount of readers for my latest chapter than I do subscribers. You guys are just so weird.

Anyways, thanks for subscribing and reading, and I'm not a weekend updater but if I can I'll try and squeeze one in! (: