Sequel: Living Our Dreams



"How the hell do you do that?" Tyler groaned, lying on his yoga mat as I did the pose the video demonstrated.

"Does your goalies do yoga?" I asked as I changed into another position.

"I see Timmy do some crazy stuff whenever we workout. I guess it's kind of like yoga. Rask just does random shit. Whenever someone questions him, he gets all angry so nobody really asks him. Marty.. I'm not sure what Marty does." He pondered, turning onto his back.

"Hey. I was wondering if you could do me a favour." I asked. He just nodded, to which I continued, "Me and Steph really want to go to a game." I said with a convincing smile, "And I guess Giselle, depending on how things go with Milan."

"So you want me to get you tickets?" He clarified.

"If it won't be a problem." I asked.

He sighed with a smile, "I'll see what I can do."

"And if Giselle goes Hannah will most likely come along. She follows her everywhere." I mumbled.

I watched as Tyler rolled his eyes, "Fine."

"Thanks!" I yelped, immediately getting out of position and giving Tyler a hug. I was about to get up but he tugged at my waist, pulling me back down. "I kinda have so yoga to do." I said, nodding towards the screen.

"Lying down is one of the poses, right?" He smirked

"You're so funny." I said sarcastically.


Obviously UMass was huge about their athletics. I wasn't sure how big UB was about that stuff but I was hoping at least a few people would show up to our first game. The large masses of people were dressed in dark blue and red.

Giselle showed me my brand new jersey that she just got made. I decided to just use the same number as Cody, nineteen, instead of his old number nine.

So when I stepped into the gym, the first thing Tyler said was, "I like it when you wear my number."

"It's my brother number." I corrected him, poking him in the chest. I quickly peeked in the corner of my eye to see Milan pointing at something on Giselle's whiteboard. We'd need the extra help since our coach wasn't able to make it.

"Either way, you still look amazing." I turned back to him, and then let out a small chuckle.

"Cause of my shorts, isn't it?" I rolled my eyes and pushed him playfully back into his seat.

I jogged back to the team and started warming up. After quick warmups and stretches, we headed back to the bench. Milan took a seat at the coach's seat, drawing on the whiteboard. When he realized we were all looking at him, expecting some kind of order from either him or Giselle, he erased everything.

"Girls." Giselle started, "Since Coach isn't here today Milan volunteered to help us out. He knows a thing or two about volleyball." at which Milan grinned at all of us.

All of a sudden, Tyler bursted through the group with a distressed look. I was about to ask what was wrong when he groaned, "How come Milan gets the front row seat while I have to sit back there?" He complained, throwing his thumb behind him in the general area of his seat.

"You're so spoiled." I muttered, grabbing him by the shoulders and seating him in the assistant coach's seat.

"Much better." He grinned.

"As you were saying." I gestured for Giselle and Milan to continue.

Milan shoved the whiteboard in the middle of the huddle, "I want Hannah here, Giselle here, Angela here. Kelly here, Caroline here, and Hellen serving. Stephanie as our Libero."

We all nodded and got into place. Steph stayed at the side, letting Hellen serve first.


"Come on girls! Push one!" I yelled, repeating cheers. The girls were so close to finishing it, and winning it. But it wasn't all that easy. I remember my coach back in Vancouver always said that it was a game of mistakes. Whoever made the most at the worst timing loses.

I watched as Steph dived for the ball, Theresa set it for one of our power hitters and Jenna slammed it down. The girls on the other team dove for the ball but tipped it way out of bounds.

Giselle screamed, "Oh my god! We won our first game without our coach!" We cheered.

"Congrats!" Tyler grinned, giving me a hug even though I might've been a little hot and sweaty.

I quickly stopped jumping around and Tyler followed suit, his arms still wrapped around my waist.

"What're you—"

"Shh!" I interrupted him. "Look." I nodded towards Giselle and Milan.

Giselle had a huge smile on her face while Milan had a small one, but he never struck me as an emotional type of guy. Milan congratulated her and gave her a hug, just like me and Tyler did just a minute ago. They talked a bit and then Milan leaned in towards her ear and whispered something and she nodded back.

"I wonder what they're talking about." I said.

"I'm sure they're talking about their hobbies and interests." Tyler said sarcastically which I couldn't help but roll my eyes at.

After lots of screaming we shook hands with the other team, coaches, and officials. We exited into their dressing room and took a quick shower and changed. While we were changing Giselle was picking at her clothes, unsure of what to wear. Something I have never seen her do.

"So Giselle, what's with you and Milan?" I nudged her.

She instantly stiffened, "Nothing. Why?"

"I think he likes you." Steph said, putting on a floral blouse.

"Impossible." Giselle said, trying to wave off the subject like she did the other night. Not this time.

"Then what were you guys talking about?" Steph asked.

"Just.. he was just.. He invited me to a congratulations tomorrow. So you guys are invited too.." She said a little awkwardly.

"I think I'll find my own plans for tomorrow." I chuckled.

"Same here." Steph grinned.
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whoo playoffs!