You Could Save Me Too

and everyone i know

It was stupid o’clock in the morning and I was on my way to work in the pouring rain and I was already late. I tried to run as quick as I could to work but I just gave up seeing as I was already late, I knew my boss Sarah wouldn’t be impressed, I remember her mentioning that we had a busy day today, full of bookings and meetings- great.

When I entered the building I was dripping water all over the place I took my hood down and removed my coat, my hair somehow was still soaked and the water ran down my back as I sat in my chair behind the front desk.

“Don’t tell me why you’re late, just get yourself dry and come and help me,” Sarah said entering the room reading some files and throwing me a towel.

“Thanks,” I muttered, ringing out my long brown hair, “So what do you need me to do?”

“Okay, so I have a meeting with a record company so whilst I’m busy with that I’ll need you to hold the fort, I think You Me At Six have got one of the studios today so you’ll have to deal with that,” she said, obviously stressed.

“Okay that sounds good,” it really didn’t, I had a banging headache and wasn’t in the mood for work today. At least I actually liked the people who were coming in today, usually it was some stuck up band or artist who thought they were better than anyone else just because they had people running around after them as if they were royalty. But You Me At Six had been in quite a lot so I sort of knew them and they seemed like decent guys- especially Max, he was lovely, he always bought me a coffee whenever he went on a Starbucks run and he would invite me in to listen to them occasionally whenever they ran over their time slot in the evening.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat down to read a magazine until I forgot I was actually at work and a huge draft came in through the door as a load of people entered the building. Six guys all wrapped up in huge coats, scarves and hats all rushed into reception as quickly as possible.

“Fuck, it’s cold out there,” I heard one of them say.

“Hey,” Max said noticing me at the desk.

“Hey Max,” I said smiling, but the cold had now got to me and I began to shiver.

“Shut the fucking door,” Max yelled at the blonde one, who I think was called Dan, “Sorry about that, so do you know how long we have the studio for today?” he smiled.

I looked on the computer screen, “um, it says here until two but there’s no one booked in after that so you’re welcome to stay as long as you want,” I said politely.

“Awesome, thanks Lily,” he smiled happily.

“Anytime, if there’s any problems just let me know.”

“Ta babe,” Max winked as he left my desk, I just laughed at him as the rest of the boys followed, all saying hi and waving at me as they walked past.

The boys stayed in the studio pretty much the whole day so my day at work was a sucky as I thought it would be and I was so thankful when I got home and crashed on my sofa. I was sure I was drifting off to sleep but I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I wondered who it was, it couldn’t have been my flatmate Mia because she never forgot her key, that was always my area of expertise. I slowly peeled myself from the sofa and opened the door.

“Hey I’m Josh, I just moved in next door and I was wondering if you had any sugar I could borrow, sorry it’s rude I just don’t have any food in at the moment, so I really need a coffee,” he grinned at me.

“Um yeah sure, come in,” I smiled.

“Thanks, wait you’re Lily right? The girl from the recording studio?” he questioned.

I turned back to look at him finally realising why I recognised him, he was You Me At Six’s singer, “That’s me, you’re the one who thought it was a good idea to run over your time slot last week so I had to stay at work for an extra three hours,” I joked.

“Right, sorry about that,” he said genuinely, making me feel bad.

“Don’t worry about it,” I smiled handing him an extra bag of sugar I had, “listen, my flatmate isn’t home yet so I have loads of extra dinner if you want to stay and eat rather than just drink coffee all night.”

“Really? That’d be great, you have no idea how hungry I am,” he beamed.

I plated up Josh and I some dinner and sat on the sofa with it in my lap as he sat opposite me on the floor leaning against the wall, shoving his food down his throat as if he was about to die.

“So why did you move here?” I asked trying to make conversation.

“No reason in particular, I just figured I’m 21 and still live with my parents I should really move out some time,” he laughed, “and I’m always on tour with the guys so I need some space to be by myself from time to time.”

“Makes sense,” I smiled, “How long have you guys been together?”

“Just over five years now,” he smiled, “there are times when I just think I could give it all up, the music, the touring, all of it, but then I realise that I love what I do and that I get to share it with my best friends, and that if I wasn’t doing this then I would be stuck in some dead end job for the rest of my life.”

Josh seemed so passionate when he talked about the band, it made them all just seem a whole lot nicer than I first thought. I’d never really spoken to Josh particularly but he seemed like a genuinely nice guy, not a typical frontman who thinks he’s hot shit. Josh was completely the opposite; he seemed so humbled by it all.

“It sounds like you really enjoy it,” I smiled, “you guys really do sound awesome, I wish I knew what I wanted to actually do, like something that I was truly passionate about, that I was actually good at.”

“You know what you should do? Stop looking so hard; just stop looking for what you think you want to do and it will just appear naturally,” he said profoundly.

I thought over what he had just said, it actually made a lot of sense, “Thanks,” I replied.

We talked for a while after we’d finished eating and just talked about stuff for a while, he was actually really funny and we both were in stitches half the time. It was about 10pm and Josh was about to walk out the door, “I was wondering whether you and your flatmate wanted to come out with me and the guys tomorrow night, to say thanks for the sugar and food,” he grinned.

“Um,” I contemplated.

“Come on, we don’t bite,” he laughed.

“Sure, why not,” I smiled at him.

“Wicked, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said as he walked to the door to his apartment.
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Okay so here's the first chapter. Not sure how I feel about this story, I think it will be really good if I get it going, so stick around!