You Could Save Me Too

one that you could live without

I’d been seeing Andy for nearly two weeks now and it was great, I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been this happy; he was just so relaxing and funny and whenever I was around him I just couldn’t help but smile.

But now Mia and I were currently standing side stage at our first ever You Me At Six gig and we were watching Deaf Havana support, they weren’t doing a bad job of it either.

Dan had appeared beside me and was singing along, badly. “Shouldn’t you be getting ready or something?” I raised an eyebrow.

He grinned cheekily at me, “I’m ready as I am, all I need is me and my sticks, done,” he said raising his drumsticks in my face.

“How are you so chilled out? If I was going to play to a crowd of 5,000 people I’d definitely be throwing up in that guitar case over there,” I laughed.

“It’s not that bad, I love it so I can’t be complaining,” he smiled, “well, duty calls,” Dan went to stand with the rest of the boys as Deaf Havana came off stage, they all praised one another and it was now You Me At Six’s turn to take to the stage.

Each one of them walked passed Mia and I as we wished them luck, they each made a stupid face at us making us laugh. Josh was still side stage whilst the rest of them started playing, “Good luck,” I whispered.

He smirked at me and gave me a cheeky wink which made me giggle, he was such a goon.

Once Josh had joined them on stage the whole crowd went crazy, they loved it! Mia and I stood there singing along with the songs we knew and watched in admiration. You could tell why they did it; each one of them loved what they did, they all got so into in with such energy and enthusiasm and they were bloody good at what they did too. All five of them looked like they were having such a good time. The next song they played was one of my favourites, ‘Stay With Me’, Josh sung it beautifully and the crowd loved it, singing along with every word, including me.

Throughout the set Josh turned to look at Mia and I standing side stage, he even winked at me a couple of times and pulled faces at me which made me laugh yet again, he was such a kid.

After the set finished they all came off stage hot and sweaty, but all with plastered smiles on there faces.

“That was wicked,” Josh said as he came off stage and approached me.

“You guys were so good, well they were, you I’m not too sure about,” I teased.

Josh pretended to be offended by what I said, “I’m hurt you would say something like that Lily, I really thought I did good this time,” he smirked.

“Could’ve done better,” I joked.

Josh’s eyes smiled, “Right that’s it, not more Mr Nice Guy,” and he came towards me with his arms wide open preparing to hug me.

“Eww, no I’m not hugging you, you’re all sweaty and smelly and gross! Eww no get off me Franceschi,” I squealed as he clasped me in a hug, “I’m going to get you for that!”

“I can’t wait baby,” he laughed as he backed off.

“Go and take a shower or something, or we can’t be friends,” I said sternly.

Josh put on his puppy dog face, “Of course your majesty! Meet us in the back room in ten,” he said as the guys all walked off to get cleaned up.

Mia and I made our way to the back room with Holly and Georgie, Matt and Chris’s girlfriends. We met at Max’s party so already knew them and they were really nice and welcoming. I went to walk next to Holly but Mia yanked on my arm so we were walking slightly behind them.

“What the hell was that?” she tried to whisper but it was more of a hiss.

I looked at her in confusion, “Um, what was what?”

“You and Josh, you were acting like you were fucking or something!”

“What? What are you talking about? We’re just friends, and he has a girlfriend and I have Andy, why would you think that?” I was seriously confused, what had made her think that? We were just mucking about.

Mia looked at me as if it was obvious, “The way you are with each other, teasing each other and flirting like there’s no tomorrow. And what was with that hug? You squealed for god sake!”

“Mia you looking far too much into this, Josh and I just have the same sense of humour and get on really well, that’s it. There’s no flirting, no nothing,” as I said this I thought about it, maybe we did act a little too flirty but it didn’t mean anything did it?

“Okay, so you don’t like him?” Mia questioned.

“No, not like that,” I said still contemplating her question, damn.

We spent the rest of the evening hanging out with the bands and all the crew, it was such good fun! I was still wary of what Mia had said when Josh was around so I tried to be careful in how I acted because if Mia thought that, who knows what everyone else was thinking.
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A bit of flirting going on between Josh and Lily here, it's cute but wait for the drama to start...