Status: Active!

Family Secrets

Club Black

"Please Mari! I Really want to go! It will be the last time I ask you ever" begged my best friend vee.

I knew this wouldn't be the last time she dragged me out to go to a club.

"Fine, fine, but you owe me!" i said

"Great! i'll be there in twenty" she said before hanging up.

I hated when she did this. i'm not the club time. I quickly put on a graphic tee, skinny jeans, and a cardigan.

I heard vee pull up in her beetle and quietly made my way downstairs.
Mom won't be happy about me sneaking out again.

I hurried to the car and we began speeding towards the highway.

"what club are we going to?" i asked.

vee looked at me with a grin. " Club Black"

I am so shocked. Club Black is for the death metal, hardcore people. We werent that.

"Wait, what?" i asked in bewilderment.

"We are going to Club Black" she repeated.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry this chapter kinda sucks :(
just had an idea for a new story.
Let me know what you think. it gets better soon.