Don't Judge Me

Walking Home

"Hey Frankie"
"Hey James"
Frank and James say to eachother while exchanging hugs.
"How was drama yesterday? We really need to practise for the Talent Show."
James asks.
"GREAT!..... I mean..... it was alright i guess. And yeah. I know. I still need to learn how to play the second half of the song. I've been really bust lately.,"
Frank replies.
"Good. Well, call me later alright. i'll be home all day today. I don't have guitar lessons today."
"Okay. I will."
Frank says.
As Frank is walking home he spots Kaylen talking to a group of friends.
He keeps walking towards them.
Don't look up, don't look up, don't--
He looked.
Kaylen smiled sweetly at him, then he continued walking home.
He muttered something under his breath,
But she couldn't hear what it was.
She continued talking and laughing with her friends.
"Wow. hes really cute. you SO have a crush on him."
She heard one girl say.
"No I don't."
"Yes you do"
"No I don't"
"Your secret is safe with me."
But everyone knows that Gail (the one who made the remark)
Doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut.
One time she told the teacher that a girl called her fat and ugly.
And the girl who said it got suspended for 3 days.