Don't Judge Me

What should I do?

Mel's POV.

Gerard is so cute.
But he doesn't even look at me.
Its as if I am invisible to him
All the time.

When I pass him in the hallway
He never even glances in my direction.
I feel like i'm desperate for him.
I've liked him for so long.
But he doesn't even know I exist.
I can't explain it.
But whenever I see him
My face always lightens up.

I wish I could only try to talk to him.
But I can't.
I get so nervous when i'm around him.
And I can't speak.

Gerard's POV.

That melanie girl is so sweet.
She always looks at me.
But i just pretend that I can't see her.
I can't keep pretending.
I need to talk to her.

Shes just so pretty.
I always look at her when shes doing drama.
The way the moves so swiftly and silently.
As if she were a bird.
Landing on the hard ground.
So gracefully.

Makes me fall in love all over again with her.
I HAVE TO talk to her.
I'll try to talk to her tomorrow.
But what will I say?
Hey melanie.
How are you?
Thats kinda overrated.
I don't know.
It'll probably come to me though.
I hope that she'll say yes.
Maybe I could take her to the movies?
Thats a good idea.
Hope all goes great. =]