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Hello Daddy


I smiled at the body sleeping beside me before looking back out onto the road. A light sprinkle began to fall as soon as I drove into Forks, Washington. Turning on the winsheild wipers, I turned the radio down for it could be background noise. Looking around, I saw tall firn trees in each direction and the sky overcast. It's perfect. I no longer have to stay inside. I can now interact with my baby.

"Mom?" I heard him say.

I looked over at my baby and smiled,"Yes Axel?"

"We there yet?" he asked, looking out the window before looking over at me.

I smiled and nodded my head."Yeah," I said, putting my attention back to the road," We're here."

"Good," was all Axel said before going back to sleep.
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So what do you think? I was re-reading the Saga and was all like 'Emmett needs a story or something' so i came up with this. While listeninh to music! God how I love music. And reading! Yeah, ima nerd! so stick it in your juic box and suck it!
So yeah..... What do you think? Comment and subscribe! I'd love some feeback!