Status: Updates will be random..... Enjoy!

Hello Daddy


I ushered Axel into the direction of the Attendance Office after seeing that man.

That man that looked so much like my father.

Shaking my head, knowing that he died from a bear attack, Axel and I headed to the front desk. Behind the desk and on the computer was en elderly woman with blue hair. She was talking on the phone when she looked over at us. Lifting a finger in telling us to give her a moment, I nodded my head before looking at Axel.

"What is it?" I asked when I saw the look on his face.

"This is going to be so weird," he said with a shake of his head.

"What do you mean?" I asked in total confusion.

"Your my mother!" Axel whispered lowly, making sure that the human didn't hear," it's going to be totally weird having you here."

I laughed a bit before shaking my head.

"I'm going to be playing as your sister, not your mother."

Axel rolled his light brown eyes before crossing his slightly muscular arms around his chest.

"It's still going to be weird," he grumbled out.

I laughed a bit louder before noticing that the elderly woman now stood at the front desk.

"How may I help you two?" She asked, looking at us through her thick, cat-eye glasses.

"Hi. We're new here. I'm Lucinda McCarty and this is my brother, Axel."

The elderly woman smiled at us before typing our name into the computer. After giving us out schedules and telling us what we needed to bring back and the quickest way to find our classes, Axel and I made our way out of the office and towards our lockers to place our books inside.

"This is going to be total shit," Axel said as he slammed his locker shut.

"Hey hey hey," I said, looking over at him, watch your language."

"You never watch what you say," Axel said, smiling over at me," Especially when Matt is-"

"Whoa!" I said, cutting him off," Stop that sentience right there young man."

Axel laughed out before shaking his head. Not able to contain my own laughter, I laughed along with my son before shaking my head.

"When are they going to be coming up?" Axel said, looking over at me.

I shrugged my shoulders before moving my bag to the other shoulder.

"Matt said that he and the guys have to talk to Ville. Ever since Aro fell from power, Ville has been needing the boys help."

Axel nodded his head before going over his schedule. He's going to be a Sophomore while I'm going to be a Junior. Looking at the lockers in front of me, I couldn't help but think back to when I met Matt and the boys. It was right after my eighteenth birthday and I was walking home from a day of fun with some friends. It had been an overcast day and I thought that I was able to reach home before it started to rain. But was I wrong. Right as I was three blocks away from Gabriel's house, it began to pour. I didn't know that I was being followed until it was too late. A vampire came out of no where and rapped me before leaving me for dead. As I was waiting for death to come, Matt came and found me. I remember his hazel gold eyes grow wide with alarm before slipping his arms underneath me. He changed me, but when he did, I had Axel. I, along with him and the guys, didn't know I was pregnant until my son came. The vampire venom that was inside my after his bit sped up the growing process. Being brought out of my thoughts, I looked around to see that no one was around.

"Mom," Axel said.

I looked over at him and saw that he was looking right back.

"You ready to start hell?" he asked with a little grin.

I laughed a bit before nodding my head. Saying that I'll see him at lunch, I walked to my first class. Which so happened to be History. As I walked into the classroom, all eyes were on me. I looked around the room to see that I was in a Senior level History class. Which will count as AP.

"How may I help you?" the teacher asked.

Instead of answering, I handed him my schedule.

"Ah," he said, smiling at me," Lucinda McCarty. We have been waiting for you. Take a seat beside Emmett."

When he said that name, sadness and sorrow went through me. That was the name of my daddy. Mentally shaking my head, I looked over to see where he was pointing at and saw that it was the guy that was in the parking lot. The guy that looked so much like my father. Taking my schedule from Mr. Lopez's hand, I made my way over to where I was to sit. As soon as my butt hit the chair, Mr. Lopez began his lesson. I wasn't paying attention, I have already learned this once before. Leaning back into my seat, I crossed my arms over my chest before bringing out my cellphone. Unlocking the screen, I saw that I had a new message from the love of my existence and mate, Matt.

'Hey Babe. How did the trip go?'

Smiling, I quickly replied.

'It went good. Axel slept through the whole thing. We're in school right now. And I'm bored as fuck.'

As soon as I hit 'Send' I felt someones eyes on me. Looking to my left, I came face to face with Emmett. As I looked into his topaz eyes, I saw that something flashed through them. Something that seemed to realized something. Something that I couldn't put my finger on. I saw that he was going to say something, but the moment that he opened his mouth, the bell went off. Giving him a small smile, I gathered my bag and books before making my way out the door. The day dragged on and before long, it was lunch. Walking into the cafeteria, my eyes scanned the humans that were seated with there own kind. my eyes landed on Emmett and the others like him. I caught his eye and looked away quickly before finding my son sitting with a human girl. She had died red hair, which suited her perfectly. Her skin was pale, but not as pale as my own, and her eyes were a beautiful green. Her clothing persisted of blue skinny jeans an Avenged Sevenfold shirt and a wool sweater. I smiled at them as I took a seat in front of them.

"Lucinda," Axel said, smiling at me," This is Crystal. She preferably likes to be called Crys."

"Hello Crys," I said, smiling at her.

Crys looked at me shyly before mumbling out a low hello. I giggled a bit before watching as my son took a bite of his red apple. Right after lunch, I bid the two children a goodbye before going to my last three classes. I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings when I crashed into someone. Looking up, I saw that it was a girl with topaz eyes and blond hair.

"I'm so sorry," I said, picking myself up and getting the book that I accidentally knocked over before handing it to her.

"It's okay," she said with a smile, "I wasn't paying attention. I'm Rosalie, Rose for short."

I smiled at her and shook the hand that was extended to me," I'm Lucinda."

"Did you just move here?" Rose asked.

"Yeah," I said with a nod," Just moved here with my brother, Axel."

"That's cool. Well, hey, why don't we hand out. Your brother can come along," Rose said, smiling at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah. How is Saturday for you?" Rose asked.

"That sounds good. See you then," I said.

"See you," Rose said before walking over to a Jeep.

Smiling, I shook my head a bit before climbing into my Hummer. Waiting for about ten minutes, Axel finally made his appearance and hopped in.

"How was your first day?" I asked as I started my Hummer up.

Axel shrugged before answering," It went okay. But the highlight of my day was meeting Crystal."

As he said that, I could here the smile in his voice. Smiling my own smile, I shook my head before heading home. But in the back of my mind, I couldn't help but feel as if I had seen that Emmett guy before.
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And check out my other stories:
Once Again-Matt Sanders Fic
I Love You-Original Fic
No Fucking Way-Avenged Sevenfold Father Fic
The Good, The Bad, and The Undead- Avenged Zombie Fic.
check them out and Comment and Subscribe please! I'd love some feedback!