Status: Updates will be random..... Enjoy!

Hello Daddy


Saturday couldn't have come any sooner. When Rose told me that she invited Lucinda and her brother over for some shopping with us, I couldn't help but be overjoyed by the news. Ever since I looked into her eyes that one day in history class, I couldn't help but compare her to m daughter I had all those years ago. Her eyes were the same shade that wete my little girls, as well as her hair and the shape of her fave and eyes. Her heart shapened face showed innocence in it but her cat eyes showed a mystery that would make anyone want to inravel it.

I was currently sitting in the living room when I heard a Hummer pull into our drive-way. Looking out the window, I saw a younge, semi-muscular boy step out before standing their. No doubt waiting for Lucinda. As soon as I thought it, Lucinda came over to the boy and wrapped her right arm around his shoulder before walking towards the front door. Three seconds later, the melody of the door bell filled the house. I was about to get up when a blur of blond long hair was seen and stopped three feet from the door. I smiled in seeing that Rosalie was actually excited to be hanging out with a human. Which is strange, seeing that she hated all humans. As she opened the door, I heard Rose greet them before ushering them inside and to the living room, where the whole family was now residing.

"Wow," Lucinda said, looking at us all,"you have one big family here."

Rose giggled before saying, "Yeah, we get that a lot. I'll introduce you to everyone. That's Edward and his girlfriend, Bella. Beside them is Renesmee, Bella's cousin. Carlisle and Esme, are parents of sorts. Alice and her boyfriend Jasper and last but not least, Emmette, my boyfriend"

Lucinda looked at each and every one of us and smiled at us all. But when she reached me, her smile grew said before she turned to Rose.

"It's great to meet you all. I'm Lucinda McCarty and this is my so-brother, Axel."

I heard the slip up, as did the others, but we didn't say anything about it. We just let it sit their in the air. Rose smile at Axel before asking us all if we were all ready. Nodding our head, wEd our goodbye to Esme and Carlisle before heading out.
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Hey, so what do you think will happen in the shopping trip? Comment ad subscribe and all that jazz please:) and please check out my other stories, they need love too:)