Status: Updates will be random..... Enjoy!

Hello Daddy


"So, do you have anyone special in you life?" Rosalie said, looking over the top of the rack of clothing that was right in front of us.

Looking over at her, I smile before noding my head.

"I do. His name is Matt. Right at the moment, he's in Italy with his brother visiting family."

It wasn't a complete lie. Matt is over at Italy with Brian, Johnny, Zacky and Jimmy visiting Ville and Bam. Seeing if everything is going as smooth as possible. Ever since Aro and his gaurd were killed, Ville, his half brother, took the throne sort to speak and brought order to the vampire world. But some vampires do not like the way Ville was running things. They thought that he was not strict enought to the humans who knew about the vampires. They do not like the fact that instead of killing them, he looked at the vampire and said to change them at the spot. Some struggle against it, but others do it willingly, to be with their loves. Olny a handful of times, their were woman who were with child when they were bitten and changed. Their child survived, and stayed with their parents, which engraged most. They believed the half-breeds deserve to die. Some were actually killed when Ville saw that some vamipres kidnapped some half human, half vampire children, who they planned on killing.

"When was the last time you two spoke?" Alice asked, coming over to my side.

"I actually spoke to him before Axel and I headed over to your place," I said, smiling at the pixie like girl.

"How did you two meet?" Renesmee asked, coming over towards us, her arms full of clothing.

I smile a little shyly, seeing that all the girls golded and brown eyes on me.

"He found me lost and confused and... Beaten. Roaming around California. He saw the blood on me and quickly came to my aid. After that, I couldn't really remember. He told me I was asleep for five days."

Looking at all the girls, I saw that they had a sad look on their face. They were all silent for a moment before Rosalie spoke.

"Were you... Raped?" Rosalie asked in a small voice.

I looked at the clothing in front of me for a while before nodding my head. I heard a gasp and before I had time to process on who it came from, I felt two thin arms snake around me, embracing me in a hug. Looking at the person, I realized that it was Rosalie who broght me into a hug. Wrapping my arms around her, I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them again and saw that Edward, Jasper, Emmett, Jacob and Axel were walking towrds us. Edward looking like he was determind about something.

"We have to go. Now" he said, his voice hard.

"Why?" Rosalie asked, pulling away and standing beside me.

"Someone is coming. And they are very close," jasper said, standing beside Alice.

"Ok," Bella said, noticing the tention in the air, "Let's just pay for these and we'll leave."

Edward nodded his head before we all walked to the front regester and started payong for our things. As I looked at everyone around me, I saw that they were all tensed. Looking over at Axel, I sent him a message.

'What's going on?' I asked him.

Axel shrugged his shoulders before sending back, 'We were just sitting outside when that Edward dude stood up aruptly and said we have ti get home. Right away'

I nodded my head slightly before paying for the clothing I got for Axel and I. As soon as I did so, the guys ushered us out of the store and towrads the exit. We were about to make it when a large figure stood in front of up, blocking the exit were four more. Emmett, Edward and Jasper and Jacob quickly got in front of us all, ready to protect us. Looking over Jasper's shoulder, I realized who it was and quickly went around them and jumped on the main man that was in the front of the group.

"Lucinda, get away from them," Emmett said, well, more like growled out.

Giggling, I jumped off the man and turned to the group in front of us.

"Relax," I said with a laugh," I know them. This is Matt, my boyfriend, and the guys behind him are his brothers."

The group looked at us, mouths slacked open.

"You haven't told them what we are?" Brian asked.

"I was gonna!" I said, pouting "I was just waiting for them to figure it out."

"Figure what out?" Bella asked.

"That's we're the same as you are," I said with a smile.
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