Status: Updates will be random..... Enjoy!

Hello Daddy


What the fuck?!?

That was all that was running through my mind as Lucinda stood by the brawnt man with the other four behind them. I watch as Axel moved away from us and stood beside the tall lanky looking one, who grabbed Axel in a head lock and ruffled his hair.

"Hey kiddo! Great to see you again," the lanky one said."

Axel laughed before getting free from the arms of the man and punch him on his arm.

"Good to see you too, Jimmy. How was Italy?" Axel asked.

"That's top secret, young man," Jimmy said in a serious voice before breaking out into a smile," I'll tell you later."

Axel laughed, shaking his head before smirking and looking over at us.

"What do you mean you are like us?" Bella asked, looking at the group before us.

Lucinda looked around, and that's when I remembered that we were all in public and humans were all giving us courious looks and basically drooling over us.

"This is not the place," Lucinda said, looking back at all of us.

Edward nodded, agreeing with her. Telling her that we could talk at our home, we all headed out. We waited for a moment before I watched Matt getting into the drivers side of Lucinda's Hummer and before long, two teucks were following us to our home.


"Carlise, Esme. We have guest," Alice called out.

It was only seconds later that both Esme ans Carlise came to the foyer, smiling at the group behind us.

"Ah, I see you brought five others back. My name is Carlise and this is my wife, Esme."

"I'm Matt," the big one who had his arm around Lucinda's waist said," and these are my brothers, Brian, Johnny, Zacky and Jimmy."

"Wonderful to meet you all," Esme said, smiling warmly at the group," come. Let's move to the living room."

We all nodded and headed to the spacious living room and took our seats. We were all silent for a moment or two before Edward broke it.

"Explain to us," he demanded," what you meant. Now."

"Whoa,"Matt said," watch your fucking tone."

"Watch your gona damn language!" Axel said, trying to hide a smile.

Matt looked over at Axel, brow raised, before giving Axel a smack over the back of his head.

Lucinda laughed before putting a hand on top of Matt's bicep.

"What I mean by that," Lucinda started, looking back at us," is that we are all vampires. Like yourself-"

"And I'm half vampire, half human" Axel inturrupted.

"What have I told you about cutting me off?" Lucinda said, looking at Axel.

"That if I do it, no t.v for a month,"Axel mumbled, looking down.

"That's right. But you're off the hook, son."

"Thanks mom,"Axle said, smiling at her.

"Wait... He's your son?" Bella asked, shocked.

"Yeah," Lucinda said, smiling fondly at the young boy.

"Hold crap. So- so Matt saved you from the attack- wait! Was the attack true?" Rosalie said, confusion written all over her.

Lucinda nodded her head, clearinf her throat before speaking again,"The attack is true. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have survived conseving Axel and give birth to him. And after I was changed, I realized that Matt is my mate."

Matt looked down at her and smiled, showing off the dimples he had.

"How did you five come to be?'Carlise asked, looking at the men.

Matt took the liberty to answer for them all.

"We were finishing off a concert in our home town. After the show, we went back stage for some rest before loasing back onto the bus when we were all attacked. We were bitten the same night. It was a miricle we didn't scream out in pain. When we came too, we realized that we became what we always thought was mythical. Their are two others. Matt and Jason Berry, our roadies, they're twin brothers, but at the moment they are in Vontura, helping a fellow new leader into position."

"Wait, were you the one who brought Aro and his Guard down and killed them?" Alice asked, shock coloring her tone.

Matt nodded before speaking,"we helf his brother, Ville, bring Aro down. Ville did not like what he planned to do with all vampires and so Ville began a war. Brother against brother. Ville won, and since he killed the leader, he is now in power."

"Holy crap! That's amazing! How did you get past Jane's power?" I asked, leaning forward, wanting to know.

"That's where Lucinda comes in. She's amune to Jane's power. She is like a shield, amounst other things. She took Jane out in less then Five minutes."

I looked over at Lucinda, shocked and wide eyed. That small, pettie vampire killed Jane? That is fucking amazing!

"And Lucinda, who don't you have your mates last name?" Esme asked, looking at her.

"Oh I do!" Lucinda asked," I just used my human last name to sing into school."

"Who was your mother and father?" I asked.

Lucinda looked over at me and said,"My mothers name was Ana Maria McCarty and my fathers name was Emmett Dale McCarty."

When she said those names. My name... My breathing stopped.

It was my baby girl
♠ ♠ ♠
So I finally updated. What do you think?