Let It Rain


His chocolate brown eyes were burning into my pupils, I couldn't kill him he was my mi amor. I saw a drop of water splash onto Matt's face, I was bawling my eyes out. Even though he never paid any attention to me, I still loved him. I stiffly turned around and walked back into my apartment, I had twenty minutes before I had to leave to kill my target. To kill my soul mate.

I pulled my black under armor over my blonde hair and slipped my black tights on, I didn't wanna be seen at all. I grabbed my pistol and the silencer and shoved it in my bag. I felt something coming up in my stomache and ran to the bathroom, throwing up my lunch. I spit some vomit out of my mouth and stood up to brush my teeth. I can't kill Matt, I just can't.

After my twenty minutes were up I jogged out towards my car and drove towards the hotel Matt and his band were staying at. I adored their music and when my good friend Jimmy died I was devastated. I was close to the others but never Matt, I never knew why he just always advoided me. I sighed as I pulled into the hotel's parking lot and stepped out of my car, taking a deep breathe I walked into the hotel. I pulled my sunglasses down over my dark green eyes and walked up to the sign in desk, I summed the brunette girl up behind the desk and looked around to see if there were anyone around. Clear.

I grabbed my pistol from my bag and aimed it at her head, she looked up and her eyes grew.

"What room is Mathew Sanders in?" I growled at her, she trrembled as she rapidly typed on the computer.

"Room 666, please don't kill me I have k-" I shot her right between her baby blue eyes and rushed to the elevator, I jabbed the up arrow and waited impatiently. When it stoped I slowly walked down the hall looking for the room number, when finally I stood right in front of Room 666. I felt tears streaking my face, I knocked three times and listened as the person came to answer the door. I clutched my pistol, ready to kill them all quick and fast but when the door open and I stood face to face with Matt I froze.

"Can I help you?" He questioned raising his eyebrows, he is just as gorgous as the last time I saw him.

"Hi, my name is Melissa Jones." I softly spoke, he looked annoyed."I'm the boys' friend from highschool."

"Oh, okay come on in." He said moving so I could walk in, I saw the rest of the guys and my heart started to flutter. I have to kill them all in a second, I smiled at Brian and as soon as he saw me he rushed me in a bear hug.

"Holy shit, I can't believe it's you!" He shouted, my smile got bigger when he set me down.

"Hi guys, been a while huh?" I mumbled, I gave everyone hugs and sat down in one of the chairs closest to me.

"So what made you want to finallly come see ourugly asses?" Zacky asked me, I frowned and looked down.

"Oh, Lis what's wrong?" Brian said, I looked back at them and stared straight into Matt's eyes.

"Do you guys want the truth or the lie?" I whispered, they all looked confused at my questioned but soon Johnny answered it.

"The truth of course." My lip started to quiver, I took a deep ragid breathe.

"I'm here to kill you." I said, looking at Matt, all their jaws dropped and eyes widened. I stood up with my pistol in hand, I tored my sunglasses off and dropped them on the floor. "I'm so sorry you must know how much this hurts me." Brian stood up and grabbed my arm that had the pistol, I flinched at his touch, knowing soon it will be cold as ice.

"Why?" Brian asked, I wiped my tears away and looked down at the floor.

"I'm an assassin, Matt's my target. See how it all goes together here." I growled, Brian dropped his hand and looked at Matt. I looked up at Matt and clutched the pistol, I can't do this. Matt stood up from his chair and walked over to me, soon I could smell his musky scent and feel his hot breathe.

"Please don't make this harder for me, I can kill a person I don't know but it's suicide for me to kill someone I've loved since high school." I snapped, Matt smiled and I was confused at why he was smiling at me. I was about to kill him.

"I have been waiting forever to hear you say that, I love you." He said, Matt grabbed my face and kissed me hard on the lips. To believe my first kiss was at the age of twenty nine with my first love. I pulled away and smiled at him, this was what I've wanted for years and now I finally have it.

"I still have to kill you.'
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ehhh, twisty twisty C: kinda lame I killed them though :,(

good thing it's just a story!!!!!