Let It Rain


I scrubbed furiously as the blood on the walls spread, when they tell you bleach will clean it up they're lying bastards.

"Damn it!" I screamed as I threw down the sponge, I stood up and took my gloves off. My phone started going off so I answered it, knowing exactly who it was.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Did you kill them?" The dark husky voice asked me, I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"Of course I did!" I growled through the phone, I heard him laugh which just made me even more mad.

"Good." Than the line went dead.

"So?" I heard someone say behind me, I turned around and stared at all my friends and the man I loved.

"He believed me." I smiled as I hugged Matt, I guess I just couldn't do it. I turned around and stared at the dead ssmen that I killed laying lifeless on the floor, they all looked some what like all the guys. I got away from it, finally.
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The End hahaha another twist :)