Stole My Heart


"Jake! Stop! Please! You know I can't run in heels!" All I can see is him speeding down the mean streets of Los Angeles on his new two wheeler. I never knew being an aunt could be so stressful. Someone needs to remind me to slap my sisters fanny when she gets out of work. I wait for the light to turn green; hoping I can still catch up to the little guy when I catch someone talking to him. Great...I'm watching my nephew get kidnapped by a guy in a jacket too big and beanie with a nice face.

The light turns green and I make a mental note to never wear heels when taking him out on a bike ride. Well, if I'm allowed to get near him again.

"Now, go apologize for making her run like an antelope, mate." Oh. He's a nice faced guy with an accent.

"Sorry, Auntie Elle." Woah..I didn't not know that sorry was in this kids vocab. Touche, British guy.

"And..." he pushes on.

"AND..I promise to never do that again because the next time I won't be so lucky. Are you happy? Now wheres my fruit snack?" Jake asks the nice faced British guy. I couldn't help but notice his strange but warm features. Like how blue his eyes were. They weren't like crystal blue nor a deep blue. They were a "just right" blue. The scraggly facial hair wasn't that bad..if he took care of it. Something about him had me hooked; I wasn't ready to be reeled in just yet.

"I'm Josh. This is my buddy, Matt." Josh extends his hand, I reach out and his engulfs my small hand. I giggle (didn't know that still existed inside of me) and say, "Eleanor. You can call me Eleanor for short."

"Aw. Cheeky are we, Eleanor?" Matt says as he takes a huge bite from his chicken plate. "If the underwear fits, Matt!" He gives Josh a quick nod and goes back to eating.

"Well, Josh and Matt! Jake and I should get going." I say as I check my skin watch. This could be a little bit less awkward if Jake weren't here. I couldn't help but stare into Josh's eyes. There was something about them..

"Right. Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Jake and Eleanor!" "Yeah! Who knows, maybe we'll run into eachother again" Matt smiled and gave a quick wink.

"Don't hold your breeeath" I sang quickly turning my heel into the opposite direction.

"Are you going to tell mommy, Auntie?" Jake pulled on my jacket while walking next to his bike. I looked down at him, stretched my arms and turned back in the direction of the British boys. The two british boys that were watching me walk away.

"I'll let you off with a warning. The warning?" Me eating your ice cream while you do homework." I'm sure they kept staring as Jake screamed "NO!" and started to cry
♠ ♠ ♠
This is only the beginning and I don't know what I'm doing.