Stole My Heart


"Listen, Matt! I know that I promised that I'd go to your CD release show but work doesn't permit me to go!" I told him while spinning around in my office chair. Getting this new job was God's gift to me, like Ryan Gosling. Only I was allowed to touch it and it would pay me bi-weekly. You're probably asking yourself how and why I'm talking to British boy number 2. It just so happened that they rented out an apartment near my sisters place and I'd run into them every now and then. Matt was the one who asked me for coffee. Matt was the one who took down my number. Matt was the one with the girlfriend. Josh on the other hand just sat there like a bump on a log.

The guys were in a London based band and were out here to promote their album and have some leisure time before their big US tour. They really didn't have that many friends in the area, so I considered myself lucky to be one of the few.

"You promised me two weeks ago! You said, 'Oh my GOD, Mattie! of course I'll come and not be a huge slag blahblahblah clothes!!!! Will there be cute boys there?!' Don't forget, Eleanor."

"First: Beautiful imitation of me. 5 stars. Second: I didn't know that I was going to have this job! Look if anything, I'll meet up with you guys for post show drinks?" I begged to the heavens that this would be a good idea. Out of all the guys, Matt was the easiest for me to get along with. I think that Chris and I are solid..even though we rarely talk. Dan and I have a flirty friendship. Max is just Max. Josh and I just try to have conversations but one of usually gets a call right in the middle.

"Max wants to know if you'll buy the first round. If you don't, he says to forget the show and us...really, Max? That sounds retar--"

"Fine. Fine. I'll get the first round." I agree. Eleanor, welcome to debt!

"Alright, we'll see you after you get out of work!" Matt hangs up, looking up at the clock, I try to time myself and see how much time I have left between now and the show to try and look good.


I look at myself in the long mirror infront of my room. I never knew that I could look good in pleather leggings, my sister Rachael couldn't disagree more. She threw these pants, this oversized button down, and shoes at me. I couldn't recognize myself in this outfit. I looked like one of those girls in the hip magazines.

"Rach! How should I wear my hair!" Rachael climbs the stairs, looks me up and down and says, "Just like that. The 'I don't care about my hair' look is very in right now."

"I look like I just walked out of a hot night of passionate love making." I stated. "Well who knows? Maybe you'll get some tonight, darlin'!" She laughs and walks back down.


Getting out of a cab infront of the Sunset strip isn't always an easy task. I always forget that there's a lot of people here. It doesn't matter what time; they're always here. The House of Blues is engulfed by girls and some guys waiting to get inside. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text Matt.

"So..I'm here and don't know where to go." Send.

1 minute later: "Great! I'll send Josh to go get you!" Fabulous. Why not send out Chris? At least he and I have more to talk about. I lean on the fencing infront of the venue, hear a shit load of screams, look up, and lock eyes with him.

"Woah. You look vibin' fit, Elle" He says.

"Vibin'? Is that a word we're using now, Josh?" He snakes his arm around my waist and I can't help but notice how fast my heart is racing. Why are you acting this way, heart? This is Josh we're reacting over!

" was your set?" I look up at him while we walk through the crowded hallway and back into the party room. He stops and leans into my ear,

"Amazing. Probably one of our best. Too bad you couldn't be there, love." My mouth suddenly gets dry as soon as he finishes that word. That word that could kill me faster than absinthe on a warm day.

"I..I..I..sorry." I look down. Really, Eleanor? Who are you now, Forrest Gump? "You can make it up to me later." It finally hit me that he had been drinking the whole night. I could smell the whiskey and beers in his breath. Now don't get me wrong. Josh is somewhat attractive. I just can't see myself ever getting physical with that way. I mean, the accent does the job for him bu-

His lips on my cheek return me back to reality. I look up at him, with my eyes wide, and look to our right to find a stumbling Max making his way towards us. "Mate, you should take off that disssssgusting jacket. Who are you?" He points his drink at me and laughs.

"It's from my apparel line, therefore! I am allowed to wear whatever the fuck I want!" Josh drunkenly bites back. I've never seen Josh look so hurt by a drunken comment. Well, I've never seen all these guys drunk besides Matt and Dan.

"Oh! Slag off, you doucher! You look ravishing, Lanor!" Max whispers squeezing in between Josh and I.

"I guess you guys forgot about me buying the first round, huh?" I break the awkward silence that Max had left us in.

"Hm? Oh. Right. You can get it later. I'll catch you later." Josh quickly says and walks away. What just happened? Did that just happen? I shrug and walk over to the nearest bar.

"Can I get shots, please?" The short haired girl nods, pours me some tequila and down it goes.


"Mattie! MATTIE! I..I can't feel my eeeeverything!"

"Eleanor, are you drunk? OH MY GOD! YOU ARE DRUNK! HEY GUYS, ELEANOR IS DRUNK!" Matt yells at everybody in the room. They all cheer for me except for one. I make my way over to him, sit in the nearest seat, and point.

"Wuz rong, Yosh? One minuet you want to kiss me and the next you wun off like a banshee!" He avoids all eye contact with me. Even in my drunken state it was pissing me off.

"Josh...Josh" I whisper into his ear. I can see him readjust himself and decide to take advantage of this.

"Please look at me, Josh. What can I do to make things right between you and me?" I kiss his earlobe waiting for a response.


I kiss my way up and down his jawline seeing what sort of reaction I'd get. Still nothing. I slowly get up, turn around, take his face in my hands, and plant one right on the kisser. He doesn't react until I lightly nibble on his bottom lip. I feel his hands grab my waist and sit me down on his lap. He pulls away and looks at me with a concerned look, "What are you doing, Eleanor?"

I get back up, too quickly may I add. "I don't know why you don't like me,! I'm getting sick of your bullshit and Max's. Stop being so mean to me! I haven't done anything to y.." and then I go and throw up all over the couple next to us...

This night turned out to be a nightmare