Stole My Heart



There's certain moment in a chav's life that they will never forget. Their first thousand, their best sex ever, and awkward moments that they caused. I couldn't help but think about that kiss Eleanor and I shared. I looked over at my phone and saw the blinkin 4:35 at me. I knew that I was going to regret this in a couple of hours but I couldn't help it. Her lips were soft but urgent. The kind of urgency that leaves you wanting for more. I had to stop it though. I can't let myself get attached to anyone.

But that kiss kept running through my mind. No. Josh. Stop doing this to yourself. I picked my head up, fluffed my pillow and laid back down. Maybe counting sheep would help me forget about her for right now. I closed my eyes and all I could see was her in that outfit. All I could hear were the other guys that were complimenting her and trying to work the courage to talk to her. Why am I seeing red? Certainly, I couldn't be jealous of the lads and the guys around us. The way her chestnut brown hair fell over her shoulders tonight was a beautiful sight for sore eyes. She is beau..GOD DAMN IT, JOSH! STOP IT. REMEMBER, SHEEP! Her smile is so warm and it could stop traffic...

What has she done to me?



"Something wicked this way comes!" sang my phone alarm, opening my eyes I saw the huge 7:30 glaring back at me.

"Fuck England." I groaned. What happened last night? I slowly got up, got a glass of water from the bathroom, and fixed this cotton mouth feeling. Quickly jumping into the shower, I tried to think back to last nights events. Why did I feel like complete and utter shit?

Alright, lets see: Got to the venue. Josh came out to get me. Josh and Max fought. Tequila shots. Dan bought me a Jack and Coke. Josh agai..oh no. I kissed Josh. I. kissed. Josh.

I threw up after kissing Josh.

I yelled at Josh before throwing up. How did I even get home? I got out of the shower, picked my phone off of the charger and called my job. I gave them some bullshit of how I got food poisoning and didn't think it would be safe for me to come in. They believed me and told me to call them later to see how I was doing.

I laid back down, looked up at the ceiling, and tried to focus on the kiss. I really shouldn't be doing this to myself. I mean just a couple of months ago, I was engaged and dumped faster than you can say Yahtzee! He was the love of my life, my high school sweetheart. Now, he feels like a figment of my imagination. Just like that kiss. What made me think it was a good idea to kiss him? The alcohol is a big factor in this but what else? I could've just got up and left but something left me with him.

Am I just wanting someone to fill the void Will left? I can't do this to Josh. Especially after seeing the guys somewhat baby him when it comes to the subject of dating/girls. I poke the power button for my iHome and of course, "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room" starts to play. John Mayer, if I weren't in a sticky situation, I'd be enjoying you right now.


Morning, sunshine! I hope you're feeling better than you did last night x Dan

Cheeky bastard. "How dare you say it was nothing to me? Baby, you were the only light I think I ever saw.." John's voice serenaded the room, I turned to the side and got into the fetal position. How could I make last night not happen? Can I take back that kiss? Even thinking about the kiss gave me butterflies. My lips were longing for his but this couldn't happen again. It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss