The Lost Heroes Guild

A large empire lies divided. Four separate quarters, each with their own ruler and king are weak and defenseless - until one person can help unite them for good.

Nina is a young girl in possession of a powerfully wonderful and dreadful gift. She can summon the flow of magic. Following a disastrous event early on, Nina endeavors to improve her control over the fickle beast in order to prevent hurting anyone again.

On her travels with her close brother and mentor, she discovers an evil uprising in the divided empire and seeks to overthrow those who wish to harm her beloved homeland. Can she unite the four quarters of the realm to fight in battle against the evil powers that wish to rule them? Read on to find out...
  1. Chapter Six. Bending Magic
    Where Nina discovers how to bend magic to her will.
  2. Chapter Eleven. Wendigo.
    Nina discovers the creatures that are Wendigoes - but not without almost losing those she holds close.