Status: Constantly Updated

Red and Grey Is Not the New Black

I Left You Bound And Tied

I don’t know what’s worse, being on tour with Vince constantly talking to Michelle, or being on tour with Brian asking me constantly to just stay on their bus. I seriously have doubts about my choices, but I’ve been keeping them to myself lately, because Ryder had found himself a good man and always busy, Danny seemed to be dealing with his own inner demons, writing us some darker songs for the next album, but not wanting any help, and Will was just being Will, and I didn’t want to bother her because she seemed pretty happy.

Currently, we’re in Florida, getting ready to make another stop at a venue in Orlando. I had somehow convinced Jacoby to hang out with me after sound check, because I was completely and utterly bored, and I really didn’t feel like waiting around for Brian to finish his sound check, so we made plans to hang out later tonight.

“Blaise, I need your help with something,” Danny tells me, poking his head out from the bunk area.

I push myself off the couch, passing my controller off to Will, who had been waiting impatiently for her turn, before walking out back to Danny’s bunk, pushing the curtain aside and sitting down on it, turning to face him.

“What’s up Danny,” I ask him, leaning onto my arm.

“I’m writing a song for Donny, and I just…” he trails off, looking back down at his notebook and tapping his pen on it, a sure sign of his frustrations.

“What is it Danny,” I ask, crawling into his bunk and putting my feet against his to lean against the opposite wall.

“I just need you to be here, just be around me for a little while,” he tells me, his voice quiet as he looks up at me with sad eyes.

I nod my head before leaning it back against the wall, closing my eyes and relaxing as the movement of the bus lulls me into a half-conscious state of mind. I can hear Danny talking to himself, singing quietly to himself every few minutes, before I feel the bus jolt to a stop. Danny groans and stretches out, pushing his legs against me before getting out of his bunk, giving me the room to stretch before crawling out. I follow him out to the front of the tour bus to find that the rest of our band had already gotten off, probably to get their bags. Danny waves his hand out in front of him, telling me to go first, so I do, walking down the steps and stretching again, I squint my eyes against the bright sunlight before turning to see Vince pulling the bags out.

“It’s so fucking hot,” I mutter, pulling my hoodie over my head and throwing it over my bag on the ground.

I can feel Vince’s eyes on me, so I turn to see him looking at me with a grin on his face, “what,” I ask him, slightly annoyed.

“Nothing, just checking out the view,” he states, smirking now.

I can’t help but laugh at him, shaking my head as I reach down and grab my bag, lifting it up and walking over to hotel. Groaning, I shift my bag to my other hand, wondering silently to myself what Val had put into my bag before finally stopping and dropping it halfway up the stairs, deciding instead to just drag it.

“Blaise, what’re you doing?”

I turn around to see Brian looking up at me with an amused smile from a few steps down, “I can’t carry the damn thing because Val packed too much shit,” I tell him, grabbing the handle, turning around and proceeding to drag it up a few steps before Brian grabs my hand, pulling it away from the bag so he can lift if over his shoulder with a grunt.

“I told you she packed too much shit,” I mutter with a grin, watching him roll his eyes at me.

I lead him up to the elevators where Will, Ryder and Danny were standing with their bags, waiting for me. Will raises her eyebrow at Brian, smirking when he huffs, shifting the bag to his other shoulder as we walk up to them. He drops it on the floor next to me and leans over, giving me a kiss on the cheek, “I’m going to be busy till after sound check, so I’ll see you then,” he tells me.

“Uh, actually, I’m going to be hanging out with Jacoby,” I tell him, biting my lip nervously.

He blinks at me a few times before shaking his head and walking away, his shoulders tense and his hands shoved in his pockets. Sighing, I turn back to my band, only to see them all giving me strange looks.

“What? I’m just hanging out with him. If Brian’s got a problem with me hanging out with Jacoby, the one who got us on this tour, then he can talk to me about it like a man, and stop being such a child,” I snap, feeling my own irritation starting to surface.

“Blaise is there something wrong,” Will asks me softly as we get into the elevator.

I wait until the doors close before turning to my band, minus Vince, and nod my head, “guys, I don’t know what I was thinking getting with Brian. He’s so fucking clingy,” I mutter, running a hand through my black hair.

“Blaise, he’s been trying to get with you for so long now, that it’s not even funny anymore, he just doesn’t want to lose you,” Will tells me, giving me a sympathetic smile.

“But all he’s doing, is pushing her away, he needs to give her some space,” Ryder reasons, giving me a small smile.

“Just talk to him about it, Blaise, the worst he’ll do is leave you, and that just means he’s not worth it,” Danny tells me, not looking up from his notebook.

“Oh yeah, you say that like it’s an easy thing to deal with,” I mutter, crossing my arms and leaning against the side of the elevator.

A few seconds later, the elevator dings and the doors open, leaving us to grab our bags and walk down the hallway towards our rooms. Will opens the door to our room, holding it open so that I can drag my bag into it before leaving it near door, not bothering to bring it towards the beds. Will drops her bag onto her bed, by the window, and sits down on it, looking up at the ceiling.

“Do you think Brian and I will actually last,” I ask her, my voice hardly above a whisper as I sit on my own bed.

“I don’t know Blaise, but I do know that you have to stop being so depressed. We’re on tour and we need to get dressed because we have sound check in an hour,” she tells me.

“Sound check,” I sigh, grinning up at the ceiling, “we’re on a fucking tour, Will, with Papa Roach,” I exclaim, standing up and dancing around, laughing.

“You’re such a nut,” she mutters, throwing a pillow at me.

I giggle and go over to my bag, dragging out a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain black tank top, not really worried about how I look for sound check. I take a quick shower; letting Will have the bathroom after me, before picking up my cell phone and seeing that Brian, Jacoby and Vince had all called.

I roll my eyes at a text from Jacoby, telling us to hurry up and get over to the venue. As soon as Will finishes, we take off running for the stairs, not bothering with the slow elevators, barely making it to the front where the car is waiting with Vince, Ryder and Danny, all glaring at us. I smile brightly at them and climb in, sitting down next to Vince, while Will takes a seat next to Ryder. Danny watches her the whole time, making me wonder if there’s something he hasn’t told me as we start to drive away.

“So you’re hanging out with Jacoby after sound check,” Vince states, more than asks.

I close my eyes, gritting my teeth and taking a deep breathe in to keep from blowing up on him, smiling to myself as Will answers for me, “Vince, it doesn’t concern you, so don’t get in the middle of it.”

“Alright,” he states bumping my knee, causing me to open my eyes and look over at him, “we’re doing that duet right?”

I nod my head at him before closing my eyes again, resting my head on the headrest. The trip to the venue didn’t take very long, and when we got there, I started to feel sick to my stomach with nerves, seeing how much bigger it was than the small local places we had played at before. Sound check didn’t go too badly, with Vince only yelling at someone once, and Danny only throwing two sets of his drum sticks, compared to his normal of four.
I stuck around to watch Papa Roach’s sound check, but went back to the hotel with Will to change into my outfit for the concert later tonight before meeting up with Jacoby in the lobby, grinning to see him in his own stage attire.

“Hey, we’re going to head back to the venue and hang out with the band,” he tells me, as we walk towards the cab out front.

“That’s cool, because I really don’t want to be even the slightest bit late for tonight,” I reply, sliding into the back seat.

“I can’t let you be late, I got you this tour, so I’d get my ass kicked by my manager,” he tells me, laughing.

I laugh with him, and kept the conversation going as we rode to the venue, which seemed to go by a lot faster this time around. Before we were even inside the building, I could hear Avenged doing their sound check, Matt’s words almost completely discernible from the back alley. Jacoby kept me pretty much entertained while the guys finished up, but as soon as they finished, he suddenly had something to do, leaving me sitting in my band’s room by myself.

A knock on the door startles me, but I call out, “come in,” without thinking, looking up at it to see Brian walking in.

“Uh, Jacoby told me you wanted to talk to me,” he mutters, looking at the floor as he walks in and shuts the door.

“Well that was sweet of him, but I really don’t,” I mumble, looking down at my phone, pretending to play with it.

“Damn it Blaise, what the fuck is so wrong with us,” Brian growls, making me look up at the sudden change, “that we can’t even talk about our problems?”

I shrug, not really paying attention to his words as my eyes roam his body, my teeth pulling my lip between them without my even noticing the flirtatious action until I see the smug smirk on his lips as he walks towards me. Before I can get off the couch and run for the door, he’s pinning me to it with his legs on either side of my body, his hands immediately grabbing my wrists and roughly pinning them above my head, my heart starts to race as he leans down, biting my neck and eliciting a small moan from my lips.

“Guys… whoa, never mind…”

Brian growls and sits up, letting go of my hands as he turns around to see Matt standing in the doorway a large grin on his face, showing his dimples.

“What do you want,” Brian snaps, getting off the couch and standing up.

“Matt, seriously, get the fuck out,” I snap at him, standing up and putting my hand on Brian’s shoulder.

“I was just coming to check on you guys, man, next time I’ll just let everyone think you’re killing each other,” Matt states, his grin growing impossibly large.

“Get out,” Brian orders him through gritted teeth.

Matt’s grin fades as he backs out of the doorway, mumbling while shutting the door. I sigh and run a hand through my hair, frustration putting my nerves on edge as I turn to look at Brian, who’s still glaring at the door.

“Babe, calm down, he’s gone,” I tell him, running my hands over his shoulders.

“We’ve got a concert to do, I’ll see you tonight,” he mutters, walking towards the door.

“We have a fucking half an hour before the concert starts, and if you can’t make me scream in just half an hour, then maybe I was wrong about you,” I snap at him, my hands on my hips.

Brian slowly turns around, a glare set on his face as he suddenly dashes forward, completely catching me off guard as he slams me back against a wall, his mouth trailing along my neck, leaving bite marks as his hands move down to the button of my jeans. After I catch my breath as best I can, I move my hands down to work on the button of his jeans, getting it just as he undoes mine, both of us working together to push them down. I barely get mine off my ankles when he grabs a hold of my thighs, lifting me in the air and shoving me back against the wall my legs automatically wrapping around his waist.

Brian presses his face against my neck as he slams into me, a loud moan escaping my lips as he continues to slam into me again and again, not bothering to wait for me to adjust to his size. I cry out when he bites particularly hard on my collar bone, a smirk on his lips as he gently sucks on the spot, my head dropping back against the wall as I thread my hands through his hair.

“Oh God Bri,” I mumble, pulling on his hair as I lean forward, pressing my lips against his.

I feel my insides start to tighten, a spark of pleasure shooting up my spine as I cry out again, Brian thrusting at just the right angle to hit my spot, again and again. Brian smirks at me as I throw my head back again, my legs tightening around his waist as he thrusts harder, “Syn, the couch,” I mutter, gritting my teeth as he thrusts in again.

He grunts in response as I lean forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his in a heated kiss as he walks us to the couch, dropping me down onto it and grabbing my hands, holding them tightly above my head in one hand as his other hand roughly shoves my shirt and bra up, his calloused fingers grabbing my nipple in between them and pinching. I gasp out, allowing his tongue to slide into my mouth, our tongues dancing together as he continues to thrust in and out of me.

I gently bite his tongue, smirking when he pulls away, letting me breathe while he takes the time to move his lips to my neck where he begins sucking and biting along my collar bone, sending jolts of painful pleasure through my body. The knot inside my stomach begins to coil as he leans back on his knees, his hands leaving my body to pull my leg up towards the back of the couch. I moan as he shifts a little bit before thrusting again, hitting that perfect spot, making my insides tighten and curl, every nerve in my body suddenly becoming hyper sensitive as I lean forward and pull Brian down on top of me, his grip sliding from my thigh as he thrusts in deeper and harder, my fingers finding his slick back, the nails digging in and raking down the length of his body, earning me a growl from behind his gritted teeth.

“Fuck. Syn don’t stop,” I gasp out, tightening my legs around his waist as my entire body explodes, stars dancing behind my eyes as I shut them tight, my fingers digging into his side as my insides contract spastically around him.

His thrust get sloppy and faster as he leans back, his fingers digging into my thighs, “fuck Blaise,” he growls, pumping as fast as he can into me.

I can feel him cumming inside of me as he groans, slowly coming to a stop as we ride our orgasms out together. I chuckle when he drops down on top of me, his sweaty body sticking to mine as a knock on the door sounds.

“Who the fuck is it,” Brian yells out tiredly.

“Uh dude, have you seen Blaise? We go on in like five minutes and no one can find her,” Danny calls through the door.

“Oh. I’ll be out in just a second,” I shout, pushing Brian off of me.

Brian groans, but rolls onto his side as I race across the room, pulling my bra and shirt back down before yanking my panties and jeans on. I toss Brian his jeans from where I am before jogging over to the door, throwing it open and running into Danny, a sheepish grin on my face, “alright let’s go,” I tell him.

“Fix your fucking hair,” he tells me, laughing as Brian shouts about the door being open while he’s naked.

I roll my eyes and try to brush through the tangles with my fingers before giving up and tying it back in an atrocious pony tail. Danny grins as he grabs my arm and drags me off towards the stage where Will and Vince are standing around, their arms crossed as they look out at the crowd.

“Found her,” Danny announces, pushing me towards Will.

“What the fuck? Oh shit, you seriously did not just do that in twenty minutes, backstage before our first show.”

“What? Don’t look at me like that Will, you should try it. Really takes the edge off,” I tease her, sticking my tongue out.

Danny and Will laugh, but Vince shakes his head, looking un amused as our manager walks over, looking relieved at seeing me with the band, “alright, show time.”

“Holy fuck guys, we’re going to bomb this,” I mutter, my nerves returning full circle.

“Sure, if you talk like that we are. Just get out there and sing like you’ve never sung before,” Will tells me, slapping my ass.

“Hands off the goods babe,” I tell her, laughing as she takes the guitar that’s being handed to her while flipping me off.

I take a deep breath and shake my hands before wiping them on my pants, “I’m going to fucking hurl,” I mutter to myself, biting my lip.

“No hurling allowed Sparky. Get out there and do what you do best. Use your mouth,” Vince tells me, smirking at me.

“I’m gonna fucking kill you after this set,” I shout at him, laughing with him as he grabs his guitar and runs out onto the stage, flipping me off.

“That’s a nice change. Think he’s over you and Gates?”

I look up to see Jimmy standing next to me; I shrug, “I don’t know Jimmy, but if making provocative comments and acting like a cracked out dickwad is going to help him get over it, then I’m all for playing along,” I tell him before walking out to the stage.
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Alright, I really am not looking forward to comments on this one, so I won't bother asking for any. A huge thanks to all my readers and subscribers. I know it's taken forever to get this one out, but I did it, and I hope it at least condones for some of the absence. I won't promise an update right after this one, but I'm working on it, and it's not as forced as this one might have been in parts.

Stay with me guys!!