
Chapter 4

I awoke the next morning to someone tapping on my shoulder. My head was pounding but now I could at least maintain my barriers and think straight. I turned over and saw Colton standing halfway through the hatch, looking stiff and scratched up. I must have passed out on the entrance floor when I came home and left the hatch open.

“What’s wrong?” I sat up and stretched.
“Skylar sent me. He said it’s time.” Colton looked around. “What happened?”
I stood up and brushed my hair out of my eyes “I guess I didn’t make it to bed last night.”
“Well those two A-soldiers that you took out last night are in pretty bad shape.” Colton came in and closed the hatch. “They told the club to not let you back in.”
“I warned them.”
“The club owners are checking into it. They won’t want to involve Skylar, so you’ll probably be able to go back.”
I shrugged and stood up. I made my way into the kitchen to prepare a drink. I took out another glass for Colton but he shook his head.
“So what does Skylar want with you?”
“They didn’t tell you? Arya has signed me up for an experimental surgery.”
“Why you?”
“No clue.” I finished my drink. “We should go. I want this done quickly.”
I went to my bedroom and came out a few minutes later dressed and ready to go. Outside, the morning dew still clung on the edges of the houses dripping down creating an almost rainy mist.
Colton was quiet, his hands in his pockets and his eyes cast down as if deep in thought. I didn’t want to lower my barriers to check his mood in case I couldn’t get them go back up, but I knew already he was craving.
“When was the last time you’ve taken a kick?” I ask.
“Before yesterday’s contract. Why?”
“You look like shit.”
“Well, just like you, I haven’t slept much and it’s not working for me.” Colton said. “It’s the serum. I need it.”
He took his hands out of his pockets; they were shaking and bruised.
“After your surgery I’m going to the club.” He looked at me. “It’s getting harder to resist.”
We walked in silence for a few minutes. Colton was one of the few that I wish hadn’t become a paid experiment. His life had been hard. He had been in the A-soldier program since he had been a child. Serum is created especially for the user and it matches their chemistry. Colton had been put on the serum as a child so his addiction was high. And, like many soldiers he had been delving into Narcotics, an illegal enhancement. They were also highly addictive but did not correspond with the chemistry of the users, so they ravaged the body.
“Colton why don’t you go to a detox centre?”
“And risk Skylar knowing that I take Narcotics? No I’m not doing that.”
We were silent the rest of the way. When we arrived at the Surgery Centre, we saw Skylar and Arya talking.
“I have to go.” Colton turned and left.
I nodded, knowing that he, along with the rest of the faction, would be put on security detail.
“Are you ready, James?” Skylar’s greeting sounded rushed.
“As much as I will be.”
Aryra looked at me with her piercing eyes, so much like her father’s. She was likely angry for ditching her last night.
“We should get going,” Skylar said, looking at his watch.
Aryra kissed Skylar on the cheek and then gave me a dirty look and left. Amusement jumped in Skylar’s eyes. He motioned for me to follow him.
Rose was setting up her surgical instruments in the operational room.
“Hey guys,” Rose said, as she laid a scalpel beside a huge needle.
“Hey, honey.” Skylar kissed her on the cheek. “ I have to go. I have a meeting with the clone sector. Something or someone messed up the programming of a batch of clones.”
I knew why he was saying this. He would have me check it out later.
“Okay. Be back in about five hours. James should be done surgery then.” Rose looked at the time at me. “Are you ready?”
“Great.” Skylar looked at me. “I’ll be going then.”
Skylar gave Rose another kiss on the cheek and left. Rose finished laying her instruments and went to the door. She called two names and a man and a woman walked in, both wearing scrubs and a masks.
Rose picked up the needle and started to fill it.
“Okay, James, this may hurt a little.”
“What is it?” I watched her tap the needle.
“It’s an anaesthetic. It will knock you out so that you won’t feel the pain as we operate on you.”
One of the nurses came over to me with a medical suit.
“Put this on.” She smiled.
I pulled off my shirt and slipped on the robe. Rose came over to me. She then took my pulse.
“Alright, James. I would like you to say your name backwards.”
“Niwdoog Semm, - “a quick sharp pain went through my arm.
“James, I would like you to lay back and relax. The effects should take affect soon.”
“Uhh, that one hurt.” I rubbed my arm.
Rose and the nurses began to work, their voices blending into a monotone rhythm.
“Okay. I am now going to make the first incision.”
A sharp breath echoed through the room. The barriers that I had been slowly rebuilding, crashed again. A feeling ran through me. I had never felt another’s pain before.
“Rose.” I felt my own panic push through the pain. “ Get out!”
“Its okay, James. Chemy just cut herself. Don’t worry.” She laid her hand on my chest and gently but firmly pushed me back down. She looked at the person who had gasped. “Chemy, get out.”
But it was too late. My barriers were down. I felt the different emotions building up in me. The pain, the calm and the anger clashed with my own panic creating a wave of sickness.
“Rose, you have to get out.” I tried again.
“James, settle down. Everything will be all right.” She began to prepare another needle.
“No - Rose - you don’t understand. You have to get out! My mind - I can’t hold my barriers anymore - all these emotions -” Suddenly the surgery tools rattled and Rose’s and the nurse’s hair rippled behind them as if a small current was in the room.
“Just take a few breathes.” Rose came over to me tapping the needle again. “Just settle down - you’re messing my hair up.” She laughed but I could feel the growing fear in the other nurse.
I tried to get up to leave. The remaining nurse grabbed me. The needle was getting closer, closer, almost to the point where it made contact with my skin.
Suddenly I felt the air thicken, and a great burst of force threw the nurse and Rose back several paces. The needle flew across the room.
“Get out!”
Rose finally caught on. “Get out, now!”
But it was too late. Everything around me exploded sending Rose and the nurse through the wall, and into the hallway. The nurse crumpled. I didn’t care because Rose was against the far wall, a huge splinter sticking out of her back.
I stood up slowly. I had to make sure Rose was okay. Before I could even take my first step Colton rushed in. He looked in my eyes. I blacked out.