Status: Read Authors Note, please and thank you!

Not All Treasure Is Silver and Gold

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

The boat ride to shore wasn’t as awkward as Robin imagined it might’ve been. As a matter of fact, the Captain didn’t so much as greet her when they descended into the waters. Robin felt rather insulted and was brooding the entire sail towards land, glaring out at the ocean, her arms crossed over her torso. Although, it was somewhat difficult to look serious brooding while sailing on the ocean. With every wave break, Robin’s body moved side to side, which only looked more amusing with her arms crossed rather than balancing herself. William kept giving her confused glances. Captain Jack Sparrow watched the girl discreetly, his moustache twitched in amusement.

Soon, the boat met land and the three were trudging through the sands of Tortuga yet again. Robin frowned once catching a glimpse of her scuffed up boots. Although, it wasn’t just her boots looking less than up to par. Robin’s clothes may have been dry, for the time being, but they were beginning to look grimy, most noticeably on her beige long-sleeved blouse. Robin cringed at the thought of looking at her reflection in a mirror.

Robin scrunched up her eyebrows, her thoughts digging into her memory. A memory of the dream she had last night. But as dreams often times do, they fade away and as hard as Robin tried to remember it, she couldn’t.

She sighed, defeated and glanced up at the men she was following. They were approaching Gibbs; the portly man waved them over.

As they approached him, Gibbs communicated silently with the Captain and led them down a small pathway. Rather than walking further into Tortuga, Gibbs led them towards a small mart by the docks. The line of people waiting for them on the docks were quickly noticed. Their boots thudded loudly as they walked onto the pier. Robin swatted her hair out of her face from the sudden gust of wind. Rather than her eyes being on the new crew, she glanced out towards the island. The scenery was a nicer view of Tortuga than she originally had. The rocky terrain would merge into the greenery that consumed the place. In the distance, she could make out a black cloud of smoke; a sign of life that she had already witnessed on this island. Robin smiled to herself. Never in her nineteen years of life had she witnessed such beauty beyond her homeland. Her homeland being… Robin again furrowed her eyebrows, her thoughts going fuzzy again.

“Feast your eyes, Cap’n!” Gibbs shouted, snapping Robin’s attention to the scene at hand. “All of them faithful hands before the mast and every man worth his salt. And crazy to boot.”

Will narrowed his eyes at the crew before staring at the pirate beside him, “So this is your able bodied crew?”

Captain Jack Sparrow responded by approaching Cotton and his bird. Robin smirked and moved closer to the two men.

“You, sailor!” Sparrow called out.

“Cotton, sir.” Gibbs added.

“Mr. Cotton.” He continued in his voice of superiority. “Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?” Cotton momentarily glanced at Gibbs before the Captain practically growled. “Mr. Cotton! Answer me!”

Robin scoffed aloud, “Well, give him a chance to.” She snapped.

Sparrow turned towards her, “She speaks now?”

Robin blatantly glared back at him, before he again turned his attention forward.

“He’s a mute, sir.” Gibbs informed the pirate. “Poor devil had his tongue cut out, so he trained the parrot to talk for him. No one’s yet figured how.”

“Now that’s a talented sailor.” Robin mused out loud.

“Robin.” William hissed at her.

“What?” She hissed back.

The Captain paid the siblings no mind, “Mr. Cotton’s parrot, same question.”

The parrot SQUAWKED, returning Will and Robin’s attention to the crew. “Wind in the sails! Wind in the sails!” The bird chanted.

“Mostly we figure that means yes.” Gibbs said.

“Course it does.” Sparrow replied, unconvinced. He turned towards the siblings, his eyes passed Robin and landed on William. “Satisfied?”

William replied curtly, “Well you’ve proven they’re mad.”

“Madness and brilliance do coincide.” Robin added matter-of-factly. The pirate finally looked at her, a whisper of a smile on his lips.

“And what genius told you that?”

“Actually,” Robin teased, “he’s more of a crazy drunk.”

“And what’s the benefit for us?” A crew member shouted, drawing everyone’s attention.

Captain Jack Sparrow immediately abandoned the siblings side and waltzed toward the source of the voice. He then hesitantly peeled the hat off the head of the source revealing a pretty woman’s face. “Anamaria.” He said with a grin. That grin quickly disappeared when she firmly slapped him across his face.

“Ouch.” Robin muttered with a chortle.

“I suppose you didn’t deserve that one either.” William commented.

The Captain frowned, “No, that one I deserved.”

“You stole my boat!” Anamaria shouted at him.

“Actually--” He attempted to say before being cut off by yet another slap.

“Gotta love slapstick comedy.” Robin muttered to herself with a grin.

“Borrowed!” Captain Jack Sparrow continued, “Borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back to you.” He said charmingly.

Anamaria was having none of it. “But you didn’t!”

“You’ll get another one.” He tried.

She raised her hand threateningly at him before her hand clenched and she was pointing a single finger at the pirate, “I will.”

Robin shared an amused look with her brother before William leaned forward and added, “A better one.”

“A better one!” The Captain cried in agreement.

“That one.” Robin joined Will in saying as they each pointed towards the Interceptor.

“What one?” Captain Jack Sparrow turned to them in confusion. Robin nodded her head in the direction of the boat, her amused smile still on her lips. “That one?!” The pirate growled, glancing back at the two. William widened his eyes at him and motioned towards Anamaria. “Aye, that one.” The Captain gave in, “What say you?”

“Aye!” Anamaria shouted and chorus of the agreeable word followed.

“No, no, no, no.” Gibbs sped to Sparrow’s side as the crew went to gather their things. “It’s frightful bad luck to bring a woman aboard.”

“It’d be far worse not to have her.”

“Yeah, Gibbs.” Robin teased once more, “What’s the worst that could happen? With two women aboard.” She held up two fingers for emphasis.

Gibbs eyes widened. “We’re bringing the lass?!”

William furrowed his eyebrows at the man, “She’s my sister.”

Robin nodded curtly and rested her hands on her hips, “And I’m certainly not staying behind.”

Gibbs smirked at the girl, “You’ll be learning pirate’s code soon enough.”

“I know it actually.” Robin said as if it were obvious. Will gave her a confused gaze.

Captain Jack Sparrow turned his eyes away from the sky to again stare at Robin in amusement, “Do you?”

Robin stared at the Captain, mocking his amused expression. “Haven’t I told you? I know a lot of things.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I meant to write a bit more than this, but alas, I'm writing this chapter at one in the morning and I still have homework to do. Sorry for the month long wait! Hopefully there will be more to come because I am just realizing how easy it is to write this story. It practically writes itself sometimes! (LOLOL right? B/c I'm basically using content from the movie! LOLOLOLOL)

BTW, I am actually considering a SEQUEL! I'm just planning it out at this point, but thinking about it is really determining how I'm going to end this story! Yall are in for a treat... maybe!